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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. i can understand why teachers would be popular candidates, but why would someone pay to be a candidate and then pay to vote for someone else? looks like collusion but doesn't look efficient on the surface
  2. amazing all the petitions, motions and cases against current and former PMs, deputies, ministers in all departments. 'where there's smoke there's fire', Thailand appears to be burning from the inside out
  3. would that be hospital jail with family visitation?
  4. so she was 15 when she began motherhood, and her mother was 13 when she began motherhood... I wonder how old the great grandmother and great-great grandmother are...
  5. there's no photo credit listed beneath tha photo so that's AI generated... check out the next photo below that one of the 2 African aunties with the proper photo credit!
  6. Thais believe it's a quality destination because they compare themselves to Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. TAT is always aiming for higher numbers, I wonder if they are scratching their heads how they dropped 11 places
  7. they just sit and look around and say, "this should be good enough"
  8. interesting and/or suspicious how the recent polls and studies are refuting claims that weed is bad for Thailand when just weeks ago it was determined Thais and doctors think it is definitely a problem. it's as if someone wants it to remain legal for some reason.
  9. another medal earned by the SWAT team, and no casualties!
  10. this is the best news Thai politicians could hope for, their accounts will soon be flooded with offers they can't refuse! hands clapping with glee like Christmas morning
  11. stop burning waste would be a quick and easy leap in the right direction. corruption and economy are the real unsolvable problems for Thais
  12. I know a guy from Java who lost all his fingers on this right hand because he was carrying a firework with the same hand as his cigarette. he was a local hired for the day to move fireworks for an event. live and learn
  13. the traffickers should absolutely be jailed - but why aren't rapists also arrested? so many recent headlines of women and children raped and the cops can't be bothered into action, even when they know who it is and where he is at! must be a cultural thing? but it seems that at least some of these traffickers use girls that agree to it, whereas rape is entirely nonconsensual. traffickers and rapists need to all be jailed, I'm just wondering why the RTP are fixated on one but not the other. maybe it's for an international score on human trafficking, I don't know but it makes me extremely frustrated that women are beaten and raped and they can't find justice
  14. military car wash and cookie sale coming to your neighborhood soon
  15. hire some bar security guards for some kicks to his head to rewire his brain - Thai lobotomy
  16. definifing 'reform' as 'hostile' is a hostile definition. the committee need to be re-educated
  17. Thai gov needs to be shamed, but is it capable of feeling shame?
  18. hamas has no interest in surrender as long as it has people to hide amongst. Israel won't stop until hamas is eradicated. both sides are clear of their intentions so world leaders should save their breath, stand aside and let them finish, then reorganize the aftermath. it's a regional conflict that flares up every generation or 2 as new minds come into power. as my wife says: monkeys and tigers cannot get along
  19. the ancient astronaut theory is quite easy to believe and answers a lot of fundamental questions that are still open mysteries in history. we are just beginning space travel and manipulating genetics, and our planet is relatively new. what if the earth like planet orbiting proxima centauri was older than ours and they figured it out a few 100,000 years ago?
  20. will there be passengers from China who can't afford a plane ticket? who funded the railway to Beijing? hopefully not Thailand as the trade numbers favor China.
  21. you only live once, work on that 3some idea and give us an update
  22. I expect he will be announcing his candidacy next week then?
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