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Everything posted by cncltd1973

  1. the pitchfork mob rally cries are truly entertaining, some are hilarious like a Monty Python skit, but seriously, the paedos need to be studied not tortured by Sadists, they are an aspect of a flaw in humankind that isn't quite understood. besides that, chopping off the offending appendage is what Sharia law is all about, isn't it? hopefully this paedo will be properly interviewed for the sake of science and maybe one day this sort of thing can be identified and fixed before it's expressed on the innocents. OK, resume the mob cries...
  2. you caught me at a pridefully patriotic moment, my bad
  3. I don't care to speak for you, this is a non-issue, my original post was tongue in cheek, meaning that all of us famously disagreeable expat posters finally have an issue that we can agree on, but I suppose you are in a state of constant disagreement
  4. are you in favor of Thaksin, previously a fugitive on the run, posting bail while students who cannot post bail are wasting away in prison for the same offense? you are in favor of unequal standards to the justice system? I'm not sure what your stance is unless you are demanding to remain a lone wolf on all positions, in which case, why reply at all?
  5. I think the correct term for a group of Indians is a 'Pow-wow'. so the correct headline should read: Pattaya Police Raid a Pow-wow of Indians
  6. why are we still allowing Chinese students to have an American education? they have clearly been using that information to the CCP's advantage and to our national detriment. we should've realized when the CCP was sending students to Harvard and MIT that something was wrong
  7. local wisdom? I'd love to hear an example
  8. anyone with a supercar on these wretched roads is superidiot
  9. my wife's father gave her a golden penis to hang on her Keychain for good luck. one of the top 10 weirdest things on a keychain
  10. and risk the possibility of going to hell for eternity? better to strip down and cover all the bases just in case
  11. let's trade - mine likes 18 with a fan in her face and under a heavy blanket
  12. you have to look past the candidates at this point, it's more about for the president's cabinet and advisors. professionals at the table vs rag-tag misfits and family members trying their hand at the political helm of the greatest empire and war machine the world has ever known
  13. this election truly sucks. I thought we deserve better than these 2. why is the executive branch the weakest in the system? AI is a better alternative than what we've been getting as presidental candidates
  14. if MFP is dissolved then that should be the final straw for pretending Thailand is a democracy
  15. I don't suppose there was ever a poll of those in favor and those that oppose LM reform? I imagine the last election count will be as close as we get to that poll
  16. I'm not in favor of LM. I'm in favor of equal enforcement of the law. students are wasting away in prison because of this law, then so should politicians
  17. Thailand gov is guilty until proven innocent in this case?
  18. Chinese overproduction effecting global markets and destabilizing economies, just the beginning unfortunately
  19. finally something we all can agree on
  20. that's not a restoration, that's a reinterpretation
  21. one republican and now one democrat. tit for <deleted>
  22. too much corruption and not enough vision
  23. I mean, that they think 300 baht has enough worth to be a deciding factor in a tourist's decision to visit, indicates the state of the Thai economy that they value so highly an amount as little as 300 baht
  24. hopeless to get a response from the RTP unless they are publically shamed on social media. makes you wonder why they side with paedos so often
  25. what does intervention even mean in that situation? it would be like separating a tiger fight
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