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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 2 hours ago, khunjeff said:

    I agree that it's a big, big stretch to call it human trafficking - that label is probably just applied so they can hold it up to the US and EU in an effort to avoid watch lists - but surrogacy and fertility treatments for foreigners really are illegal under Thai law:


    "Thailand bans commercial surrogacy for foreigners - BBC News"


    Thai police arrest man smuggling semen into Laos - BBC News

    The government introduced some pretty restrictive legislation about five years ago due to what appeared to be some alleged abuses.

    I recall there was a Japanese guy who was involved in what could be described as “factory farming” and an Australia couple who used a surrogate mother to deliver twins then allegedly left one behind as it had a birth defect.


    • Like 2
  2. On 5/26/2020 at 12:58 PM, KhunBENQ said:

    The DLT offices still don't do any license renewals/extensions.

    Offices are open for limited services only.


    The amnesty has been extended until state of emergency ends or further notice.

    The amnesty covers driving with expired license.



    Even without the amnesty you have one full year after expiry without additional effort.

    Just the usual eye/reaction test and probably watching video/lecture.

    I live in Chiang Mai Province and renewed the registration on the motorbike yesterday, apart from social distancing it seemed pretty much business as usual.

  3. 22 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Given that pretty much the only cases here in the last 3 weeks have come from quarantine facilities, you have to ask why the continuation of the emergency decree? You can't catch it, if there isn't anyone out there with it, to catch it from. The only conclusion you can then draw is that power hungry regimes never like to give any freedoms back to the people once they have it. I suspect many personal liberties will somehow never be fully returned, such as large crowds, which very soon may be in the form of starving and angry mobs.

    Seems like the only conclusion you can draw, try looking around the world at what other governments have being doing in relation to applying controls on their populations.

    I haven’t experienced any great inconvenience recently travelled across three provinces, in my own country I would be stopped by the police from traveling from one State to another.

    • Like 1
  4. 21 hours ago, OJAS said:

    But, there again, Western nations such as France and the UK who have, in effect, placed residents on indefinite house arrest should, on the other hand, be fulsomely praised to the very highest heavens as being the best thing since sliced bread in your eyes, shouldn't they?

    And don’t forget my home country as well State borders closed, police fining people, anyone arriving in the country taken under escort to a hotel room you couldn’t leave for 14 days

    Quite frankly I have found the “ restrictions” minimal and hardly an inconvenience, but then again I don’t usually go out after 10pm and  don’t visit bars or brothels ( sorry massage parlors)


  5. The last time I visited Sydney which was about five years ago one of the supermarkets we used had the majority of check out counters totally self service, you had to scan the items, bag them and sort out the payment yourself.

    Fortunately it doesn’t seem to have reached that stage here.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


    There is nothing funny about families being separated.

    Adults can cope (to an extent) but children don't understand why they aren't allowed to see their dad/mum !!

    They might not understand but kids adjust quite quickly, what about the kids in the UK and elsewhere during WW2 who didn’t see their fathers for years and some never again plus those sent from the cities to live in the country.

    Life goes on.

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    • Sad 2
  7. 1 hour ago, akampa said:



    "From 8 June, almost everyone arriving at ports and airports, including UK citizens, will be required to travel directly to an address they provide to the authorities, where they must then self-isolate for a fortnight." 


    quote from the Guardian newspaper

    I have a couple of friends in the UK both of whom are in their early eighties one of whom has a couple of “ chronic” health issues including COPD he received a letter from the government directing him not to leave the house for twelve weeks and not to receive visitors.

  8. On 5/22/2020 at 8:14 AM, dougiemac52 said:

    Such strange attitudes. First there wad the removing of China from the Thailand hotspot of countries list. So lets open our arms to them because they bring money. The country where the pandemic started.

    Now because they know they won't have enough quarantine areas they are asking hotels to take on the risk. You really couldn't make this up. Why not allow people who have family in Isaan like I have go back to there for quarantine and is it still 14 days even although you have a medical certificate ?

    Or is it like most rules in Thailand, never adhered to. Just hope my wife gets a visa for the US so she can join me here ????????????????

    We’ll it’s not only Thailand with your so called “ strange attitudes” Australia was doing exactly the same.

    Anybody entering the country was taken under escort by Police, Border Security or the Army to a hotel where they couldn’t leave the room for two weeks.

    The idea if you hadn’t worked it out was to stop persons with Covid infecting others

  9. On 5/21/2020 at 9:43 AM, prakhonchai nick said:

    Joe...not everyone has the foresight and intelligence that you (and I ) have.????????


    Some leave it till late. I helped 6 people to renew their passports last March, and the new ones have not yet come back as VFS is shut. 2 of the old ones have now expired.  HMPO will neither send the new ones to the Embassy nor direct to the customer.


    I really doubt the Embassy care any more than HMPO.

    With all due respect you don’t need too much foresight or intelligence to do some forward planning for the renewal of these important items, I really wonder how some of these people live their lives.

    Do they also forget to renew their driving licence, insurance and registration on their car/ motorbike ?

    These people must be on some sort of permission to stay and therefore the last time this was renewed they would have looked at their passports and seen the expiry dates.

    At the very least they could have stuck a big notice on the inside of the door.

    My Thai wife only today advised me that both her a Thai and Australian passports together with the three passports our daughter holds expire next year.

    No sympathy, sorry.

  10. On 5/21/2020 at 1:24 PM, sahibji said:

    sad to see Thai airways headed that way. it is a good airline.

    I would agree that it USED to be a good airline, I stopped flying international business class with them probably more than twelve years ago for the reasons that have been posted by many on this site.

  11. 7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    It is the main reason I have not flown with Thai in the past 4 years.  I had a flight to the US and back, but was bumped from my first class seat so an employee could take their trip, I do not care if it was a pilot or a freaking executive, you do not bounce a paying customer.  Instead they offered me a voucher for the inconvenience when I complained.  I ended up flying out on Korean Air, and have flown them ever since.  Never did get a full refund from Thai.  They are so screwed up.  Employee's may fly free but it should be on a standby only option, and if a seat is open then they can take it.  If a seat is already occupied and you remove that person for your free employee you are a unscrupulous company in my book.....

    To say nothing of being commercially stupid!!

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, ebean001 said:

    Dear Thai people, Please study what the USA did in the 1920's concerning alcohol. (they outlawed alcohol). Then study what it did to their desire for alcohol. If all the bars are shut down in Thailand it would seem, based on the USA experience, you can expect a huge disaster to society. Up to you to take a look at American Prohibition...19020s 

    There is no suggestion of banning alcohol only certain places where you can drink it

    Not everyone drinks alcohol in bars and clubs

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Huckenfell said:

    Lucky for you that you were not flying with Air Asia, i had 2 flights cancelled, but was only given the chance to request a voucher for later flights. Incidentally , to date i have only received 'promises.

    I think you are in a better position with Air Asia than Thai Airways, AirAsia has offered the option to fly for up to two years from the date of cancellation and if you read the “ fine print” there is an option to apply for a refund to be considered on a case by case basis.

  14. 14 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:


    I miss him, too. If you find him, tell him he still has fans.  


    I liked the the Crutch's articles, too, but mostly stopped reading the Post after being forced into retirement 5 yrs ago. If you're reading, Hi Crutch!!

    As the Sunday Bangkok Post has shrunk over the years and the supplement magazine contains nothing of value Old Crutch”s column is about the only thing we’re reading.

    Unfortunately where I live in the North the newspaper often doesn’t arrive.

    Try reading that last book he released “ The Long Winding Road to Nakhon Nowhere”

    Plenty of laughs and humor

  15. 26 minutes ago, ignis said:

    No...  Had a tetanus jab many years ago, they had to cut my shirt off as upper body swollen like a balloon, never had the 2nd shot and told never to have another shot..... Likewise with Penicillin have algae to that.. I do carry a medical card  stating this, but one wonders if Not my Hospital medical staff would check ? or if had a accident just get pump with the stuff.,, or would they look in my wallet to find my Hospital card. if I was in a condition unable to speak

    You could always wear one of those medical medallions around your neck on a chain, I am sure that would be spotted while your gold chain was being admired.

    Re the “algae” you contracted after the Penicillin shot, did your arm turn green?

  16. 2 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

    Because this is a forum where members share information. How much the vaccine costs in another country and the variations of the vaccine are important so someone can make an informed decision on whether or not Thailand is charging you the "farang" tax and /or if you are getting the correct vaccine in Thailand


    And if the information was so useless then why did you go to all the trouble to post it again ? 

    To ask you the question as to relevancy or don’t you understand ?

    Whether it is cheaper or more expensive in another country or free as it is in many countries is irrelevant it’s the cost here that is relevant.

    As to the correct vaccine required I will consult the persons qualified to provide such information, not those who think they are so qualified.

  17. 10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    It was one of our Prime Ministers, Malcolm Fraser, who said life wasn't meant to be easy. Cheer up, you can always enjoy being aggravating on TV with nonsense.

    I remember that but from all accounts it was a quote taken from someone else.

    I bet poor old Gough felt that way after what Malcom did to him !!!

  18. 22 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    In the US, the flu shots and now the new pneumonia vaccine are given without charge if you are at risk due to age, if on Medicare and most private insurance waive the co pay since it is in their best interest for you to not get sick and make a medical claim 


    Prices without insurance vary, here is  sample: 



    What is the relevance of posting the cost of vaccines in the US when this topic is about obtaining vaccines in Thailand ?

    Now I am aged 70 I think that all vaccines for me in Australia are free doesn’t help me here though.


  19. 14 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    What is the slaughter date of the fresh cuts in Australia. What is the transport time and the transport temperature of the fresh cuts from Australia. Has the temperature of the fresh cuts gone above 4 degrees celsius since the original slaughter and cool room storage


    You might ask the same question about the sold called beef produced in Thailand, together with the other meats sitting on counters in fresh food markets surrounded by flies.

    I have been eating imported Aussie beef for years with no ill effects, had some tenderloin a couple of nights ago bought from Makro full of flavor and very tender.

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