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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. "Correct"? That merely shows up the paucity of your thinking on the topic. FRANCE has for decades used nuclear power. Whilst some are impressed by its green credentials, others are totally opposed due to the disposal problems. You appear to be a google reliant one quote wonder.
  2. Here's an interesting dupion. A solar powered car that will run for MONTHS without charging.
  3. The difference between a skeptic and a cynic. A skeptic examines the facts to see if they support the argument. A cynic just uses negativity and cynicism to cover their in ignorance. You are no skeptic.
  4. I have to ask what you think you are implying....and I suspect you have no idea.
  5. This is incorrect and sadly indicative of the publics general misunderstanding of the problems.
  6. This is a typical single issue response not only does it not appreciate the whole situation but it doesn't even begin to consider what "enforcement" entails. It is NOT just a matter of getting the police to "do their job". It requires a total reformation of both the police and the justice system This would require major constitutional reform. It also requires a redesigning of the road system, markings and signage etc. The establishing of a new set of road safety laws and a national sea change in public awareness. Successive governments have chosen to ignore the advice of road safety organisations and by doing so, allowed the situation to get worse and worse. They are going down a road that is increasingly difficult to get back from. Failing to properly identify the problem just makes it worse.
  7. Your argument is about 10 years out of date. After all that has been said on this thread, it says more about your own understanding of the topic than what is actually happening.
  8. What do you expect this report to achieve. The advent of EVs is a done deal...its happening get used to it. Any arguments about power supply etc are iirrevant.... it will happen... There is nothing you can say that will stop them ...
  9. I think your perception of how the motor industry us set up is clouded by racist overtones. So how about the mini? Durcati,Triumph Toyota, Mazda, izusu, Ford, GM, Nissan, Mitsubishi what are these? Do you really think it matters where they are built or rather assembled ...do you think that is the only factor.... how do you attribute a "nationality" to a car these days? I suspect your ideas are based on racist principles. I doubt if you have ever visited any of the car plants in Thailand...I have worked at several.
  10. Almost all major Japanese brands have factories I Thailand so there are no import duties. Cares built outside Thailand can incur up to 300% duties before import. However Thailand has progressively introduced FLASH with many countries including Japan do I'm not sure what the current situation is. There are assembly plants of brands like BMW and Merc who use TKD to a void a lot of duties. And maybe one or two Japanese models may only qualify as TKD. These can incur up to 150% duties. The Mini is a TKD import in Thailand. In the meantime Thailands motor industry continues to be in the world top ten.
  11. Sample of one on one is hardly convincing, especially as it seems to contradict a lot of other sources.
  12. Well you've done OK on the geography test. Now see how you get on with reading and comprehension.
  13. Nonsense, of course They don't and the quality is fine... Why do people always attack a new car maker with the same jaded old cliches
  14. You didn't make a point...your thoughts are clouded by your own bigotry. I was referring to the OP and you added your own misconceptions to it.
  15. Never trust a person who uses the word "expert" to back up an argument. It just shows they don't know how to put forward an argument.
  16. Read the OP.... So what about other countries using brand names.... Ford, Rolls Royce, Bentley, I think you've demonstrated my point. Even though you didn't write the OP.
  17. It looks to me as if the entire premise of this thread is based purely on dislike or even hatred of all things Chinese. The idea of - only care to buy cheap - is just not true. Chinese now make international quality vehicles at a very reasonable prices and a full range thereof . The OP may not like the idea but China is fast becoming the largest motor manufacturer in the world. We've seen this happen before. The West is overly smug and complacent. Japan and Korea, however, have learned from the past and have a much better chance of competing.
  18. Not right either. Fossil fuels are fir the huge petrochemical I dustries in that area...not charge motor vehicles....they are used in plastics, paints metal production and thousands of other ways..
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