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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. and yet the 72yo old child rapist still walks free after attempting to kill the pregnant 14yo.... unbelievable
  2. polls show a flip of the coin to win, but she could win more voters by making an example of the protesters that are defacing national monuments with hamas graffiti. seems that England has a similar border failure and some hostile Muslim migrants are shifting the sentiment to the right with similar and more violent antics. I expect the same movement in sentiment here if pro-Islam vandalism goes unchecked, it's a powerful image for Trump to run on with the Christian and conservative support
  3. 2 things that will haunt her: Willy Brown failed border containment I'm still hoping a successful governor will respond to his patriotic calling and run against the con man. truth is, neither deserve to be president and it's a flip of the coin. sorry to rain on your parade, Jing
  4. they should promote the ladyboys to tie in with the Olympic celebration
  5. does this have anything to do with the apple commercial backlash?
  6. and lose the most popular politician? what will the Thai do?
  7. an English name should be shorter than your Thai name, you can lose half that and it would still be too long
  8. dropping it on the loudspeaker without evidence to back it up... aawkwaard...
  9. I'm trying to read on the differences between thai and phil and you guys keep talking about your dicks, put it back in your pants and move along already
  10. well done, these reforms need passing before the next election
  11. TAT should hand out flyers to arriving Chinese with some basic rules like not to urinate at temples, not to kill kittens... you know, things that non-Chinese already know
  12. English is the primary language of the Info Age, if you don't know it then you have to wait until your info is translated and trust the translation is accurate. Thai is useless as an international language. learn English or get left behind. same could be said about Latin or Greek some millenia ago
  13. their great prophet was illiterate, the warlord idiot couldn't read or write a word of anything, hardly surprising his followers aren't well read either and feel threatened by the pen
  14. yet another rape with no charges filed, free to live a normal life while the police are doing what exactly?
  15. the hospital should be awarded for the remarkably short recovery time of their patient
  16. murder motive is difficult to differentiate among drugs, religion and mental illness nowadays. could be one, the other or all of the above
  17. Thailand appears to be slowly climbing onto China's lap already. their pyramid of corruption aligns closer to the bamboo fist of China than western democracy, unfortunately
  18. Muslims need to learn to submit to western law. file this under FAFO
  19. I worry about terrorism in Paris more than who will be sporting the games
  20. does writing a book make one a media contributor? when the elite complain in the spotlight, the crowd will throw tomatoes. should have taken your dad's advice and not contribute to the media's narrative
  21. the Democrat Party has officially lost me. they forced Hillary on by cheating in the primaries, they forced Kamala on by ineptitude. the Democrat Party is determined to lose its constituents and this race. the only hope they have is to energize the youngest generation to flood the polls. why does every election get sh**tier than the last!? I don't see a reason to vote this cycle, may the worst candidate lose
  22. Thailand’s military junta "democracy" showing it's true colors. sanctions to follow?
  23. he should have known about Thailand's 4 D's: Desperate Dysfunctional Dangerous Delusional this is the part of the Thai culture that visitors are attracted to, the TAT should lean into and not apologize for it.
  24. maybe Thailand will learn about responsibility and accountability one day. imagine if Jeff Bezos caused a similar disaster and left the tax payers with the damage
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