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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 16 minutes ago, JAG said:

    They're listed as stored, not scrapped. I take that to mean that they are still owned by the airline. When scrapped or otherwise disposed of they will realise some value for the airline, but at the moment they are costing some money, and therefore contributing to the airlines losses. My point is that before ( or at least whilst)  venturing into a major new fleet upgrade they should dispose of their stored aircraft. They might not get much for them, but at least they won't be contributing to the losses.


    I don't think that is a silly point to make?

    Airlines often store an aircraft once it becomes no longer economically viable to operate. Particularly if it's due a major safety check, as it becomes cheaper to store it than to fly it. They can remain in storage for a long time until all the viable spare parts are sold. So the time it's actually disposed of is not necessarily up to the airline, but rather the market.Then the remaining metal (usually just the fuselage) is scrapped.



  2. 39 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Do not get your panties in the twist , fairly standard procedure  worldwide not to comment or allow journo’s during active investigation 

    I must be from a strange country then as I often see reporters standing outside the home/site/ of a murder enquiry reporting live on what happened, who has been arrested and on what charge, where the investigation is leading etc., etc. Maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick, but it seems weird that journalists are allowed all over some crime scenes here but not others. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, z42 said:

    Idiot, not really much else to add except that this is depressing and as predictable as can be. I don't think Thai people are ever going to wake up.. Or are they just that stupid that they can't see this charlatan for what he is yet??

    My wife was all praise for him following the coup and so we didn't discuss politics for a while for the sake of peace. And yet she referred to it as "our stupid government" the other day, so I do still have a little hope left that they are waking up.

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  4. 52 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The stepfather then had his wife take over driving for the trip home, but a quarrel erupted and the policeman shot her, causing the car to skid off the road. The father then shot himself, the girl told police.


    Pol Colonel Prayut Pongsanti, commander of the Sungai Kolok police station, said the murder-suicide was motivated by a family quarrel.

    I wonder how he reached that conclusion.


    Poor little girl.

    • Like 2
  5. On 9/1/2018 at 8:30 PM, Guitar God said:

    Getting built in navigation for our Civic was the worst ฿100K I ever spent. The hardware is crap, takes forever before it’s ready and has almost no poi’s. 


    I can sit it the the parking lot of a 10 year old McDonalds in Ubon and search for McDonald’s and will tell me the closest one is in Bangkok. 


    Any idea which models or years will support Apple CarPlay?

    Mine is a 2016 Civic RS. It has CarPlay. It didn't when I bought it hence my post. 

  6. 19 hours ago, transam said:

    That is your problem..You have built up mold in the system and your interior fabric...You should only use it when smells come into the car...There is a thread running with all the answers to solve it.

    I try to have it not recirculating, but with the permanent stink of Bangkok fumes it's almost impossible.

  7. 49 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    I ask myself again (after reading all the usual bashing) why don't you just go home if it is as bad as you see it?

    The D...likes to instill fear into his base concerning migrants etc , but at least his "base" are from his country...and the migrants are from the outside.

    Here we have the migrants preaching to the people in their own country.

      Why not pick up a "cause" in your own country.

    I don't like the content of romance novels, so I don't read them. You don't have to read this.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

    Thailand, listen. 
    Set up speeding cameras with an auto-flash censors, which will snap shots of people's plates if they go over a certain speed limit. This will dramatically decrease speeding in specific areas, which will result in less deaths, and also money to the government etc. 

    And a market for fake plates appears. I think the corruption needs to be targeted first, but we know that won't happen. I really do think it's a lost cause.

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