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Posts posted by kwilco

  1. It seems since Covid first hit that Thailand has been low on infections more by luck than intention.

    It seems strange that after the experience of unrestricted public holidays in other countries, Thailand still went ahead with Song Khran.

    Basically they have sent to population of Thailand to all four corners of the country and brought them back again. This can only result in an increase in infections.

    how serious it becomes is a matter of speculation at present.


    It is worth remembering that vaccinations will not be truly effective until a figure of 70% of the population is reached and that lockdown and restrictions are the only effective protection at present.

    There may also be a difference in how the various new strains function in Thailand too.

    • Like 2
  2. On 4/13/2021 at 6:20 AM, Mavideol said:

    what's the population of Israel, Bahraim or Serbia.... China is not on the list  maybe the reason is due to poor vaccine quality/efficiency  555


    China's Sinovac vaccine is 50.7% effective against COVID-19, just reaching the threshold to be a vaccine worth using, a major trial showed



    here is a current list - UK is doing well but not as well as the government would have you think...this is FULL vaccination....



    Screenshot 2021-04-16 at 13.48.45.png

  3. On 4/13/2021 at 6:20 AM, Mavideol said:

    what's the population of Israel, Bahraim or Serbia.... China is not on the list  maybe the reason is due to poor vaccine quality/efficiency  555


    China's Sinovac vaccine is 50.7% effective against COVID-19, just reaching the threshold to be a vaccine worth using, a major trial showed



    Yes - this is classically an uniformed way of unanalytically looking at the available information.

    you need to see how this sometimes peer reviewed papers are compiled and on who and in which numbers...... the 50% figure was derived from helathworkers of all ages in either Peru or chilly or Brazil.

    Other figures are relating to hosplialisations in older groups - e.g. over 70 so you are basically comparing apples and oranges.

  4. I don't see what he's proposing....

    It just seems to be a claim that he is right and others are wrong - he doesn't appear to be asking for any legal recognition, welfare or even closing down...


    He seems to understand a lot about the industry but clearly is very archaic in his assessments.

    "Chuwit said that there were a million women in the sex trade"I'm sure there are but it is not only women involved in providing sex and there is as he refers to a huge number of people in the industry who may not "do the dirty deed" but undoubtedly earn a living from it, drivers, managers landlords etc etc.

    In Thailand it is very common for politicians to speak not the truth but what they FEEL should be the situation...hance ideas about there being no industry or trying to close the industry.


    He is unusual in that he speaks close to the truth but vey typical in that he is not proposing and improvements..


    PS - It always amused me how the old retiree population of immigrants never seemed to fully understand the sex trade in Thailand thinking that they were the main source of income....how "expat-centric" can you get?

  5. 5 hours ago, Moonlover said:


    I ask for evidence because a lot of people waffle on this forum. I assume from your answer that your are among them, unless you can produce some evidence. The onus is not on me to provide the proof.



    Me neither...if you think it's wrong, supply evidence to the country.

  6. On 4/3/2021 at 11:59 AM, polpott said:

    Wrong on every level. All Brits on being given their first dose have been given an appointment for their 2nd dose. Next month will see a dramatic rise in the numbers having had their 2nd dose. They are now vaccinating the over 40s. All adults will have been given the opportunity of having the vaccine during July. By October all will have had the opportunity of having had the 2nd dose.

    Most Brits have NOT been given their appointment for a second jab - onlyy in some special cases and the time timetable stretches into the autumn. (I have had jab number one).

    the current situation is thus....

    People under 50 without underlying medical conditions in England may now have to wait until May for their first jab. They will have to book their jab.

    18 to 50 should have their FIRST jab by the end of July.

    "In the UK, people were initially told they would get a second dose three to four weeks after the first. But to ensure a quicker roll-out of first doses, the UK's chief medical officers extended the gap to 12 weeks." - BBC.

    this means that 18 years to 50 will most likely have to wait until October for their second jabs - assuming there are no further delays in supply.


    in the meantime foreign travel without both jabs will be limited to those who can satisfy their prospective destination countries.







    • Like 1
  7. On 4/5/2021 at 6:16 AM, RR2020 said:


    Science said Thalidomide was a great drug.


    Approved..........the best experts in the world said it was safe.


    Doctors prescribed it for lots of things.



    How did that work out ?

    one of the most important spin-offs of Thalidomide (which incidentally is still in use for certain purposes) was that it triggered the adoption of far more stringent testing procedures. This has prevented a reoccurrence so far.

    the process of how Thalidomide produced deformities is now understood

    And so there is also the nature of the vaccines produced.

    Thinking that they can produce dramatic or genetic faults is just about the same as putting your Yamaha Nouvo in a shed and worrying it will turn into a Harley Davidson.

    • Like 2
  8. On 4/3/2021 at 12:41 PM, DJBenz said:

    There is vast amounts of nonsense spouted on this forum about vaccines, but this takes the biscuit for utter wrongness. See @polpott post above. 

    How come?


    Britain has 8.9% vaccinated as of yesterday which puts in about 8th place.....without the second jab people will not get a valid certificate..

    Screenshot 2021-04-07 at 14.48.28.png

  9. 23 hours ago, DJBenz said:

    This applies to all countries administering two-dose vaccines, not just the UK.

    There is a perception that UK is way ahead of other countries with vaccines - the reality is that other countries are administering BOTH jabs - it is unlikely that the over 40s in Uk will be jabbed twice before October is over.

    In countries with a 3 week break between jabs, those people will be able to get a vaccine passport recognised by the Thai authorities.... as yet the majority of those "vaccinated" (regardless of numbers) in UK do not qualify for a a "Vaxport" ... and won't until the end of the year.

    There is also no plan to vaccinate younger age groups - 20 to 40 yrs

  10. 11 minutes ago, hansnl said:

    Yes, the western tourists left, and it is questionable if they will come back.

    It all boils down to profit maximisation by the rich, the poor took away too much.....

    The western tourists came for the little people, not for the rich.

    And Chinese come only one time, they are not coming back time and time again like the western tourists.

    Everybody lost, even the Chinese investors..

    Chinese represent about half of all visitors to Thailand....I don't think Phuket is an exception.

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  11. International travel on holiday is not permitted from UK until 17th May at the earliest, regardless of any other restrictions.

    the next hurdle is going to be vaccination passports. It seems likely that many countries will require these.

    As yet hardly anyone in UK has completed to 2 jab vaccine course, so this needs to be done and ten an internationally recognised passport system needs be put in place.

    I suspect Thailand will be keen to use this system.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, swissie said:

    I too come here for the wine and the temples only.

    Back on topic:
    As long as I can remember, Thailand was never famous for offering young Farangs viable career opportunities (unless working for an international company.) Young Farang English teachers will soon find out that their salary will not go far when it comes to "Wine, Women and Song".

    I have always associated Thailand with "retirement paradise". But as the Visa-situation, increasingly unfavourable exchange-rates and other factors make it increasingly hard for long-term residents here, no wonder that some are starting to look for alternative "retirement-paradises".

    Chances are that neighboring countries will also thighten Visa-requirements. (See thread "Thinking about leaving Thailand for the Philippines" in the Pub sub-forum). = The new Philippine Immigration-Rules must take this country off the list of possible alternative retirement-heavens. Under these new Immi-Rules, anyone still considering the Philippines must be mad.

    A harbinger of things to come in S/E Asia? I am afraid so.

    Finally: If unlimited funds are available, one can retire EVERYWHERE. It's for folks living on a limited retirement budget that may soon find themselves in a "difficult" situation.
    "Acts of God" = overnight Governement Regulations having screwed-up their retirement plans (for the most part).

    So why do none retire to Thailand?

  13. 21 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    So many recent posts are so sad, but typical.

    Too many with WWWM syndrome.







    You can hear and see it in their posts. 

    Yes, most of these situations are a you problem.

    Blah blah..women control me, Thailand and the world!!  A bunch of scared weak babies.

    Wake up males ( you mostly are not men) and try growing a pair!!


    V my post.... QED


    I think a large number of posts show why many people would be totally put off if offered a job in Thailand........


    Why would any qualified professional with family want to work in a place that is populated by rejects from  19th century Dodge City?

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