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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. Mwkong doesn't realy drain into THailand very much. It's the Chaopraya basin that we should be watching.
  2. Probably need to look at the construction of these buses.
  3. Maybe they are becoming aware of how polluted the area is and the potential for fires and similar disasters makes it even more risky.
  4. If bitten by a pit viper, you most probably need to get antivenom ASAP. this is the standard advice...... Get Emergency Help; get to a hospital. Try to keep your heart rate down to slow the spread of venom. Keep the affected bitten limb at or below heart level. Take off tight clothing, brings etc, that could restrict swelling. Don't try to suck out the venom, apply ice, or use a tourniquet. Keep as still as you can to minimise venom spread. Keep a track on times and symptons as it helps the doctors. In short, the only thing to do is get to a hospital ASAP; you need professional help. Delays and quack medications just increase the severity of the situation.
  5. Pit vipers are one of the most common sources of snake bite in Thailand, there habitat and behaviour frequently brings them into close contact with humans.
  6. looks like many people will just stay out of the country for the required time.
  7. As I said I'm not debating that in fact pit vipers for various reasons are the most common source of snake bites in Thailand. - but one thing we can be sure of is that traditional medicine didn't cure him. Many people in Thailand dies every year from bites because they delay taking proper treatment by going first to the local healer. THis guy WAS a local healer and is using to incident to promote his quackery. PS - how do you think it "cured" him?
  8. You most certainly will swell up with a dry bite - they are very likely to be bacteria and of toxins even residual venom - the guy certainly needs a check up.
  9. This has already been mentioned. Up to 50% of pit-viper bites can be "dry" - or only a small amount injected the absence of symptoms doesn't guarantee that no venom was injected. Some symptoms might develop later. Though dry bites generally result in no venom or very little being injected, there's always the possibility of minimal venom release, making it crucial to monitor symptoms after any snakebite. Even without significant venom, a snakebite can still lead to significant complications due to bacterial infections or other contaminants including tetanus – this guy may still require proper medical attention.
  10. OK - o we take his ID of the snake as gospel? I don't think it actually changes the argument either way - the point is that "traditional" medications don't work and often exacerbate the situation.
  11. Even if the snake does a dry bite a small amount of residual venom may have got it. Also a snakes mouth contains a lot of bacteria. imagine what you would look like if I stuck a couple of dirty nails or spikes into your foot.....or have you ever trodden on a spiky vine in the tropics - wounds quickly become infected.Also even without a bite, if you put a tourniquet around your ankle your foot will quickly swell up.
  12. There is a problem for some time in Thailand with snakes bites and all other bites as well…….While traditional healers play an important cultural role in Thailand, victims delay in seeking medical help for bites preferring local healers or traditional medication. This often results in worsened outcomes, including higher risks of amputation, long-term disability, and death. Public health efforts are ongoing to address this issue by promoting better education, faster medical response, and integration between traditional and modern healthcare systems.
  13. The reasons for no marinas is partly topography but mainly 30 years of totally oppressive regulations regarding visiting yachts.
  14. Smaller trucks may not have airbrakes.
  15. the premise being that Thai drivers are more stupid than wasps.
  16. THey need to look at the mooring facilities, and the regulations regarding crews and touring yachts from other countries - basiclly the bureaucracy and fees make marine or sailing holidays in Thailand almost impossible for foreign yachts
  17. Yes - I"ve been present at a couple of these fires and the smoke is scary.....my experience has been that both company and authorities tend to play it down. Especially any aftermath.
  18. How bout the smoke and fumes released? Are they hazardous?
  19. this is a golden opportunity for the so-called "experts" on road safety to voice a litany of baseless largely racist prejudices - of course if they'd been invlved it wpould never have been their fault because they\re such "superb" drivers.
  20. That is not the situation in a road crash - what you are doing is theriocide
  21. OK - enough pigeon chess. You've started to use words you don't understand.
  22. Your responses give me the impression you have no idea what this is about.
  23. Silly man you don't realise it's not what you do, it's what HUMANS do - or are you not human?
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