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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. the photo is what's upsetting the members today? distracted by shiny objects much?
  2. what country was this beautiful society in? meanwhile the religious faithful of the illiterate paedo warrior prophet were robbing, raping, enslaving and killing infidels in the middle east in that same era
  3. New is quite the hustler, manager to get some good pay from this imagined triangle - and the injury pay to boot! all while working his normal job, he's a real go-getter
  4. I've seen and purchased beautiful pottery from CM, but what else is there in Thailand with craftsmanship adequate for the French?
  5. yes, the Iraq War was probably a mistake. we will never know what might have happened if history didn’t turn that way. was it 100s of thousands of innocents? seems like it was less but I didn't see those numbers. but to be sure, Iran cannot be trusted with possession of nuclear material. I doubt they would strap it to a missile on their soil, but they would supply the material to a future war effort they believe in
  6. yes, 'our/we' for governments and coalitions. the world views Palestinians as persona non grata - the Arab world (Emirates expelled all after a coupe attempt, Jordan also for the same, Egypt for the last 3000 years, etc, etc) and the western world. I'm against slaughter also, but Hamas isn't and Palestinians are still pro-Hamas. Israel is doing the best it can, and any other government would be doing the same if not worse. For the record, Palestinians have been pro-genocide since before they arrived in Gaza 1100BCE. Most world governments are content to look the other way while Israel eliminates Hamas for good reasons. Hamas uses its citizens as shields and the shields don't see anything wrong with this. Hamas is them and they agree with Hamas. They are making it difficult. Interesting that the once loyal son of a founder of Hamas is now extremely anti-Hamas. Also interesting that the founders and shot callers of Hamas are living in luxury in Qatar, content with the sacrifice their citizens are making. Hamas can surrender at any time BTW
  7. Israel is the tip of our spear with most Arab countries now in our coalition. Iran is the new North Korea but with near-nuclear capabilities and an open desire to use them. this isn't about keeping the peace anymore, we're halfway into a chess match with Iran (and Russia) with nuclear consequences. personally, I think it's brilliant that Israel and Ukraine are holding the wall for us. the least we can do is provide them sharpening stones
  8. no doubt looking to complete the projects to sell to the Chinese and Russians asap
  9. police will need to interview the surrounding neighbors and the land office to find out who is wanting this concession the most. let's see some old fashioned detective work
  10. years ago he suspended and transferred before returning as the best and brightest. I wonder what that was all about, what was said behind doors that he could return to his meteoric rise before crashing it yet again
  11. of course. it would be surprising if corruption wasn't involved in the process.
  12. jet-setter isn't the compliment it once was, nowadays anyone can be one, as common as riding a bus
  13. so the collab is really about China getting Thailand’s satellite rights before they get revoked.
  14. so this is immigrant on immigrant crime? fighting for drug territory, or? somehow the article stops short of reporting useful information
  15. are the chinese now world leaders in the scam games?
  16. that's not halal, mohammed would not be happy to know you drank alcohol, what's sharia law say about your punishment? or do you not get punished because you're not a woman?
  17. nobody thinks it'll be easy, it will actually be extremely difficult if not impossible! Thais will hate to hear it, but if you want to do it right, hire foreign consultants to show you how to do it correctly. why keep trying to invent the wheel? it's already been accomplished elsewhere in the world
  18. they also still adore Stalin, who oversaw the death, torture and starvation of 25-30 million Russians in a time when the life expectancy was in the 50s. difficult to understand the mind of a Russian,,, or a muslim, for that matter; interesting that muslim leadership won't condemn these acts, it is legal against infidels, according to their paedo, warrior prophet. condolences to the Russians, tho.
  19. good job, although this guy was collecting and hadn't assaulted anyone. now how about the 10 teens that gang raped the 13yo girl? any chance you can round up those habitual sex offenders next, while you're out and about? last reported, they were still living their best lives as free rapists in the community
  20. Jeezus, the news from the past few days are way over the top malicious. is it possible Thailand is getting crazier? way behind on rehab and mental health here, among other things. their path to enlightenment isn't getting the job done
  21. here's an idea for you Thailand: legalize sex toys for men, lift the ban on porn and give some of your poor, battered women a break. how many incredulous headlines of rape are we supposed to read before you do something different to change this endemic behavior? your girls and women are constantly bearing the brunt of your violent men. let them have some toys and porn to work out their aggressions on their own
  22. you get the tourists you deserve
  23. just do away with the last hints of democracy then, it keeps getting in the way of what They want
  24. I'm sure a Saudi prince or Russian oligarch would oblige
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