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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. if it's money they want, then don't send a man to do a woman's job
  2. interesting, the cops allowed him to peddle for 5 months until an island boss decided he shouldn't be allowed to? Brett wasn't generous enough with his proceeds or did he marry the wrong girl?
  3. Mr Thanet is bringing some truth to the conversation, that doesn't happen often in Thai bureaucracy, hope they give that man a promotion
  4. will paying restitution to her keep him out of jail? I wonder if he thinks he can pay and go back home or is jail time compulsory for assault?
  5. special attention needs to be paid to scam centers, often run on slave labor with mafia bosses to steal from the vulnerable. it's as serious as domestic terrorism in my mind
  6. isn't this an admission that the wealth disparity will continue to widen and the middle class will fold into the lower class? seems the bank is betting the economic recovery is for the upper class only
  7. so now he admits to also driving drunk. isn't that a worse offence than public indecency? maybe the cops won't pick up on that confession tho
  8. Thailand is truly the hub of hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow. The entire populace believes success is always a day away. The fortune teller told them so.
  9. my attempt at humor based on her beautiful but sad face. I would never make fun of her plight, I'm just curious what her tears taste like🧐🙂
  10. who's a fight promoter here? put some gloves on these gals and charge tickets, there's tourism money to be made!
  11. my nephew in law developed a horrible meth problem while attending a very respectable Catholic school in Chonburi. apparently meth is available at every level of high school education, very surprised the administration is administering it tho
  12. is the Thai government now admitting there is an economic crisis? I don't recall a headline of them stating this before
  13. another stinging defeat for the Thai military! a sunken warship and now ceded territory? who is this foe that humiliates the Royal Thai Military with such impunity?!
  14. ohh princess, I bet your tears taste like wine
  15. I'm beginning to think it's not about driver ignorance or lack of law enforcement or poor driving, although those all contribute; but after reading all the headlines recently the fundamental issue in Thailand seems to be a lack of respect for life outside one's self
  16. there is a reason people of one nation want to leave and join another nation. it is wise that they adopt the customs of the new nation and not try to change the new nation to conform to their old traditions. if that's what you call nationalism than you can call me a nationalist. but most immigrants would also agree with this wisdom; except for muslims, they are open about bringing the caliphate upon the world. not my words, it's mandated in their holy book
  17. you may want to brush up on your ancient history reading. the Palestinians are the remnant of the genocidal 'sea peoples' that pillaged, burned and massacred their way through the Bronze Age until it was brought to an end under their scourge: Anatolia, Mycenia, the entire Levant. Only Ramses III was able to beat them back and relocate them to Gaza. Before you say 'the sins of the father' or what does that have to do with this, consider how Egypt and the rest of the arab world would rather watch them in their current state than to allow them into their borders. Historically and currently, the Palestinians are disruptors and destroyers and advocate genocide, philosophically and politically, and will quickly sacrifice their own citizens to achieve their goal. Global leaders are mostly indifferent Netanyahu's tactics for a reason, it's yet another war that the Palestinians have chosen and will still continue to favor. as the proverb goes: there is nothing new under the sun
  18. verbal assault? really? this in a country where kicking someone in the head is a pocket change fine; I was expecting more than a passing middle finger and f-u when reading this headline
  19. try Bali for a change of scenery, it's the best in the east
  20. how do they know he is fake if he wasn't identified or caught? just a polite assumption?
  21. another thai misunderstanding. time to phase the entire country out of that dying language and convert to english and watch the economy blossom. how can you expect to be a global hub of anything with a limiting language? it only serves to benefit their misplaced pride. if they really want to enter the global economy then it's time to follow the path that Singapore and Hong Kong chose and make english their language; it would completely revitalize their economy
  22. I think I remember the RTN's explanation was that a portal wasn't fastened before the boat departed for a short trip from Chonburi to Sattahip for some upcoming celebration. Storm? I don't remember that in the explanation at all; it was operator error from the start. I wonder if the USN will continue to sell to the RTN?
  23. how convenient, I wonder if he has ideas on how to turn the country around for the better?
  24. Freud said we create religions to escape the punishment of things we did wrong, it's one of the earliest traumas we go through as children so we create that escape through faith. Hitchens says all religion is man made because there is more than one religion. I think the metaphysical energy that inhabits all living things is called nature. When you die, return to the light - that is the source of energy from where we came and from where we will go, perpetually perceiving experience like a nerve ending for nature to perceive existence. Nature is the organism and we are a product within that process. The first Hermetic principal: the All is mind, the universe is mental.
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