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Posts posted by kwilco

  1. For ... Samui is an island that has a very high standard of facilities catering for the enormous population of Europeans who live and visit there.


    Against .... Samui is an island that has a very high standard of facilities catering for the enormous population of Europeans who live and visit there.


    Remember...its an ISLAND!


    • Haha 1
  2. On 4/24/2021 at 9:06 AM, ukrules said:

    Most people will be vaccinated by next year some time and this will all be over.

    Most certainly not.....IF the vaccines cover 70% of the population by then, it will be a miracle. They firstly need TWO jabs......then to suggest it will be "all over" is just completely ignoring the facts. Covid is not going away at all, it may be more under control, but Covid is here for the foreseeable future. And an almost inevitable consequence of this is that EVERYONE is going to need booster jabs at least on a yearly basis. I can't see Thailand being particularly efficient at any of this.

    The current situation re vaccinations is pretty dismal ....

    "Thailand had until last month experienced only minor outbreaks and has been slow to procure and administer COVID-19 vaccines, with only 1.6 million doses used so far.

    Health Minister Anutin Charnvirankul said on Friday he expects 10 million to 20 million doses of the Pfizer (PFE.N) vaccine to be available in the second half of the year." - Reuters


    that means probably less than 1/3 will be vaccinated by October.


    so anyone thinking "it will all be over" has their head either in the clouds or in the sand.

  3. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    This COVID business will not go away as long as unchecked foreigners and others crosses uncontrolled and unguarded borders between Thailand and other neighboring countries and until they will find a solutions how to either minimize or stop it all together, this COVID will be alive and well and killing Thai people and the Thai economy...

    Every country has ingress from foreigners to some extant - this is unavoidable. The problem is a governments ability to monitor and continue. Unfortunately the Thai authorities apart from draconian lockdowns have very little else in their arsenal. They have a healthcare service that could not contain a big outbreak, very poor statistical gathering and collation and a vaccine program best with changed and delays.


    Thailand basically locked its doors to 40 million people and that means the amount coming through is statistically negligible, what is of concern is the authorities to act rather than apportion blame.

  4. 5 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Answering to a question with another question is never a good sign

    usualy you lost a lot of credibilitiy doing that

    i still don't really know what is your goal or your plan 

    you never answered to this important question too that i asked to you last sunday

    Yes I have you just don't understand

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Brierley said:

    I sense that you don't understand how things work here. It's all well and good to have ideals and principles and to fight for good causes etc etc but they have limited effect in Thailand because there is almost no enforcement of any aspect of life here. Arguably, enforcement of foreigners visa's is the most policed aspect of life here.

    As a long time resident and worker in that region, I was fully aware of both the problems and the protests of the locals. I suspect you are out of touch.

  6. 9 hours ago, Brierley said:

    until the general population makes its displeasure known, until the medical and scientific community initiates enough studies and produces enough damning evidence, nothing much is going to change.

    There are many reports and citizen protests, the problem is th dictatorial nature of the government that has more or less absolute power to do nothing. 

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Brierley said:

    And actually, the EEC doesn't have a monopoly on this sort of thing, Western countries are notorious for making stringent rules about pollution which they immediately break on a regulars basis. Case in point the UK which it turns out now pumps raw sewage into the sea, polluting swimming beaches, on a regular basis. And we complain about Pattaya doing the same thing!!! https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/nov/06/raw-sewage-dumped-into-english-and-welsh-beaches-2900-times-this-year



    I fail to sea that pollution in other countries justifies the pollution in Thailand.


    in fact the situation is quite different as the regulations in Thailand are both insufficient and unenforceable. Most of the military government have vested interests that in Europe and UK would have to be declared.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Zoos are prisons for animals which are not guilty of anything and which are condemned to be locked up for life only for the pleasure of a few human visitors and to enrich the owners of the place

    Yes - these days is are very few justifications for any zoo, but the Sri Racha establishment was actually a circus and showed all the signs of speed-breeding; techniques used in Tiger farms that supply carcasses for TCM.

    normally there is a "winery" nearby......

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  9. Far from complaining the Industries that moved here were encouraged by the BOI. However they do have departments of social responsibility and are aware of public image which successive Thai authorities don't seem concerned with.


    This article sites several reports from the 2007 and on.


    Their conclusion......

    "The predicament of Mab Ta Phut residents is further supported by the results of an environmental govern- ance assessment carried out by the Thailand Environ- ment Institute (TEI) and the Thailand Environmental Governance Coalition (TAI Thailand), which revealed that the Government had persistently encouraged the operations of industrial plants at Mab Ta Phut to the detriment of the health of the communities and the en- vironment."


    With the EEC the situation has the potential to become a lot worse. Primarily it is the Thai people who suffer but I doubt if the foreign retirees and workers would be happy to learn of the extent of pollution in the region. If they fail to move in or start to move out it would do the local economy any good.

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