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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 5/16/2020 at 7:56 PM, BritTim said:

    I do not find this announcement surprising. Perhaps, in the July to August time frame, limited services might be allowed from selected countries. We shall see, 

    Qatar cancelled my return bookings to the UK two weeks ago leaving late August returning September.

    That airline obviously isn’t expecting a return to normality anytime soon.

  2. 45 minutes ago, terryofcrete said:

    My normal flight itinerary is Dublin /Doha and return with Qatar . I look at Flightradar24 to see if flights have actually happened as schedules and for sure Qatar are still flying the route every couple of days without cancellation .How is this possible when we are not supposed to be allowed into Thailand I wonder . Could be repatriations but it’s unlikely many taking place still . I would welcome your comments . Now missing my “go to” lady in Bangkok very much. 

    I booked a flight last year with Qatar flying from Bangkok to the UK on the 25 August returning on the 18 September 
    I was advised last week that the flights have been cancelled

  3. 22 hours ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

    I actually suffer with reflux. Yep, it's an absolute nightmare that no one could ever have imagined. I was suppose to be to Europe/UK next month, but instead of looking forward to that I'm now chasing up refunds! Probably why I'm thinking like I am, had put a years planning into this trip, but instead now just stuck here in 40c heat.

    You are not alone we should have been returning from Australia tonight from a trip planned a year ago have just finished sorting that out

    Earlier this week was advised that my flights to the UK in late August have been cancelled.

    Its life unfortunately but would rather be here than either of those other two countries the restrictions here have been minimal in my opinion managed even to get my hair cut.

  4. 1 hour ago, Davedub said:

    I see this kind of "punishment" highly disrespectful and as an extremely worrying indication of underlying attitude. This sort of behaviour is borne of a desire to bully. These are the actions of those who enjoy exerting power over others, playing out their own little power trip. Quite simply, this is abuse of power. Left unchecked, this sort of behaviour will inevitably escalate and should never be condoned.

    Obviously you have never been in the military and I don’t mean in Thailand

    • Sad 7
  5. 1 hour ago, Percy P said:

    Can't friends be invited and sit distancing apart . Their not going to sit on their friends lap now are they.

    Some might I suppose,  it depends on the type of friend!

    The only person I get to sit on my lap these days is my young daughter.


    • Like 1
  6. On 5/10/2020 at 12:01 PM, jwest10 said:

    Don a very good point?? Frankly I do not know and people used to do this in normal days and afraid normal is not likely to return


    You don’t know the answer?

    1 Confiscate the booze

    2 Send the potential partner in crime home

    3 Drink the evidence

    Problem solved !!!


  7. On 5/8/2020 at 9:59 PM, Sheryl said:

    The schools aren't opening for I think still a  month or more, and presumably that would be delayed if there were a new wave of cases.


    At the moment community transmission in Thailand is minimal. Unless that changes I would not be concerned re COVID.


    Much more risk of your kids infecting you with the seasonal flu (for which is starting to be the season) than with COVID.  Get a flu shot...and the pnuemococcal vaccines if you have nto already. .

    I can certainly attest to that situation, I live in the North and our under four year old goes to a non government school.

    At the beginning of February I contracted Influenza A and then pneumonia in one lung.

    That cleared up and then one of my daughter’s teachers came down with another strain of influenza which yours truly here contracted.

    This is despite having the flu vaccine every year plus all the others available

  8. On 5/8/2020 at 5:20 PM, billd766 said:

    That seems to me that punishment and threats is all this government is good at. 


    690 people break the curfew, have friends around for a couple of drinks to relax. Up comes the heavy handed BiB, arrests and fines all around and the government threatens to ban the booze again for everybody.


    Whatever happened to happiness and reconciliation for the Thai people promised 6 years ago by the PM?



    Have a look at what’s happening in other countries people are being fined, confined to their homes, barred from visiting relatives what is happening here is pretty mild.

    You can take the risk but not me thanks.

    • Like 2
  9. 36 minutes ago, wotsdermatter said:

    May I suggest to the poster that you would get all of the correct information by contacting the Thai authorities concerned instead of the many varied comments from on ThaiVisa.  I am not trying to malign those who posted but after reading a few of the postings there is no consistency in what is written and even range from recent supposed information to some from several years ago.

    'nuf sed.

    I think that is the best advice seen given so far, I imported two dogs nine years ago from Sydney using an agent but it was not as easy as suggested by many on this site.

    Dealing with the authorities at the airport wasn't particularly easy until money was produced and what hasn’t been mentioned is that the quarantine office is only open from about 8 30am to 4 30 pm M- F

    Furthermore the import fee varies on the type of dog.

    If you google “ Importing a Dog into Thailand” there  is an excellent article by “Siam Relocate” which lists all of steps you need to take.

  10. We brought our two dogs from Australia about nine years ago and because it was a rabies free country no quarantine was required but we had to have certain vaccination certificates.

    They were sent out without us accompanying them.

    I do recall we had to apply for some  sort of permit before hand and when we picked them up at the cargo area there seemed to be a lot of bureaucratic procedures going from area to area including a veterinary person checking the paperwork 

    We also got hit by some form of import tax, the person had a list of the breeds and unfortunately our Jack Russell Terriers came near the top for cost.

    My view is that if you can avoid taking the dog do so unless it is easier by being on the same flight.


  11. 29 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

    In regards to the Convid situation, my wife and I had 3 x return ticket flights cancelled by the airline we were using and though we have contacted them several times by email at their nominated contact email for cancelled flights and refunds, we have never even had a reply to our correspondence. 2 of the return tickets were in Business Class, so not cheap tickets either. I think its a common story and I will just choose not to fly this airline again as a matter of principle. FUG Em

    Not sure if the last abbreviation is a clue to the airline but if they fly into Australia contact the relevant Consumer Authority.

    We were due to fly to Sydney on the 1 May but of course it was all cancelled we got our situation sorted out with Air Asia after some hassles I can appreciate they must all have been inundated with calls etc so will take time.


  12. 21 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    I might want a tshirt and have a look around every shop before deciding, then a coffee and then look at some mobile phones, it might take 3 or 4 hours if I have the free time, and it's no one else's business how long I take!

    Well unfortunately for you and your selfish attitude during this current situation it is the role of governments to try and prevent the spread of the virus.

    If you think it’s tough here have a look at what’s happening in some other countries where governments are taking stronger measures.

    In the UK for example some people cannot leave their homes for three months.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  13. 14 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Great stuff Stevie, thanks for that.


    I shall set Madam on course to obtain same, we lost a couple of chooks recently, they just stopped eating and faded out ????


    If you cannot get it send me a message I will post some  to you I bought about 12 packets ( I am just one of those people who doesn’t like to be left short)

    My local supplier now seems to have plenty

    • Like 1
  14. I have been requested to shown photos of the medication Bendon 4% referred to in my earlier post my veterinarian obtained the first supply but have since got a local shop that sells chicken food pet supplies to obtain some.

    It is a powder supplied in 30gm sachets at 55 baht per sachet, one packet will treat about 30 guinea fowl

    I treated them for three consecutive days mixing the powder with poultry food and adding a small amount of water so that the powder would stick to the food

    I am seeking clarification as to follow up treatment.

    The supplier named on the packet if not visible is Namping Livestock Ltd in Chiang Mai Tel (053) 809018-19



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:

    Can I get back to you tomorrow Monday regarding drug usage etc:, had cataract removed last week, need to limit time sat at a screen ?


    2 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:

    Can I get back to you tomorrow Monday regarding drug usage etc:, had cataract removed last week, need to limit time sat at a screen ?

    No problem at all there is no urgency I appreciate the discussion hope your eye soon recovers

  16. Further to my earlier reply it appears that Fenbendazole is used in the US for treating poultry and was approved by the FDA in 2018 it is available in liquid form under the name Safeguard there was also a reference to it being used successfully in Uganda of all places

  17. 30 minutes ago, Speedo1968 said:

    Thanks for the info, will certainly be of use to others.
    Though I have no farm here ( though did have in South America for a while ) I retired some years ago.

    I have worked in farming since the early 1960's, initially in the UK then in many different countries.    Most of my work since the early 70's has been with chicken and ducks.     Since 1983 I have worked freelance.


    Nematode infections are more common in the rainy season and with free range birds.
    Helminthasis, including "Heterakis" need an intermediate host e.g. earthworms, snails, slugs.
    The infection rates as with many diseases will vary from year to year depending on climate, this past year has been considerably different.
    Generally the larval eggs are ingested from fecal matter etc.

    It's unusual not to have seen symptoms ( unthriftyiness, inactivity, suppressed growth ) in the birds before death.    

    Pigs, as with many animals can suffer from infestations but I think the relevance here is that the same drug "Piperazine' is often / is the best used for horses, pigs, cats, dogs, poultry.

    I can find no recommended use of Fenbendazole with poultry !

    Could I ask if you buy in young birds or do you hatch from eggs from you own flock ?

    Hopefully you wash well any greens that you get from the local market.

    Good luck with your birds.


    Thanks for your response and your comments, the drug is definitely Fenbendazole and it clearly states on the packet that it is for use with poultry I did see reference to Piperazine when researching on the internet and will follow up.

    The Fenbenzadole is made here in Thailand and I was trying to contact the company regarding how often it could be used as a preventative measure, do you have a view or suggestion?

    Your comment regarding the rainy season is interesting as I believe the Veterinary School made a similar comment to my local Vet.

    We do have fruit trees which we irrigate with water so perhaps this could be providing the breeding ground for the worm not sure what the answer to that is.

    Regarding the guinea fowl we originally bought a few adults to which we added some more from a different source the rest of the chicks we obtained from our own eggs from the flock is there an issue with this ?

    Unfortunately just before the problem started I obtained a pair male and female pure white and the female died which was very annoying when I think back shortly before she died she was rather inactive but not the others. The report from the University did state that they were in poor condition

    Since the flock has been treated and although they were not showing any problems before they generally seem to look better a strange comment I know.

    Re the green food I always give it a good hosing and I do not use insecticide on the trees what spoils gets spoilt ! !

    Any further comments would be appreciated


  18. 20 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    'brought a tear to Rooster's eye' You and me both. My wife asked why I was crying.


    Just to be pedantic, apparently it was 125,000 birthdays cards.

    I am able to access U.K. TV and watched a number of new items featuring this great gentleman, being born in 1950, unlike my father and grandfather I avoided fighting in any war but watching this great man and his efforts made me feel very humble.

    • Like 1
  19. Compared with other countries I don’t really believe the restrictions faced by people living in Thailand have been particularly onerous ( apart from the people who have lost their jobs) 
    We live in the North and have been practicing social distancing avoiding unnecessary visits from home wearing masks and have become obsessive hand washers and sprayers.

    Sure I cannot have a daily coffee in my favorite coffee shop or eat in one of the small eateries but there is a service called takeaway.

    I have always bought my wine in bulk so that hasn’t been a problem and I don’t normally go out after 10pm 

    Last Friday we should have arrived in Sydney for a two week trip where on our arrival we would have been taken under escort to a hotel room that we couldn’t leave for two weeks

    After being confined to a room with my wife and young daughter for that period of time I think I would have been taken elsewhere under a different form of escort for a longer period

    It didn’t happen though as as flights were cancelled, always another day.

    So I don’t think it has been too bad compared with a couple of very good friends in the U.K. both in their eighties who have been compulsory required to remain in their home for twelve weeks.

    • Like 1
  20. 6 minutes ago, Seeall said:

    I have a few vechiles but the Vigo is not old and has ALL toyota servicings/receipts which us farangs put a hight value on.  All done on time with full synth oil..  HOWEVER!, what a shables of a place!!  where the heck do they find these untrained monkeys?  a couple of times some issue and they just keep changing parts untill "hopefully" its fixed and at the end.... you guessed it, a long bill for stuff thats nothing to do with the issue... (Yes us Rafangs are stupid with too much cash to burn!)

    They break stuff during the services then look suprised when yI return and point them out.........

    Grabby brages for one : They test drove it a few times.. seems hard for the head mech to feel the brakes grabbing/realse .. like thats normal or something..  the disks have been skimmed 2 times allready and new pads (no change) They ordereds new disks after telling me we dont skim here in Thailand!

     and by the time they arrived (Phuket)  I was so over travelling to the dealer...  gave it to my rally car mech friend and he pulled all the brakes apart and now like new..

    Another, a squeek skweek on a front wheel...  Dealer had no idea.. suggested change wheel bearings..  meanwhile I got new tires and mentioned it to the boy at the tre shop.. he knoew vidos... did something, no charge all good now...


    Been here many years..  Friend sent his Beemer to BKK after endless expensive cooling probless.. another had engine rebuilt at the Dealer with all his new  imported parts.. they ruuned it!


    So, seems dealers here are the oppisote of the western world... trained to follow checkboxes of change a filter or two and so on...  if not for the receipts I would stay well away..  same with the scooter... soft front suspention.. dealer has no idea but change the forks..  old guy down the road put heavier oil in.. JOB DONE!!!!


    need I go on?


    Find yourself a decent guy.. that knows you dont want to cut corners but also not get ripped off....  thats the best..


    Happy motoring..

    Hasn't been my experience over a period of nine years with both Toyota and Ford dealerships have been happy with the service standards only a couple of weeks ago they picked up a nail in the tyre small thing but I hadn’t seen it

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