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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. It will add to inflation, these approved vendors will be happy and pay some % in taxes, it stimulate the economy and buy some party lotality. But most most importantly they will get whereabouts, email accts, phone numbers , current addresses of everyone and a more accurate population number for 250usd. Surely the 4km or if there is a distance it will ne based on current address.
  2. China isn't going to return in numbers in the next 8 months. Tourism numbers are actually pretty high for the 9 months so far but still hurting?
  3. You should know a it about statistics. Just try to find a 2 sigma gal in Thailand. Im sure there is a homely gal dreaming of a person like you. Just hope she doesn't do any investigating of your social accounts as a high IQ would probably do.
  4. I am guessing they left immediately with a change of departure dates. Just called his pilots and said start her up . I wonder if his guards were packing? Sad to see this type of shooting spree foing worldwide. Rip.
  5. He usually does. And quite well mostly. I usually just think "Ditto" If this story is true, that one or more Thai government officials, actually talked about sending a complaint to Iceland, it says it all about whats wrong with Thailand and the way they raise children to bow down to certain people with status and certain DNA. I'm reminded of a date I had with a gal in BKK who was very high up in the Dept of Health. She drove a modest car but yiu could tell she expected the red carpet everywhere she went in BKK. Early in our date she took me to show me off or get approval from her brother who had a nice single story house with a decent yard all around. It deep in the heart of BKK. It was a cool guy, a doctor i recall and had a little cheap quick set up tent in his living room as he just got it and planned to go camping soon. She was highly educated. At dinner she was so demanding of at least 2 servers that it was embarrassing . She was speaking loudly and had servers running and bowing to her. First and last date.
  6. How are these companies allowed to use foreign labor? Just imagine how cheap their labor costs are compared to similar costs in rhe West and doubtful they charge the government less
  7. Its a travesty to have a contract that you buy a sub without some backout clause if they cant get the engine you specified. No way will USA sell (deleted) Thailand f35s!
  8. Why o why? There are many gals online selling their undies after wearing them for a day. Who wants clean ones. Wasn't there a movie "scent of a woman"? Some people swear they can smell when a woman is ovulating. Dogs can smell skin cancer.
  9. I can understand trumps reaction. After I watched a video on Instagram of these 2 guys in a convenience/ liquor store knelt down backs facing the videographer who were loading bottles into duffle bags and backpacks i got perm banned frim instagram because I posted you should be able to shoot guys like this. So should trump be banned from all platforms? In my defense the store had many patrons in attendance and all did nothing and you could hear people calling the police, also the race was not evident for sure and I dont think race had any influence on my statement. It was the first video of a crime like this I had seen and that was my gut reaction.
  10. Yes Russia was forced to rape and pilage Ukraine. Not. I think this has strengthened NATO at the least Putin misjudged many things. I wonder how much he has to pay his food taster?
  11. That guy is a fun YouTuber. Cant believe he wasnt an apprentice or went to machine shop school. Rebuilding that dozer blade was a good 2 episodes. I like how he gives the equipment manufacturers new part prices. Amazing he works alone and his wife does great videography. I do wonder how much they make from YouTube. Just found this YouTuber feom Australia who scraps electric motors and such and makes ingots of copper and aluminum and has almost 2 million followers and must make his living from YouTube.
  12. Even 15 years ago I would expect a receptionist would have felt there was an HR person to report this sort of activity? I was at a company and 30 yesrs ago HR was on top of most things sexual. I bet it was a different thing in the high flying world of big media.
  13. Stip all rhis petty childish bickering I've been watching RB's YouTube channel off and on for a year or 2. And some of his rumble videos. At first he seemed left leaning but has quite a maga following on rumble lately based on the comments. 3 points I want to make. 1. How many of us in this World could pass full media scrutiny. I doubt many. Did you ever send or willingly receive a R or X rated text with or without pictures? Any driving infractions involving alcohol? Any run ins with police? Tax records for past 20 years all perfect? Any undeclared income? I doubt many US kids by 18 could ever become a politician in this day and age. 2. I think what was once common sexual happenings and expectations for rock stars, famous people, and rich people is now taboo and holding people accountable for acts from 10-15 years ago isnt ok. Russell was an admitted serious drug addict in the past. The guy is very witty and intelligent. He did walk in pretty exclusive circles. I'm pretty sure there would be some groupies who would have regrets the next day or when they sobered up. It was a different time 15 years ago. " Grab em by the pissy!" Comes to mind. Most men who have visited Thailand could easily be cast under the bus. 3. I do think RB has revealed and talked about some very real corruption and control by the wealthy, governments and media. He has shows revealing lots about vaccine decisions during covid and who financially benefitted. The hidden negative outcomes, etc. In this day and age where mainstream media are losing viewership at a high rate to streaming media I think we must be cautious of main stream medias motives.
  14. Would like to see more of this 25 year old Thai woman. She sounds lively
  15. Just imagine the life senators lead. Globe trotting, giks, etc.
  16. Nice for one of the bad apples to be profiled in the media. We meed 2-3 weekly in the press.
  17. Just hit the wall in a lane change?
  18. But what if he thinks about planning for his 20 yr younger wife? Or leaving his kids anything? Then its not plan to die the day the overdraft hits.
  19. Just start a list of all the non democratic things in Thailand in the last 4 months
  20. Stop the bickering. Why were they hired? Is this the desperation of the thai education system? Most likeky the best English speakers in the entire school and admin.
  21. The financial articles in the US are now talking like you need 2-5 mil USD to retire. 1 mil or 36 mil baht just isnt enough. That said they also say the average person hardly has any retirement funds saved up. And SS may go belly up in 15 years. Health care costs rising like crazy. No wonder all those mini hospitals and clinics were built last 15. Guy didnt cone out of a divorce all that bad and his work crime sounds minor, especially after a divorce. At 60 he v5an still attract 40 year olds
  22. Sounds like a good time for a change for this guy. 23 m baht doesn't sound like enough to me. We all should plan to 85. The writing is on the wall that retirement requirements like the the 65k/ mo will be increasing and 800k to what sounds good? 1.5? He has been to los mamy times so he knows the ropes. Perhaps be a chum and join him on weeks 3&4 for some fun . I wonder if the US SS will become means tested? If there was no inflation prior to 2018 how did a 30K house in 60' rise to 600k? Gas . 50$ in 65' to 3+$? A good Ribeye steak was 5$ in 85' and 12$ now.
  23. Saw 36.75 on wise but now 36.5
  24. So 140k baht and or 5 yr max time. Should be 5 times that orison rome amd 20x fine.
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