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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Very good thread. Here i am up at 3 am. So much to do. I always feel its crunch time and my list has 20 items and everyone would cause dread in anyone. I think to mut. Add in a an unusual epic artic cold blast is coming later this week. I like the idea that most human feelings are due to evolution. Life is simple in upcountry Thailand. Grow a bit of rice and like to eat it, then your worry about starvation living in a village is very low. Always snails to dig up! Or some pond to net. This modern world is quite different than we have evolved to deal with. Add in several major deadly conflicts, political striff everywhere, global warming, social media and I'd say most of us are coping pretty well.
  2. I do know the directors take quite a few educational trips and they have a good time but I think it would be hard to call it the corruption they are looking for. In this case it appears the kayaks are included with each room but even if there is a small additional charge i dont think its blatant corruption if they did go to other schools. Did the kids attend their school on these dates or was it a break?
  3. Do you require a hostel? Or just a low priced room? Thonglor suites hotel is like 17$ I think it used to be called Paudi Maudi. And goodfellas thong lo. I walked past it quite often.
  4. My thai qife is amazed we can rerurn almost anything here in the US of A . Costco tajes back anything. We even took back a bag of oranges that went bad after a week just last sunday we returned a 24$ bag of mixed nuts to a vendor at a weekly farmers market. Owner gave us 25$ back for our troubles. So qhick and easy to return things to home depot and Lowe's. No receipt required. Just goes off CC scan. Some people here abuse it i have had foreign customers who but 100-200$ plants to put by their front door. Never even repotting them ir removing the tags and just return then when they die. Its a year return on plants at big box stores. We sid befriend a thai gal who came after college to work at home depot and a hotel for the summer season . I guess its that hard to find seasonal employees. Anyway ine of the male Thai seasonal workers took advantage of Costco. He bought an electric scooter and used it for 4 months then returned it before he went home.
  5. This is about e gaming , e sports. Fir info there us a area of the interweb called twitch. It has more viewers watching theses big e sport matches than i think all the other sports combined. They have more people than like 5 major news shows in the USA. I may not be exactly accurate but this is big among the youth of this World
  6. I didn't like it. No real flavor, soggy. Just not for me. Perhaps a future version will be better.
  7. Im truly wishing a happy ending here. Quite a bizarre story unfolding I feel. Perp must have had quite a brainwashing on the girl to get a 12 yr old to leave her phone behind
  8. Guilty and deservedly true on all acounts except i try to keep my beer belly to 2 kg.
  9. I am all for paying for over a base weight and you Should need to pay for a wider or double seat if you will intrude on nearby seats. Its obvious that a 50 kg person costs much less fuel than a 120kg person.
  10. The epoxy coating seems best for cooking.
  11. I can't eat runny egg whites either but runny yolks are ok. I believe uncooked whites are a higher risk for sickness than runny yolks? In Thailand it was always brown lace on fried eggs which gags me. https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/salmonella-and-eggs.html
  12. So 100 baht for each of 6 million or so expected last quarter. But my quick perusal of the article didnt say what increase in numbers and revenue it expected for this 600 mil? I did watch the fireworks at icon Siam a few years ago and it was a good time.
  13. Dont forget the scheme's
  14. Ginboy2 is someone to listen to. Only one poster so far has mentioned looks. If she has a nice figure and pretty face you can almost forget it. Mike, is it really 250$ to apply for a B1 now. Was only 65$ in 2018. I've posted my experience with 4 women in a similar thread before. 3 got a 10 year 1 didn't . Big difference is your not American so you have a better chance. For that reason alone i say its worth a try. My gals went the route where they didn't mention knowing or visiting me 3 had kids, money, and homes. 1 had kids, home, govt job, big loans. The word on the Thailand boards then was 300k needed in the bank. 3 had that, 2 easily by factor of 10. I would say these 3 didn't look like they would be in high demand. Cant judge a book by the cover. Besides the 1 looking quite marketable she had no kids, house, under 100k savings. Recall this was the trump era, yes it is relavant. You can read all about the lawsuits and how he threw a wrench in all visas. However we may have made a mistake. Going the she didn't know anyone in US route was probably a mistake. Especially because I went to pay the 65$ at a bank in Thailand (while she was at her 20 year job) to get the pay slip for this visa and I didnt know that results in an American name on this paper receipt that becomes part of the paper package. Also she had no real oeior travel outside of Thailand. There are many overstay thai here working in restaurant jobs. In the last year there has been big busts in asian massage parlors in Utah. I didnt know that was an available service here.
  15. I know this concept is hard for some of us to understand or accept initially. I keep an open mind. To each their own. We only live once. If 2 people have a beneficial agreement why would it bother you so much? Perhaps try to understand where your prejudice was born? Good or bad I dont think my wife would accept this and i am not one to lie or sneak, but also I no need.
  16. We can't say anything about his aliments due to patient privacy rules. A bit later, tnese scans are unrelated to any brain-related issues. Patient is stable. As it yourvsedated or its painful. And now they just pratically or plainly say he will be released in 90 days? I wonder how the Thai populace feels about being treated like they are idiots?
  17. Did they use list from the online vendors they busted recently? Did they have search warrants for all those locations?
  18. I think OMF was using code. But he knows the scoop. I was told by a thai gal that the barbershop guy in a large uni town had the list of girls interested in the extra cash from a deal like this to pay her way through school. I even met an old chap who lived up north within sight of the border who had one along with his 40 ish regular and a very rich hiso one in BKK. When he had heart issues they all 3 met each other in the hospital. I bkk one may have stepped back some but we wemt out one night with the 40 yr one and him and she was understanding. In fact we just missed meeting his uni gal the day we left. I did want to meet her. I met another guy who was actually going to his graduation. She had a br by senior year but still saw him but it was ending and he planned to find another. I think 3-4 year stints are common. TIT To each their own i say.
  19. All this for religious beliefs? So sad. I just hope the aliens land soon and enlighten us all.
  20. Whats your opinion on the bulldozers razing Palestinians houses for expansion of Israel settlements? And all the seemingly over reaction shootings over the years of Palestinians?
  21. Any killing is sad. Im really not that opinionated on this topic. My only real skin in this conflict is my tax dollars and possibly WW3.
  22. Its just now being reported on NPR that Israel has used white phosphorus. How do you feel about that?
  23. When one side can not recite facts or numbers they resort to childish bashing. Fact there have been settlements built that have displaced Palestinians. Fact more Palestinian deaths in last 20 years. Is it 10 to 1 like one post? Fact a disproportionate % in the Whitehouse. Five me some facts. C'mon
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