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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. I think we need pictures. Maybe none of us could finish with what the OP can dredge up. Perhaps gals were less fat back when. Less Botox, open nostrils, cat eyes, ink eyebrows?
  2. Only one reason to live in Thailand me thinks. 😁 And if you are married and your wife doesn't allow, just why?
  3. The World has gone to <deleted>.
  4. I must admit the sexual lifestyle of the OP has some allure. I'm wondering if in his mind he still desires a certain type that he isn't able to attract in his older years? Maybe having only brief sexual encounters isn't as satisfying as a longer term connection with a perfect sex partner. I do enjoy pleasing a woman more as I get older. But I do have expectations for the happy ending. I will have to read up on the ill health effects of every other day ejaculation goals. I thought this was good for the prostrate? I never knew some people thought the 3rd door was gay. According to many articles is on the rise with many couples.
  5. Does Trump ever make any sense?
  6. I've been thinking we need an upper age limit or mental test for senior voters. It's good thing humans have a limited lifespan.
  7. Omg. It's loyalty and ass licking not merit. Good thing many of his picks so far won't be approved.
  8. I watched that Nick F rant. I can't believe he isn't gay because no woman who knows him will ever be spreading her legs for him without cash. I admit the Expectations of many western women have increased along with their education and weight and I was lucky in my first marriage but surely didn't like what I saw in the dating pool 10 years ago. I've read that lots of young men are frustrated by women who are educated and earning their own way and won't settle for misogynistic aholes anymore. The only question is how far will the pendulum swing to the left in 4 years and the midterms. With appointments like JFK Jr and accused pedo Matt Gaetz. The blacks and Latinos with papers were worried the new immigrants would work harder than they want to is why they voted to close the border. Can't wait to see the numbers stay similar.
  9. Joined bluesky yesterday along with about 1 million others in 1 day. Elon bought twitter for power not free speech. Hope it crumbles. Anyone who thinks fox is MSN is what did we learn in another thread today? A netizen or lower! The only intelligent person on fox is Jessica Tarlov. The rest are just fowl.
  10. I agree but also the new legal immigrants and blacks were concerned that all these new illegals were going to take their jobs. Trump really hammer this home. The measurements of the economy are excellent but Biden and Harris should have really investigated these companies that had raised prices so much since COVID. It was the company's price gouging that resulted in higher food prices. It would have been hard to teach these "low information voters" that has prices are not under the presidents control. I heard some republican complaining that Biden drew down the federal oil reserves and others complained about high pump prices. Yes low information voter is the new descriptor of the deplorable trash who would vote for trump.
  11. I say on one of your lunches or over a cold beer just say how "attractive lek is for a ladyboy". Just your suspicion but if true how is this family going to happen. Be prepared to talk about adoption. This world is just crazy right now. It would really screw with my mind to find this out. I can't imagine it seeming real!. I have seen some of these lady boys with incredible figures from behind. Curve's in all the right places.
  12. According to Google images they have an assortment and some are quite alluring.
  13. Hope and prayers for these maggots. I'm considering questioning all my potential customers next year if they voted for trump it's best they find someone else. I'm not seeing many trump signs in people's yards. Maybe we will get several surprise states to vote him out. The power of women scorned! Let's go!!!!
  14. Lots of stuffed shirts and blouses. Start by firing those in the picture on their phones. I see 2 better looking women on the left line.
  15. I just see how a poll of 800 people can be meaningful. I took statistics. I have read where they try to get the participants to represent who they guess will be voting. The fact that the pools are even within 30% makes me sad to be American. It's mon morning so in about 40 hours we will get some real numbers. I'm counting on women, Latinos, young and black voters to save the Constitution , democracy, and the rule of law.
  16. I always took trump for the backdoor open type.
  17. I can't imagine how they do a double blind bed study like that? Fart? Cmon
  18. That number doesn't seem correct. Scary development nevertheless. Ww3 seems eminent. And this surely hampers allied countries from sending their best weapons to Ukraine. As if this hasn't been a factor for the past 2 years. This helps pootin
  19. I know the deplorable comments really irked my mom who was what 78 at that time. She and my dad are still in the trump camp. A real sad situation that has destroyed any relationship I had with my dad. My mom is visiting for TDay and it could be a disaster. Both my parents are uneducated and I guess you could say upper middle class white trash intellectually. If Trump doesn't lose Pennsylvania the World is doomed. The pro life people only have one choice and they don't care he is an idiot. I watched where Joe Rogan told that comedian that, that specific joke was going to burn him someday. Who was the stooge who said "Puerto Rico illegals"? Haha. They actually needed the workers and welcomed them into the state. They eat cats and dogs. These next 6 days are going to cause lots of health issues I think. Loss of sleep for sure. And it's sad to see both parties trying to buy Nevada voters with this crazy no tip tax idea. As if these people don't hide most of their tips. Read where many of these workers make over 100 k a year, 75% from tips. One striper said she makes 10-20 k USD/month. All tips. But the million $ Elon giveaway is so 3rd World and legal scholars say highly illegal. Sad Elon was able to lawyer his way out of a stay. And if a regular Joe didn't show up for his arraignment like Elon did yesterday a warrant would be issued. Vote trump and this will be the normal legal system . Also sad the billionaire publishers are cowing down to trump threats. F trump.
  20. What was your blood THC and or alcohol level at the time you tossed 50 happy endings or 17 really good times away? We want to know who to blame. Or just old fashioned sober braggadocios?
  21. Poor people who had to rescue him and see this accident.
  22. Maintenance just isn't a Thai thing even in the drug cartels.
  23. Small Thai knives. She does seem to have a nice figure.
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