I'm 63. I've only spent about 8 months in Thailand over a dozen exploratory trips since 2016. 3 -2 month stints. Financially I could swing it with the current policies but during the last 6 years I've witnessed a change in the thai government attitude towards foreigners.
I have a wonderful home in a nice location, safe neighborhood, great view, lots of public open spaces nearby. We have a nice garden and private yard. My Thai wife is enjoying learning this new way to live. She loves ice fishing for trout, foraging mushrooms on the steep hills. I'm quite the busy body and enjoy many hobbies. I imagine I will be doing odd jobs for pay or making wood things for family or to sell long into old age. I have a big garage and shop. Currently it is quite easy to make big bucks doing handyman things for all these boomers with money but no skills or desire. I envy some of the retirees I see on these pages who have a wonderful house in the country, with a farm and gardens, installing solar systems, a happy wife, etc. I enjoy the 4 seasons but admit winter gets old. I can get so much more done in cooler weather and enjoy the 16 hours of daylight. Thailand is to hot for my comfort much of the year.
Traffic here is a breeze and so much safer as well as walking across the street or into a store. Thai people are shocked at how the cars obey traffic rules and crosswalks and pedestrians.
As for folks hoping the US housing market will retract, I dont think it will in desired locations. I'm not ruling out a change but right now we are happy here.