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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. the origins of the Chinese car industry are in the 1950s. These were Russian based vehicles. I'm not sure who but before the war or revolution... my guess is it would have been under licence. I doubt if there is much prewar connection with today...apart from military? The Chibese were totally technologically outclassed by the Japanese in the Manchurian invasion. before WW2 Ford, GM and Benz had assembly plants in Shianghai
  2. What a ridiculous think to say...all of these I dustrues would benefit from EU membership. Germany stands out as being the only example of a country that has a trade surplus with China.
  3. I think by those comments (and others) you clearly don't understand how the motor industry or any other I dustry works. Chiba is clearly aware how some markets will be prejudices agai st their products If you look at how they took over the MG brand you'll see what a disastrous mess the indigenous British motor industry was in.... Most brands have all or part of their product made in China...they often choose not to promote this. But one thing is sure...China are capable of making some of the highest quality products on the planet.. As with the advent of Hapanese manufacturing, Indigenous manufacturers need to look carefully at their own products and production, because if Chinese turn their mind to it the days are numbered for the Indigenous producers.
  4. Total nonsequitur....how can anyone even think that is a valid argument. I ask you.
  5. Lot of ignorance about motor cars and a lot of bigotry aimed at Chinese and Japanese... sounds like racism to me.
  6. Not everything yet.... Electrification is the way the industry us going.....but they still need good low consumption ICEs for the next decade. Also engines to run with hybrids. It is unfortunate that hydrogen at present is the underdog.....notably with Toyota being the exception. Currently global sales are between 3 and 5%
  7. Look at the 3 cylinder Fiesta...lighter, less fuel more power fast and better reliability.. ICEs need to go this way .
  8. Big oil know where the money will be and the world's largest user/producer of electric cars will be China and S.E. Asia. Currently some of the biggest coal burners will soon be driving electric. Furthermore China is the world's largest producer of solar panels. Have you seen the wind turbine Park on the highway to Amata Nakhorn? I think the world is leaving you behind
  9. As I said earlier some people are completely out of date. My neighbours electric Mazda has the same range as my Navara had People grossly underestimate how far electric has come. Thailand is a little behind d places like the EU but within a year or 2 you will look back and laugh at your post.
  10. Like so many, you've got the forecast wrong. In fact just today the UK government included hydrogen in road fuel grants for the future to keep in line with the EU. Toyota have already retailed a hydrogen car as have a couple of other Japanese manufacturers. Furthermore oeopke overlook that hydrogen is already in place in many buildings like hospitals. I agree it could be like Betamax v VHS, but as there uses are already established I think there is a good chance we'll avoid this.
  11. Thailand will soon be building electric cars.... meanwhile the import costs are already lower than the300% on ICE vehicles and 150 on TKDs. It seems to me that Jo Average has grossly underestimated the rate of Chang to electric. The motor industry has embraced it 100%. Any claims about lack of charging points are basically risible. And as fir price...leasing is helping new sakes and running costs are already lower than many ICE cars. Soon the secondhand market will have models available too. Thailands motor industry was based on the pickup, but they are already abandoning this and elsewhere factories are closing or switching... the extra skills and tech machinery required for monocoque construction are already in place. The only sad part is that hydrogen power may get sidelined in the rush. Chinese already have plant in Thailand and you can bet they will lead the way in electric vehicles
  12. Every time a new country enters the market the dinosaurs tell us their product is cheap <deleted>. China has the biggest motor industry in the world and builds some of the highest quality products in ANY field..... cars are no exception... and in the next years or rather months they will be keading the world in electric cars. Meanwhile peooke like Brexiteers are withdrawing from the world market and complain about China
  13. Cluster or Outbreak? UK epidemiological definitions. Cluster criteria Two or more test-confirmed cases of COVID-19 among individuals associated with a specific non-residential setting with illness onset dates within a 14-day period. (In the absence of detailed information about the type of contact between the cases). End of cluster No test-confirmed cases with illness onset dates in the last 14 days. Outbreak criteria Two or more test-confirmed cases of COVID-19 among individuals associated with a specific non-residential setting with illness onset dates within 14 days, and one of: identified direct exposure between at least 2 of the test-confirmed cases in that setting (for example under one metre face to face, or spending more than 15 minutes within 2 metres) during the infectious period of one of the cases when there is no sustained local community transmission - absence of an alternative source of infection outside the setting for the initially identified cases End of outbreak No test-confirmed cases with illness onset dates in the last 28 days in that setting. Note: The threshold for the end of an outbreak is higher than the end of a cluster.
  14. What is needed is a map of the new cases showing how they are connected or not.
  15. Yes there are...the Bhavana Vocational College has about 500 students.. There are also the Uniue or other tertiary colleges. I get the feeling that if there is an outbreak at one of these there could well be a cover up.
  16. You just don't get it, do you. Commuters???? There are hundreds of different ways people and therefore the virus can get onto an island...boats ans supplies have to arrive every day. But because islanders get a false sense of security, once it arrives (inevitably!) then it spreads. Everything sone says people with the vaccine can get covid, my heart sinks. WE ALL KNOW THAT! The purpose of the vaccine not only prevents people from getting sick eg. The islanders it also prevents some from getting it at all. In the end this shows down transmission. So ve clear vaccinated people are less likely to spread the virus. Basically like so many in Thailand you are displaying a very limited knowledge of both Covid and vaccines. That is why it's taking so long to get it underway control and tourists dint want to come. Islanders are <deleted>tiing in their own nests.
  17. Shows the problem with islands. They are relatively enclosed communities and outbreaks can be intense. Islands can get a bit smug about being Covid free but infection to some degree is inevitable. You can never remain Covid free by isolation...in the end you need to vaccinate everyone or as near as possible Those unvaccinated are the biggest risk of being spreaders.
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