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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. hardly surprising, the pyramidion won't be moved by gestures in politics. at least dissolving MFP saves the country from another coup. the constitutional monarchy benefits the pyramidion the most; retains all the benefits without the responsibility, a bit like retiring with all the money, no?
  2. These Kuwaitis are kryptonite to Thailand
  3. must have been an 8yo scammer thinking everyone was a stupid millionaire
  4. trust a guy with autism to tell you the reality you don't want to hear
  5. Muslims won't stop being Muslims, their religion is flawed with violence, intolerance and oppression, so what can England do? it's heading for a civil war and the politicians aren't offering any solutions, very unpatriotic and naive of them. my sympathies, Britons
  6. I thought I was against the death penalty but I enjoy the idea of these terrorists dangling feet first over an alligator pit and hearing something about allah akbar
  7. they sound a little jealous that they weren't invited to the party. how does it feel? and how is it that MFP is the opposition when they won the most votes? I wonder if the euros can make sense out of Thai democracy
  8. Really? there's hardly a spot on Thailand’s reputation that isn't tarnished. all the secrets are out and the kingdom is oblivious... ignorance is bliss
  9. we need some gangs of Kuwaitis to protect us from these bouncers
  10. what's the rationale in allowing mass illegal immigration? I don't understand. meanwhile, Britons are an official minority in London and exponentially shrinking with uneven birth rates
  11. another week, and another teenage girl gang raped while the police look away. if it weren't for Gun, there would be A LOT less justice for abused girls, give that man a medal
  12. the unnecessary part is needing to have a reason to stay in Thailand. why must everyone fit into those 3 categories? so if someone is retired and aimless, he doesn't qualify? the only reason that should be required to stay in Thailand is to spend money, the rest is stupid bureaucracy again
  13. do the Thai really care about democracy? they don't know the difference, they are hardly existing where I'm staying, they spend their days wondering about food and superstition
  14. 75% Thai illegal status in SK, last checked. it appears thais have worn out their welcome
  15. we miss you - see at the next coup!
  16. why wouldn't he get special treatment? he's a political dynasty figure in the corruption pyramid, of course he doesn't have to follow the same procedures. if thais don't like it then they have to admit the obvious truth - corruption reigns supreme no matter who is in charge
  17. I wonder if they are secretive because it's tied to migrants or muslims in some way. looks like England can't take another hate crime without bursting into flames
  18. oh Thailand, identifying parody from reality is a sign of intelligence. if you can't take a joke and laugh with the rest of us than you do appear behind the times after all
  19. if they are looking for a deal, why not drones? combating drug crimes with an F16 seems like swatting a fly with a hammer
  20. Californian to the core
  21. were the Saudi pilots considered terrorists before they flew into the towers?young Muslims males are coming across the border, but whether they are freedom loving humanitarians or funded by a group is yet to be determined. same applies for the Chinese, if it is so difficult and expensive then why are they crossing illegally? here's some links you asking for: https://homeland.house.gov/2024/04/18/startling-stats-factsheet-encounters-of-chinese-nationals-surpass-all-fiscal-year-2023-at-the-southwest-border/ https://www.daines.senate.gov/2023/10/13/washington-examiner-illegal-immigrants-from-middle-east-arrested-at-us-border-over-past-10-days-steve-daines/ perhaps you should look at Europe's disasterous Muslim migrant experiment and the resulting damages to their economy, safety and heritage. they are dealing with a crisis because of their naive outlook on Islamic refugees
  22. that's a good way to look at it, but what worries me is the open border for Islamists and Chinese, both of whom have a negative to hostile view of the American way
  23. remember your post after England's next election, it will jump to the right. I'll be there to tell you, 'told you so'
  24. https://nypost.com/2024/02/21/us-news/7-2m-illegals-entered-the-us-under-biden-admin-an-amount-greater-than-population-of-36-states/ compared to 7.2m, which she owns as it was one of her two tasks in her administration. Joe needs to sign an executive order and bypass the senate, since this can be seen as a national emergency and an election hazard
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