not likely - Speaker Johnson got the Ukraine weapon package through the senate after meeting with Trump. Trump could have killed it on the senate floor. beware the military industrial complex
what is about Trump that every Republican who hates him will either back him 100% or quit? it worries me that the man demands personal loyalty over the constitution. also worries me that he won't acknowledge anything less than himself at the top of everything
what good does sitting around chanting do? want to make merit? then become part of the solution of taking down the scam centers. sounds more like self-pity to me
what a weak attempt to lay blame. obviously Trump was the reason for the assassination attempt. one hopes he will see this wakeup call and be less divisive and corrupt in the future
I wonder why, is there more to this story? also, 4 months is a really light sentence compared to the west! would be interesting to hear their side of the story, might explain why the sentence was so short
I fear for England welcoming Islamic males into politics. They are muslim first and above all and will work to change your country to one whose freedoms won't offend their religion. Listen to ex-muslims warn the west, there are plenty of youtube videos
they should interview ex-muslims about this issue. apostate Muslims are rare as it's considered treason and often disowned by family and put to death, if the family is devout to their code. there are some interesting youtubes from ex-muslims warning about their former religion
I wonder if you could get the wheels of justice moving by involving social media somehow. seems like some cases that are initially DOA are taken up only after it's brought to the attention of the public. I don't know where to start with that, but a number of victims in previous news couldn't get any action until they approached organizations like Samui Survive, etc.