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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 1 minute ago, darksidedog said:

    This guy cannot be allowed to get away with this. He killed the fella as sure as if he had shot him and should be charged with murder. It will send a message to the other stupid cops out there who think that kicking someone off a moving bike is an acceptable thing to do.

    Looks to me like he's already got away with it. Why no reporters allowed? If she has been paid off then justice has been done, as far as she's concerned. They're obviously protecting him.

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  2. I had a car financed through Tisco bank. I wanted to pay it off early and contacted the bank to see how much was outstanding (1 year left to pay out of four). Went to a branch and paid it. I then had to go to their head office to finalise everything and collect the blue book. Straightforward, but time consuming. There was no more or less interest to be paid.

  3. 1 hour ago, ianf said:

    This kind of thing happens all the time. The Thai system is such that women are allowed to steal everything from their husbands. My ex tried the same thing. She got away with quite a lot but I didn't lose my house. The lawyer we had made it difficult because she played a double game. Trust no one.My friend is involved in an argument with his ex girlfriend and she has threatened him with death, jail, the police etc etc all over 65000 bt. Another friend lost his house which was bought with his life savings. On and on it goes and the government turns a blind eye by not allowing foreigners to own property. Believe me, Thailand is a scammers paradise.

    (My emphasis). This is true. The poor old foreigner can't even leave the country with the kids without permission from the Thai spouse. And yet (AFAIK), the Thai can leave with the kids at any time. The cards really are stacked against us.

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