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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 31 minutes ago, loong said:

    Maybe they should be congratulating Thailand on its geographical location.

    They could have added "Shame that you couldn't do anywhere near so well as Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam or Laos whose combined population is more than double yours, yet they have less than 1 quarter of Thailand's cases"

    Perhaps as well having seen the medical facilities in Myanamar, Cambodia and Laos you wouldn’t want to fall sick there.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Knocker33 said:

    Most of them do but at three times the price of buying it in Lao. So much for free trade

    There is supposed To be a free trade agreement with Australia but the imported wines are about double the price due to the taxes applied.

    It seems that free trade here only works one way.

  3. Obviously Thai Airways hasn’t  been following or listening to what the government in Australia have been saying about International travel.

    Unless it has changed in the last few days Scott Morrison the Prime  

    Minister has stated on a couple of occasions words to the effect of “not in the foreseeable future” “ not on our radar” and there is nothing in the stage three recovery plan.

    Even the issue of domestic travel and the so called bubble between Australia and New Zealand hasn’t been resolved.

  4. 11 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    It's not going away mate. These organisms were here long before we were and will be here long after us. Secondly, a vaccine is not necessary, go take a look at how effective the Influenza A and B vaccines are and, last but not least, take a look how the common cold virus, or the influenza virus, or the AIDS virus, etc., etc. are treated. Do they have "viable" treaments? How many trillions have been spent on AIDS research?There will be no "viable" treatment. Not in our lifetimes... This latest iteration of biological life forms is just one of many other constantly evolving organisms. What we have witnessed in the last 6 months has nothing to do with our safety, our health, our well-being. This COVID event, when you seriously take the time to look into it outside of the bought and paid for, controlled media, you come real(eyes) that we have all been duped. In other words... this entire lockdown is all contrived for nefarious ulterior motives... and it ain't good mate. 

    So the purpose of this rant is what?

    Yes we know that viruses have been around for years and that the majority survive after contracting them.

    I have had colds during my lifetime, the various influenzas, In February just before my seventieth birthday I picked up Influenza A and pneumonia, yes sick for a week or so but still alive.

    Regarding AIDS don’t know anyone who has ever been infected but probably like me they avoid the people and practices that put you at risk.

    I would be more concerned about Hepatitis A and B which  the doctors tell me is easier to pick up.

    Finally please enlighten me as to what are these “nefarious ulterior motives” because if it is all contrived there must be a conspiracy between governments around the world.

    I have been mainly following what has been occurring in Australia and the U.K. and the restrictions there have been far stricter than anything occurring in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

    who knows if he was confused doing visa once VS every single year the same documents


    do thais have to do the IO dance each year in our country? should they show 10x in savings the annual income of a poor farmer ?


    I don’t know which country you are from but a Thai age 50 years or over even with the equivalent of 800,000 baht in his wallet wouldn’t be able to just enter Australia visa exempt then stay indefinitely never mind trying to do the IO dance and I suspect the same applies to most countries.

  6. 51 minutes ago, Jcord1 said:

    How many total phases are there in this reopening plan.  I thought there were only 4, but the way they're describing what can possibly reopen in phase 4, it sounds like there are some things that will remain closed.


    When will I be able to get my teeth cleaned at the dentist office?

    Maybe you should ask them because my wife myself and daughter had our teeth checked and cleaned a week ago by our dentist.

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  7. On 6/2/2020 at 7:59 PM, KhunBENQ said:

    To avoid misunderstanding:

    vehicle tax and compulsory insurance still have to be paid (at DLT or otherwise).

    I assume that you can still extend complementary insurance (even if driving license has expired since Jan 2).


    I can confirm that is the case, I renewed the vehicle tax and compulsory insurance on my motorbike last week at the local DLT office.

  8. On 6/3/2020 at 5:25 AM, bkk6060 said:


    Waste of time especially if you travel around the country.  The dialects are different Thais lets say in the north, cannot understand everthing a Bangkok Thai says.

    I think you have it the wrong way around Thais in the North learn Lana which is the tradional language here but when they go to school they learn “ Central  Thai” which is the National Thai language.

    Only a couple of days ago I spoke to my daughters teacher regarding the same subject and she confirmed that if she speaks to her friends in Bangkok in Lana they don’t understand her but using “Central Thai” they do.

    Just for the record we have travelled extensively throughout Thailand and I don’t recall my wife having problems communicating with the locals presumably she speaks “Central Thai”

  9. 14 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Wouldn't be any choice, would there. It's quite nice not being treated as a threat to national security by being here and not having to jump through immigration hoops. Meanwhile, my Thai sister-in-law is stuck in Hungary with her Dutch husband (I know, but try to keep up), and on just her second visit there she is allowed to stay in that country with a five-year visa. Just a little bit different to Thai rules against foreigners. Neither of them are even citizens of Hungary, but they are made welcome with no 90 day reports, no minimum money in the bank, no visit by immigration officials, no photos of them at home for a visa extension, no anything. No government meddling in their personal life.


    14 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    Just as well for her that the Dutch husband is not Australian husband

    Exactly, the reason the husband and presumably the wife can stay is that there is unrestricted travel and residence in all of the EU countries if they were stranded anywhere else in Europe the same would likely apply.

    Wouldn't apply to me or my Thai wife, so not so easy really for everyone.

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  10. 32 minutes ago, thequietman said:

    And there's the problem! Dismissed, and yet still have a job. LOL.

    I don’t know which country you are from but in Australia and I know in some other Western countries even if a person has allegedly committed a criminal offence a process has to be followed before their employment can be terminated.

    Its referred to as procedural fairness or natural justice often the employee is suspended while this takes place, suspect that’s what’s happening here.

    Certainly applies to the police and most government employees in my country.

  11. 21 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    No laws against mating with cousins in the west.

    You can even get closer than that, and legally mate with your mother's sister.

    You are right there I have a friend in the UK whose daughter married her cousin on her father’s side it seems it’s not a problem.

    Could never have imagined mating with any of my mothers sisters, all a bit old, their daughter’s definitely.

    • Like 1
  12. 23 hours ago, aussie chris said:

    Well now it's an old car it's a 2010 Thai built Honda v6 luxury with only 67,000 klm's on it, full leather,sat nav sunroof, heated seats not much good in Thailand lol 

    It  really is a JOKE the silly taxes to bring a Thai built car back into Thailand , seems absurd to me !

    Obviously the reason for the new higher taxes on Thai built cars is !  

    1 To pay for the Submarine or submarines whatever it was ?

    2 To pay for however many Tanks they purchased ?

    3 And whatever other unnecessary war mongering items the General purchased !

    Although your situation regarding the car might be slightly different I think you will find it’s all about protecting the car industry in Thailand and jobs something  that used to apply with tariffs ( taxes) on imports into Australia.

    In those days not only did Australia manufacture cars, but white goods televisions, clothing, footwear etc.

    Then someone came up with the brainwave that there should be a “ level playing” tariffs were reduced or removed and now no virtually no manufacturing industries in Australia.

    Maybe Thailand has the right idea protect your own.


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  13. On 6/1/2020 at 6:05 AM, JensenZ said:

    I would have liked to use a harsher adjective to describe these people. You don't even need an education to know it's very dangerous. The police should be more involved in stopping this kind of behaviour. It's hard to see a baby through tinted glass, but quite easy on a motorcycle.


    Any mother that can afford a motorcycle is not at the level of poverty you describe and has options. There is absolutely no excuse to carry a baby in one arm on a motorcycle.

    As we all know unlike Western countries and for whatever reason the police in Thailand apart from the odd checkpoint to check on insurance and helmets are not proactive in enforcing driving laws.

    I have seen cars speeding past so called highway patrol police cars and no action is taken.

    Regarding affording a motorcycle although not in all cases many pay them off per month for years and at a high rate of interest.

    In the town where I live I know  the owners of a shop that sells motorcycles and they have confirmed that’s where the profit comes from

  14. 2 hours ago, brianthainess said:


    What i still fail to understand Is why my sub IO that ONLY does 90 day reports is still open and nothing said to me on not having to report 2 weeks ago, and why they don't have this sign up outside. just saying.

    They might only do 90 day reports for you but you will probably find that they are involved in other Immigration matters such as arresting and deporting illegal immigrants, which hopefully doesn’t apply to you.

    That is something that happens at the very small office I attend and they also didn’t seem to be aware of the suspension of the requirement to report.

    • Like 1
  15. 23 hours ago, Guderian said:

    A bit odd that every other government office I can think of is open as normal (perhaps apart from TAT and the tourism ministry, lol), but the DLT remains firmly shut. I don't much care what they announce about licences remaining valid after their expiry date, I hate driving with an expired licence.

    I think you will find the DLT offices are open for the renewal of the registration and compulsory insurance I renewed mine a couple of days ago.

    In relation to licence renewal the last time I renewed mine was in February and there must have been about fifty Thai people who had to sit in a room watch a DVD and listen to a lecture, somehow with this Covid and social distancing I don’t thing it would be a good idea, hence why it’s not happening.

  16. On 5/29/2020 at 4:24 PM, Mr Meeseeks said:

    I think a lot of expats, much like yourself, will be quite rightly reassessing their long term plans based on what has happened and what may happen. I know a few of my friends are. 


    It is quite clear to me that if you don't have a work permit or PR you are on a shoogly peg. 


    Can't say I am surprised as the writing has been on the wall for a while now though with immigration purges on overstayers, good guys in bad guys out, biometrics, immigration smart cars, door to door visits and general tightening of the rules.

    Long overdue as far as I am concerned the people you refer to above only cause problems for the majority who stay here long term and comply with the law.

    A prime example being the embassy letters relating to annual income for retirement extensions/ marriage visas.

    Individuals make false declarations, and I know of three who openly bragged, about doing this, then a convenient process is stopped.

    From the experience of myself and several expat friends we don’t have any concerns.

  17. On 5/29/2020 at 9:13 AM, Holoman said:

    I hope that THAI is in the air very soon. I have been flying Thai, former AIR SIAM, almost 100 times and i was never disappointed. This Airline has a very good equipment and an excellent Service on the ground and in the air. Flying Business Class with THAI is more delightful than First Class in some other Carriers. Even the Tourist Class with THAI is worth to mention.

    The only problem I experienced wit THAI was an 8 hour delay due to technical problems. All passengers were droven to Hotels near the airport where we enjoyed a midnight dinner and breakfast befor departure.

    So please come back, THAI AIRWAYS, I really miss you .

    I wonder what other airlines you have flown business class with to make comments like you have above.

    I stopped flying business class internationally with them about twelve years ago as the service deteriorated and their cost competitiveness fell

    As far as very good equipment look at the age of some of their aircraft.

    Regarding your  last comment I suspect the many thousands who will probably lose the money they have paid for flights will disagree.

  18. 1 hour ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    Nearly every country in the world has had the virus and it hasn't wiped out their populations. It seems the fear in Thailand in making things worse economically. Just don't let in older obese people with multiple health conditions and people from certain ethnic backgrounds from certain western countries.

    Must be the same fear in Australia as they are not letting anyone in or out as I understand  the situation.

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