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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. £50k is between 10 and 20% on UK houses in the South.
  2. In the UK.....£400 Per month for a small àll electric range 375. Including all taxes servicing and insurance. Our local flats for the elderly will be fitted with power points in the park next year. The town has 3 charging points. Àlso most of the local supermarkets have charging points. Çharging points are easy to set up as they don't require enormous underground fuel tanks. Buyers of electric cars are expected to share charging points too.
  3. Suggesting every penny from electric subsidy is one out of subsidy fir the poor is a simplistic false dichotomy
  4. You seem to be way out of date with your info. Chinese çomonies are already the world's leading manufacturers of electric vehicles. Both u dugenous and foreign companies... e.g. VW ...targets fir next year exceed 13,000,000. Quite apart from export, China has the biggest home vehicle market. Subsidies may well play a part in some markets, especially like Idia where urban pollution is killing 10s if not 100s of thousands per annum The electric car is no longer a rich man's preserve. The motor industry rightly or wringly has thrown its weight hehind the all electric carand things like I frastructure are developing exponentially. Almost every argument in your post is now out of date or invalid.
  5. So should I stop buying internal combustion engine vehicles? Maybe just diesels? That doesn't burn, does it,
  6. So you're saying thst petrol is combustible? You'll be saying it produces greenhouse gases next
  7. No really???? OMG how come only you knew that?
  8. Back in the day, to get a top ten single, you would hold back supplies and release them altogether in one week....that way you were assured of a top ten place. I suspect Tesla are doing the same by controlling delivery of their cars . However I doubt if 5 years ago anyone would have thought they would even register on a list like that. Tesla are not even the biggest producer of electric cars anymore.
  9. Any foreigners likely to be visiting Samui archipelago are likely to be fully vaccinated. As such they are less likely to catch the virus or transmit it. However if they do pick up the virus from a local and have to quarantine either before they go home or on arriving home, they sint gonna be very happy with Thailands domestic precautions.
  10. OK... That's it! I'm NEVER gonna buy an electric car. I'm gonna stick to the good ol' internal combustion engine...coz there as NEVER EVER been any explosions or fires with them...and that's a fac!
  11. Hacking is not ßufficient reason not to go electric. ICE , fuel can be drained, they are frequently stolen, they too suffer from fuel shortages and they emit harmful chemicals diety into the air around them....but oeople still buy them.
  12. You wrong, you're looking at different years...the body styles of frog eye and Midget were different but essentially the same car. The subsequrnt models were identical, they were exactly the same...
  13. Double declutch to go into first. The mini shared the engine oil (bathwater!) with the gearbox ...... so not looking after the engine oil lead to bearings etc in the box failing.
  14. Please don't start sealioning me because YOU didn't know this....it just pathetic. The reason is that Chinese businessmen are usually chauffeur driven during the week and need the extra keg room in the rear fir work. At the weekend they all join owners clubs and drive themselves on rallies and club meetings.
  15. I suspect if that represents your criteria for contact with the opposite sex it would suggest the marked lack of success that drives men into the arms of the bordello girls of Thailand
  16. MG have a factory in Thailand.. specialising in RHD vehicles and will soon be exporting to Australia....who sadly no longer have any motor industry of their own. Chinese in Oz are bý far the most rapidly expanding marque on the market
  17. It has been claimed that without the Chinese Market BMW wouldn't turn a profit. Did you know that most Chinese Beemers are about 4 inches longer than their EU equivalents?
  18. https://classicmotorsports.com/articles/sebring-special-mgbs-window-racing-1960s/ https://www.24h-lemans.com/en/news/le-mans-2001-when-mg-started-a-war-16574
  19. Difficult to answer that as your premise and conclusions are so bizarre. Do you know why Germany has a surplus? Do you also know that BMW have major factory in Chi a?
  20. the origins of the Chinese car industry are in the 1950s. These were Russian based vehicles. I'm not sure who but before the war or revolution... my guess is it would have been under licence. I doubt if there is much prewar connection with today...apart from military? The Chibese were totally technologically outclassed by the Japanese in the Manchurian invasion. before WW2 Ford, GM and Benz had assembly plants in Shianghai
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