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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 2/13/2021 at 1:57 AM, Bourney0 said:

    My wife and I would like to do the same thing. We have a six-month-old son and recently contacted a prominent language school in Chiang Mai. Their answer:

    "For your 6 months old son, he can stay in Thailand without a visa up to 7 years old."

    That said, our main concern is the COVID PCR swab tests. We are not comfortable with our son getting this intrusive and very uncomfortable test three times. We have been asking around to find out if there is an exemption for young children like in Canada, the USA, or presumably many other countries but have not turned up much information.


    The Thai consulate in Los Angeles replied that they believe that even everyone (including infants) need this test in order to get COE.


    I don’t wish to sound uncaring, but I live in Thailand and have a daughter who is close now to five years old.

    Unfortunately in life there are often medical procedures that have to be carried out for the benefit of the child.

    I can recall when she was younger her being admitted to hospital and being placed on an intravenenous  drip, having that placed in her arm and changed every few days was far worse than any Covid test which involves having a type of cotton bud lightly moved around the nostril for a few seconds.

    I had one last week not particularly pleasant but I have had a lot worse procedures during my life.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Bourney0 said:

    That's correct, each person seems to need a full stack of documents. That's what we were also told by the Thai consulate in LA.

    As for the risk to a young child, I can only guess that having a young child screaming and squirming while a rod is inserted through deep through his nostril into his throat carries a risk of something inside the nasal passage being damaged.

    We were wrong about the U.S. policy. Children 2 years old and younger are exempt from PCR testing. For Canada the age ceiling is 5 years old. In any case these exemptions indicate some common sense.


    We would argue that PCR testing in general is not a good policy for diagnosis due to the inherent inaccuracy of this type of testing but that's fodder for another debate.


    I am not sure what sort of testing they carry out in your country but I had a Covid test carried out at a private hospital here in Thailand last week

    There was no use of rods only a type of cotton bud which the nurse lightly moved around one nostril.

    Nothing being inserted in your nostril is pleasant but what’s the option ?

  3. Considering the driving test here for two wheels, scooters or motorcycles is a farce, if there is some training course I cannot imagine what they would be training you for.

    As other posters on this thread have stated driving in Thailand is not like in Europe so before making your decision have a look at the numbers killed on two wheels.

  4. 3 hours ago, thaiowl said:

    Watched the first two episodes and then gave up....far too slow and disjointed for my liking.

    My view exactly gave up after two episodes found it depressing and kept flashing back to the seventies, but each to their own.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:




    Give retirees 10 year visas - why not ?

    Give Spouses 10 year visas - why not ?

    Give tourists 6 month Visas, even 1 year visas - why not?


    The only reason is the government are fearful people may ‘work here illegally’... but they will anyway when the circumnavigate existing rules and obtain ‘other visa’... 


    Anyone here long term spends money here long term. Thats surely an advantage to Thailand. 







    Surely the same applies in any country you visit you have to spend money to eat, you need somewhere to live all of which benefit the country.

    With my Australian passport  I can visit over 180 countries without the need for a visa, I doubt however that they will let me stay indefinitely.

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  6. On 1/25/2021 at 10:46 AM, toofarnorth said:

    How does a vehicle get its MOT/insurance cert. when it belches out smoke ?  Do they go to the nearest place that issues the certificates and say here is 1000 B if you don't test it.

    If I was one of the BiB in a car and I stopped a smoking vehicle I would want to see where it was tested and follow up . But of course I am not a BiB and that would involve work such as stopping 3 underage kids riding around on a Wave where none have a crash hat on.

    That’s what would happen in a Western Country but this is Thailand, but on second thoughts they probably get the certificate in the first place.

  7. 39 minutes ago, bt2017 said:

    A friend recently died and he had a nearly new costly laptop which his daughter requested in the UK.

    Thai Post have a courier service in conjunction with DHL cost of service was 3600bht. which included packing and arrived in the UK 3 days later excellent service!

    I had a friend from Australia leave one of his phones behind last year.

    Thai Post would not accept it to be sent by mail.

  8. 8 hours ago, robblok said:

    So what.. why do you expect the Thai government to take care of you. You are not Thai. I don't mind paying a private hospital. Also GF her company is looking into getting the vaccine themselves they are a medical company. I don't see the problem of governments not taking care of non Thais. 

    We made choices when we came here.. why expect a government to take care of us. If you want that then go back to your home country. There you are being taken care of have more rights.

    He is obviously suffering from Welfare State Syndrome, for which there is no vaccine or cure.

    • Haha 2
  9. 23 hours ago, at15 said:


    This is complete fear mongering nonsense. The WTTC said the other day that its discrimination and not necessary. The CEO of AirAsia backed up these statements.  No country is going to want to kill its travel industry. Personally i would never in a million years consider injecting any "covid" vaccine.


    Looks as if you may not be traveling to far,  the EU have announced that they are discussing the issue of “Vaccination Passports” and four European countries have already announced they will be issuing something similar.

    The intention of the above is to start international travel.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Similar, for about 12 years I flew Bkk to many regional cities, 2 to 4 times a week, mostly day trips, progressively their booking and check-in service went downhill, and their cabin service became disgraceful and often just rude. One example, my 18 yo old son on holidays flew with me Bkk to Jakarta business class. His ticket (paid by me) was the most expensive ticket class because his ticket had to match mine with total flexibility to continuously change flight/ dates etc.  After dinner all finished and cabin all quiet my son asked for a glass of Coca Cola. Hostess didn't stop just just kept walking and yelled back at him 'go and ask in economy class'. Several registered letters to TG, no reply ever. At that time my consulting company was conducting an organizational project for TG. I mentioned the incident to a very snr. mngr, his response 'never mind' I'm sure it will be OK next time' and changed the subject.  

    Another e.g. evening flight bus. class HK to Bkk, after meal finished a trolley on wheels* with buckets of ice, glasses, beer spirits placed at the front of Bus cabin then an announcement, 'TG now have a new policy, after dinner in Bus class all drinks are self service'. Passengers pressed the service button, no response; old Thai lady went to the galley and staff refused to let her get past the curtain but eventually she got a view of the activity - they were have a birthday party. (*trolley with wheels left unattended breaking operational rules.)


    I have spoken to others with similar experiences.

    We used to fly internationally business class with them for years until about ten years ago.

    Checking in at Bangkok for a flight to Sydney I was told my booking but not my wife’s had been cancelled. No explanation and a couldn’t care less attitude.

    Strange considering we had reconfirmed at the office in Chiang Mai the day before.

    After strongly telling them I had a business to run in Sydney and wasn’t leaving my Thai wife behind we were told to return at 8am about 2 hours later

    The desk was unmanned but there was an envelope in my name containing two boarding cards.

    Despite several emails I never received an explanation and have never flown with them again.

    There are plenty of airlines providing, better service, better food, newer and more comfortable aircraft with better seating all at a better price.


    • Like 1
  11. On 1/10/2021 at 3:53 PM, Jofefe said:

    @Pilotman @4MyEgo @theoldgit

    Many thanks you all.


    Sorry I was not clear enough about her name. The first name is the same and the family name different due to different laws.

    For example (I am imagining the names):

    Thai passport: PEREZ TAKSIN, WARAPORN

    Spanish passport: PEREZ RAMIREZ, WARAPORN


    It happened because in spanish law you have to put both of the parents family name but for her thai passports they obligated me to put her my complete family name, so that's why.


    Anyway, I have talked with my wife and we are gonna change her thai family name in order to match it with her spanish name so we will avoid any problem. I can't understand why thai law obligated me to put my complete family name for her when she was born and later allow people to change the name so easily...

    If I understand what you were saying you were required to use your family name ( what we call surname)
    It might be because when my daughter was born in Thailand I wanted her to have my wife’s family name on her birth certificate so that she didn’t have a mixture of Thai/ Anglo names.

    This was refused because my wife and I are legally married.( in Australia)

    She therefore had to have my family name on her birth certificate and therefore passports
    Different countries different rules.

  12. 37 minutes ago, bbas3008 said:

    Difficult to enter Thailand yes; just as difficult to leave Australia. 

    Very difficult to enter have an Aussie friend who has been trying to get back for months, the last figures I saw nearly 40,000 Australia’s stranded overseas

    Can only enter if citizen, permanent resident or close relative etc ( unless you are well know sports person etc)

    • Like 1
  13. 13 hours ago, l4ml4m said:


    I do not have any problem but I guess that by having over hundred supposedly highly qualified staff over the years I clearly know better than you that competence is not what you find the most here.



    You of course are entitled to your opinion and your comment “ I clearly know better than you ......” sums it up perfectly for me.

  14. On 1/3/2021 at 12:07 AM, l4ml4m said:

    5555555555555555 the joke of the day !!! thank you !!!

    it's famous that they know what they are doing here ! You know very well !!




    Plenty of qualified people here in many fields who know what they are doing I never have a problem, but then there are some people who have difficulty in making the correct decision because they don’t ask the right questions, perhaps you are one of them?

    • Haha 1
  15. On 1/2/2021 at 11:35 PM, balo said:


    Yes but will it be offered for free ? 
    In most European countries everyone can be vaccinated without any costs,  the government takes the bill.  

    It will probably be free for Thai people, why would you expect it to be free for non Thais nothing else in the health system is free if you are not Thai.

    Are you suggesting that if I visit a European country as a non citizen or approved resident it will be provided free.

    Somehow I doubt it as every other medical service has to be paid for, I know from experience.

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