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Asquith Production

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Everything posted by Asquith Production

  1. It’s been a tough week. I bought myself a memory foam mattress and now it’s trying to blackmail me (Gary Delaney comedian)
  2. Or 'Sweep it under the carpet' mission
  3. I think the chilling warning is a standard operating opener for a robber.
  4. Not just China. They are selling in in most european countries
  5. My worry and reason for not buying an EV is replacement battery, which would be needed after around 8 years. Its a significant cost, I believe 30 to 50 percent of its original cost. You are not going to be able to sell a second hand EV with a battery over 4 or 5 years old unless you sell very cheap. Does not make cost sense unless you put away the money you saved on fuel.
  6. Mahasarakham immigration a place of friendly officers, plenty of parking no queue and your extension of stay in around 30 minutes (if you have all your documents). A great place.
  7. It would be better if the rear of the certificate was in Thai. Thais then may have a better understanding of what they are signing.
  8. I got excited for a split second. In 2026 I am planning to visit my English sister who lives in Toronto and also take in some of the World Cup games. I want to take my Thai wife's eldest also as he is a football fan plus expand is travel experience. The host countries being the US Canada and Mexico. I just wonder how the U S is going to handle visa applications from fans of 48 countries, anyway. Looks like I can now just apply for a US visa for him and that will save having g to apply for a Canadian one also
  9. And flip flops are not the best running shoes.
  10. Many thousands have also done. Not sure what your point is.
  11. Well you understand wrong. Son finished his Masters and still had to do lottery. He lost and got conscripted 2 weeks ago although he only as to do 1 year
  12. What needs to be rehearsed? Surely it's a crime file containing evidence.
  13. The local motorcycle repair shops would have managed.
  14. It's a shame that 9 individuals had at to commit to killing themselves. Certainly not a spur of the moment action on their part. RIP
  15. The average Thai are not partnered with a farang
  16. That's great. The old government as worked out for you in your adopted country. Would you like to ask the average Thai if they have enjoyed their government for the last 10 years?.
  17. Maybe the Government should ban the fitting of horns to vehicles. It would probably save more lives than if fitted. Lol
  18. Why? When the money is going to charity and holocaust research.
  19. Identified and confessed? We have seen how they get confessions. Re parading around please read my first message which said it should be a sterile area with no other people that it effects there. So when making a comment make sure you read it all and keep up.
  20. Obviously you have never been Involved in collecting evidence and do you believe Thailand are the only people who do some sort of reenactment?
  21. Totally disagree. Every legal method to obtain evidence should be tried. Nothing worse than having a fall guy. What should happen is that the public are not allowed anywhere near the accused espically those it effects. The crime scene should be completely sterile.
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