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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. USA foreign policy rule one is to get it wrong. Domestic policy rule one requires a bogeyman. The rest of the world looks on in emotions ranging from aghast to derision. There are so many posts on this thread that display a naivety that is so typical of US foreign policies for the last 100 years.
  2. People don't realise that in 2015, the Britsh motor industry was the biggest it's ever been. Any shrinkage is now caused by closures and moving of production. This will apply for EVs as well as they will have the same supply and market access problems.
  3. Not sure what you are referring to... do you mean "car" or "motor" industry. Return from what, when, where?
  4. There seems to be a temptation to try to dichotomise the issue. The changeover to ekectric is far more complicated than just electric good/fossil fuel bad. As for the UK second hand car market, a lot of that is down to Brexit. Supplies of new cars has been restricted world wide but exacerbated in UK by borders and logistics caused by Brexit . Vehicles affected are "nearly new" vehicles as people look round for good replacements for their older vehicles. It is also worth bearing in mind that in poorer countries second hand vehicles maintain a much higher value than in rich countries.
  5. Sunderland will have the same problems as any manufacturer in UK and that is access to both market and suppliers.
  6. Who knows? Well, people can make an educated guess. The key is critical thinking which helps to sort evidence from propaganda. Cars and all products have a 3 phaseife span. Making, usage and recycling.. Just using a product for a long time doesn't necessary help the situation as they tend to contribute more to climate change whilst in use and are less surabke for recycling after that
  7. Some false premises. Ekectric cars are only part of a raft of measures needed. Electric cars are not solely a toy of the rich. Fossil fueled cars have been subsidised in various form for decades.
  8. Not sure where you get that idea from. It's incorrect. Are you confusing diesel-electric with electric?
  9. First land speed record was an electric car in 1989 But difference now is that the energy portability to weight ratio is beginning ti cimoete with petrol...and diesel .... so the current models of all electrical are becoming viable. Worth noting that Toyota are still putting their money into hydrogen powered vehicles which in the long run are a much better solution. Let's hope they don't go the way of Betamax!
  10. £50k is between 10 and 20% on UK houses in the South.
  11. In the UK.....£400 Per month for a small àll electric range 375. Including all taxes servicing and insurance. Our local flats for the elderly will be fitted with power points in the park next year. The town has 3 charging points. Àlso most of the local supermarkets have charging points. Çharging points are easy to set up as they don't require enormous underground fuel tanks. Buyers of electric cars are expected to share charging points too.
  12. Suggesting every penny from electric subsidy is one out of subsidy fir the poor is a simplistic false dichotomy
  13. You seem to be way out of date with your info. Chinese çomonies are already the world's leading manufacturers of electric vehicles. Both u dugenous and foreign companies... e.g. VW ...targets fir next year exceed 13,000,000. Quite apart from export, China has the biggest home vehicle market. Subsidies may well play a part in some markets, especially like Idia where urban pollution is killing 10s if not 100s of thousands per annum The electric car is no longer a rich man's preserve. The motor industry rightly or wringly has thrown its weight hehind the all electric carand things like I frastructure are developing exponentially. Almost every argument in your post is now out of date or invalid.
  14. So should I stop buying internal combustion engine vehicles? Maybe just diesels? That doesn't burn, does it,
  15. So you're saying thst petrol is combustible? You'll be saying it produces greenhouse gases next
  16. No really???? OMG how come only you knew that?
  17. Back in the day, to get a top ten single, you would hold back supplies and release them altogether in one week....that way you were assured of a top ten place. I suspect Tesla are doing the same by controlling delivery of their cars . However I doubt if 5 years ago anyone would have thought they would even register on a list like that. Tesla are not even the biggest producer of electric cars anymore.
  18. Any foreigners likely to be visiting Samui archipelago are likely to be fully vaccinated. As such they are less likely to catch the virus or transmit it. However if they do pick up the virus from a local and have to quarantine either before they go home or on arriving home, they sint gonna be very happy with Thailands domestic precautions.
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