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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. word that can only be understood in Thai
  2. I wonder what percentage of Thais in Japan are illegal overstayers? Can they match Korea's 75%?
  3. they should've gone to Disneyworld, they clearly don't have a respect for culture or history
  4. "establishment of companies and subsequently transferred shares to Thai nationals to conduct real estate transactions with foreigners" the first part sounds legal, must be the 2nd part that got them in trouble? selling land to foreigners?
  5. surely, when they are searching for a suspect. but this is different and it's uncalled for. the outcome doesn't change when they speculate, they are only causing distress to the families. the note stated it was an accident, so it's unprofessional for the RTP to speculate to the public about their 'maybe' sex lives. I would sue for defamation is it was my mother.
  6. why does the RTP speculate on the irrelevant? this is a murder-suicide, the easiest case to close on day 1, she even left a note so you don't have to think too hard!
  7. that's true, I'm aware the US electoral college also does this. born in Virginia
  8. they should really eliminate the voting process, it's useless to encourage people to vote if you aren't going allow the results and then destroy the party they chose. ridiculous and shameful. Everyday I'm so thankful I wasn't born into this corruption. I don't know how Thai people can endure their lives
  9. why aren't sprinkler systems used in Thailand?
  10. agreed. HiSo mentality. I don't think Goat's friends were hiso thai males, or Goat is Thai and doing some farang bashing
  11. I'll grab my 'Merican running boots and meet you for a jog in the park
  12. collaborative partnership with France and Germany? that's charitable of them, I'm not sure what technical expertise Thailand will bring to the table of these 2 giants
  13. not much sympathy when he died contributing to the nationwide chronic illness that others are dying from. a fatal form of poetic justice
  14. yeah, go ahead and stay longer - not much happening here anyway
  15. DHT is prolific among Chinese farmers, many of whom don't know how much to use or how to apply.
  16. this is going to be a major sh*t show. sunk your American boat so you will build your own with the same budget? plenty of opportunity to pocket funds and cut corners, oh well, it'll end up on the sea floor anyway. what makes them think they can build a seagoing warship on their first attempt? they struggle to make ferries that don't capsize, now you're going to load them weapons and think they will be competent? must have some very strong amulets that we don't know about cause this has disaster written all over it
  17. take another look at those photos - that reef is completely destroyed, it's a wasteland. looks like they picked up the only thing alive and took a photo. too late to protect anything there, it's 99% dead. I grew up in the USVI and was a safety diver for a couple of dive outfits. If I were a paying tourist on that dive, I would demand my money back, it's all dead coral!
  18. who is the prosecutor that decided to take up this case? smells like virtue signalling at its worst when you prosecute the heros that make the world a safer place.
  19. c'mon, it's not so bad for a 3rd world military gov't that stops the job at 'good enough'. it's actually pretty good when you consider how bad it could be
  20. I would believe 700 is closer to the actual reality
  21. Thailand could make incredible money with a legalized weed festival, but a medical cannabis conference? yawn
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