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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. So anyone with an open mind asking any questions to access the truth gets tossed in this category by you? Hmmm.
  2. Thats real factual info. Not I think some of you on both sides need to take some deep breaths. I admit this recent death is terrible. What propelled people to this? Being born evil? Brainwashed? Cornered?
  3. No difference there! ????
  4. Searching my true feelings I dont seem to attach different significance to any nationality when counting dead bodies or hostages. Including from my country or state. Why would you? They are all equal human beings to me
  5. I think the "Forward" article I referenced doesn't consider those "Jewish in name" only appointments! No I haven't watched any videos or pictures of this current conflict. Im sure its terrible on both sides. Any death is sad, any death caused by religious beliefs is even more horrendous. War sucks. Religious wars even more so. I think many people on both sides have let rage get in the way of reality.
  6. Thanks. I may read it but would it change or strengthen my current opinion? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20919295-against-our-better-judgment
  7. At least 5 times i have stood at the check in desk in BKK trying to negotiate a good price. I couldn't even get them to match the price on Agoda. They all told me to book on agoda so I did. One told me that if they get caught beating the agoda price Agoda may remove them. 8 guess so much business comes from agoda they cant risk it. Airbnb has worked very well for me in the past except we didnt find any deals last Dec/Jan. Nice furnished condos close to Suk for a good price. Just took lots of time and skill to find the good ones.
  8. It sounds like she was giving him money? Why else would a thai guy be with a woman 20% older than him? If she just could have controlled her jealousy.
  9. Well that one prince and his family left and didnt complete their mall shopping so tats statement is not true. Plus he informed social media giw horrible of an experience that was.
  10. Did sound like a good investigative reporter is on the case. Seems like the first time I thought that in 5 years on AN. So now that, that dam embassy is involved and he didn't confess while we grilled him up good we will start to investigate the evidence? Crazy! Seems like it would be rather easy to frame or get framed in Thailand
  11. Thailand needs better education on how to dose these edibles. But it sounds like they ate the whole cake. Plus no telling how many milligrams
  12. Demand and profit must ne big. Thats enought for a lot of drugged up people for many days.
  13. Find a different fetish. 10 mil baht isnt much to retire on unless your 75.
  14. What are the current cowboy happy hour and regular beer prices?
  15. He has been called up thinking the Thai slammer a better choice?
  16. So all tourists get free medical care anytime they need it? We can pay 300 baht for 30 days rather than the 80$ fir a month with geo blue?
  17. So sad these things are so complicated. I need to do some planning for sure. USA but same same
  18. So a gik asked you to sell your fancy cars and watches? Because why? She want you to five her the proceeds? And you do. But he bought her and pops at least 3 cars?
  19. "Selling, offering or lending obscene products to people." 5 years jail. So those toys I brought as gifts could have slammed me for 5 years?
  20. I'm 63. I've only spent about 8 months in Thailand over a dozen exploratory trips since 2016. 3 -2 month stints. Financially I could swing it with the current policies but during the last 6 years I've witnessed a change in the thai government attitude towards foreigners. I have a wonderful home in a nice location, safe neighborhood, great view, lots of public open spaces nearby. We have a nice garden and private yard. My Thai wife is enjoying learning this new way to live. She loves ice fishing for trout, foraging mushrooms on the steep hills. I'm quite the busy body and enjoy many hobbies. I imagine I will be doing odd jobs for pay or making wood things for family or to sell long into old age. I have a big garage and shop. Currently it is quite easy to make big bucks doing handyman things for all these boomers with money but no skills or desire. I envy some of the retirees I see on these pages who have a wonderful house in the country, with a farm and gardens, installing solar systems, a happy wife, etc. I enjoy the 4 seasons but admit winter gets old. I can get so much more done in cooler weather and enjoy the 16 hours of daylight. Thailand is to hot for my comfort much of the year. Traffic here is a breeze and so much safer as well as walking across the street or into a store. Thai people are shocked at how the cars obey traffic rules and crosswalks and pedestrians. As for folks hoping the US housing market will retract, I dont think it will in desired locations. I'm not ruling out a change but right now we are happy here.
  21. If this modest drinker likes good beer then forget it.
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