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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. sounds like a backpacker trying a hustle, at least he wasn't wearing a robe and carrying an empty basket
  2. naming your company after a fictional comic book tycoon is the first warning sign. I wouldn't invest in Wayne Enterprise either
  3. Islamic states are eager to accelerate catastrophic war so their caliphate can rule from the rubble, as it's written in their "holy" book
  4. they should be dipped in pink dye as a punishment. next offence is exile
  5. that would be a huge accomplishment if Sretta can pull it off, tho I wonder if the Thailand is stable enough for f1, being the hub of coupes
  6. perhaps some time at a buddist temple would help him, I hear they are peaceful and meditate
  7. why haven't Muslim countries aided their persecuted religious brothers? not even economic or political sanctions, they seem content with letting this Muslim land transfer to infidels. maybe they know China won't tolerate their nonsense like other countries do
  8. as Putin has been accepting North Korean arms... what's the difference?
  9. they may want to refrain from urging more reform until the court settles their case on calling for reform!
  10. unless topical snail gel will cure genital infections... ugh
  11. a nice slice of good news in a moldy sandwich
  12. your are quick to call BS, failing to realize you are comparing modern day Islam with 1000 year old Christianity. if you prefer to live in BS reality, than move to an Islamic state and see if your apples to oranges comparison holds up. especially if you are.a woman or gay
  13. you live in a different reality if you equate Mohammed and Islam with Jesus and Christianity. it's not coincidence that a direct line can be drawn from intolerance to terrorism
  14. I'd be willing to bet the temples make the most money from wealthy corruptors who donate to make merit
  15. you mean I can relax all day, sing songs, play on my phones and make enough to buy diamond bracelets? now I'm interested, sounds like a good stint for a few years
  16. why need their approval to correct a mistake, unless...
  17. ok, I'm already confused... former permanent?
  18. can someone direct me to this hospital? I have the sudden urge to get a physical. nice display of maturity on the husband's part, this got settled without the usual beatings and death threats!
  19. a sign demonstrating how to swim with ripcurrents would saves. post it on the flag pole, Thailand
  20. do it now before the China-Thailand railway is completed and boxcars of cheap products arrive
  21. is there any religion that has nearly this many terror organizations? Islam is a religion of terror: their prophet was an illiterate raping war criminal pedophile and their clerics are allowed to lie to protect their religion's 'honor'. look up the life of Mohammed and be prepared to be terrified. and any attempts to reform the religion's oppression from the inside were put to death.
  22. I just hope stoning doesn't make a comeback
  23. jeezus, pace yourselves with the polls already, it's going to be a long election year
  24. and a satisfying payout to the 'young lady' for her silence
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