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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 10 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    As others have said, requirements are the same regardless of whether one has already had COVID or been vaccinated.


    There is a slight extra  risk for your friend in that sometimes very small remnants of virus remain in the body for a while post infection and this could lead to a positive PCR test. Probably won't, but could. The PCR does nto distinguish between living and dead viral particles, it just tests for the rpesence of the genetic material.


    If it happens on hie pre-departure test, no problem (other than delaying the trip), but if it happens on one of the tests done on him in quarantine in Thailand, he will face mandatory hospitalization under conditions he has no real say in. Could even be a "field hospital" (basically large detention centers). Thsi is true even when completely asymptomatic.

    This is true. I tested positive on January 4th. I self-isolated for 14 days and tested again on the 22nd and it was negative. I then rebooked my flights for February 4th, tested on the 2nd and was able to fly. This tight timeline might not work for everyone though, as the quoted post mentions. 

    The other thing to be wary of is that some insurance policies may not cover you if you’re asymptomatic, as they will argue you didn’t need hospitalisation and/or treatment.  

  2. 8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    A year ago scientists were trying to find out different ways covid could be transmitted.

    A medical journal in the US published data that the covid virus could survive for up to 72 hours on plastic and 48 hours on stainless steel.


    source: https://hub.jhu.edu/2020/03/20/sars-cov-2-survive-on-surfaces/   

    You’ve missed the point. It’s the lack of cleaning/awareness that’s to blame, not the turnstile.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:


    You do not show up with an army of lawyers and higher-ups; and by all means avoid politics.

    In my case I was very "slippery when dry (not wet)" on that issue. They asked me what I thought about the government and I replied, that the Thai people had spoken for the existing government so I just assume it serves the country best. No further questions by them as it would have exposed their political opinion - which is a no no in such circumstances with fellow officers in the room. 

    Thank you for your reply. 
    I will be on my own when I go, and I don’t intend to bring up any controversial subjects, but ready if they do in the sense that I’ll just try to say what they want to hear. My problem here is the vocabulary, as I don’t really talk about these subjects. Hopefully it won’t come up. Thanks again. 

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  4. Thanks to you all for your replies. It’s much appreciated and very valuable information.

    I’m kind of going in with an open mind. My general Thai isnt too bad and I plan to talk as much as I can about things I know the vocabulary for to maybe try to stop them asking too many questions. And of course say lots of nice things about the country and people. I hope they don’t ask about politics and the like. 


    I’ll have to picture the Thai flag in my mind in case that comes up. Right Wing Better is a good way to remember it. Thanks! 

  5. 55 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

    Is  this a  money making scam then as "air" is  80% nitrogen already, did they charge you for it?, Nitrogen in  Car Tyres is  just a scam, aircraft use it  as no water in it, anything else is BS

    I wasn’t charged for it and yes, from what I’ve read, nitrogen in car tyres is unnecessary. 

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