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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. do I smell a new Thai TV franchise? Cops:Thailand! swooping in with cuffs, cash on the table, startled emotional meltdown, duck your head in the car... and scene. Thai producers are missing a moneymaker here, the people would eat up a 30min show of that!
  2. I wonder what punishment she will be sentenced? that's at least 2 lives she's handed over to sex traders to be traumatized until they're worthless to the trade. didn't mentioned the ages of the women so we can only guess
  3. very difficult idea to even begin imagining. like saying Paulie Shore should act more like Daniel Day Lewis, those 2 worlds will never meet!
  4. the beginning of many frustrations and expense in that line of work
  5. my hero! free the man or lock up Thai women for doing the same. oh, he's a foreigner so that makes it criminal...
  6. the hub of stress of fatigue, happens whenever I'm in Thailand too
  7. restructuring and new leadership means the previous president made some wrong decisions or didn't see impending changes coming and left the bank in a compromised position. the soaring household debt and low economic growth/forecast is a grim situation. I wonder how much bad debt they'll be wiping off the books
  8. ha, suckers fell for it as planned, let them vote and then pull the rug out. change will only come when He decides, and He will never risk the dynasty. the peak of the pyramid decides all in Thailand... voters? hahaha, don't believe the process, smoke and mirrors and a waste of time. 3rd world wanting to look 1st world but without the rights and with more censorship than the ***istan countries
  9. was thinking the same thing - book a trip and get a free MMA fight for entertainment, who's complaining? it's like getting a free appetizer with your entree. amazing thailand living up to its moniker
  10. much more entertaining to let the operators swing away over the honor
  11. oh a new hub opportunity? Thailand, the New Hub of Censureship
  12. like watching Marie Antoinette demanding blood for a scratch on her gold leafed wagon
  13. brakes didn't work, honked the horn but the dock wouldn't move
  14. wonder if it's tied to high numbers of russian/Chinese and the corresponding crime wave? just kidding, not wondering at all, organized crime wave by foreigners is a fact in Thailand
  15. what a moronic thing for an usurper to say, unless he means he hopes he won't have to overthrow the next government
  16. clearly putin is trying to create greater famine situations for Africa to increase the refugee numbers to overwhelm Europe and its economy. putin=world hunger
  17. hard to believe a thai expert in anything, and here's the expected contradiction in the last paragraph - anticipating a continuation of contraction in Thai exports! is it just me or does that statement nullify the rosy outlook of the preceding paragraphs? as if stating 2 opposing predictions will cover any outcome and protect one's reputation! so which is it - more exports or less???
  18. looks like he has earned chemical castration or lobotomy or life in prison or all the above
  19. more like following the path of my past experiences. and my experiences in building and oversight here leave much to be desired to say the least. but go ahead and champion the cause, hope you will be pleasantly surprised
  20. why wait for the facts? unless someone wrecked their car into the jobsite, this failure occurred during construction where the building standard is "good enough", once that level is reached then it's off to the next job, I see this standard in everything here, so of course there will be plenty more mistakes than a country whose standard is "as good as possible". I imagine there's an official construction inspector that monitors progress and safety, but is there really? unskilled workers doing the job while bosses are napping/scrolling and not supervising, it's not surprising . it would be surprising if this wasn't worker error and I'll be happy to be proved wrong after the investigation, you can tell me so if it turns out that way, and I'll do the same (after I'm proved right????)
  21. they will always have the poor desperate, but that won't stop them from living their best life
  22. surprised jail time isn't on the table for logging "precious" species, but maybe that got worked out on the spot
  23. hmmm, where were you the night the German went missing????
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