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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 2 minutes ago, PREM-R said:

    From OP "....heavy rains from March 7th - 9th, due to a high pressure system moving in from China. "


    I always thought that high pressure brought settled, fine weather and it was low pressure that brought high winds and rain. 

    Correct. A storm is caused by low pressure.

  2. 14 hours ago, nontabury said:

    No, I did not arrive in the U.K.Without firstly organising accommodation, If you knew what you are talking about, you would know that this is one of the Requirements for a settlement visa. I am in fact renting an expensive holiday cottage. As a temporary measure, with no intention or expectations of obtaining Anything free.


     The official did not share the Foreingers status. The foreigner had been speaking to me previously, while we were awaiting for the official to turn up.so it was she who told me her status.


    The reason I have shared my experience on this thread, is solely to show what problems are occurring presently in some parts of the U.K due to the open door policy. When Brexit finnaly takes place, and the U.K is able to take control of its borders, while not expecting these problem to go away, it will hopefully  be less.





    Well, if spelling and grammar are prerequisites for settlement, you’re in trouble. And once Brexit takes place you’ll also be screwed financially, as the economy will go to the dogs. I’m glad I’m not there. 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 2/28/2018 at 7:52 PM, nontabury said:

    Wrong, I returned to live in the .U.K. last month, Applied at the local housing association in the hope of being allocated a house. I was told that I should have made arrangements before returning to my country of birth, with my British children. The official then ignored me, and started looking for a house for a single mother from, I think Poland.

     I would add that I have paid British tax since leaving school, including those years, while Iiving  in Thailand. So apart from being a British National and being a nett contributors, I considered that I am being treated as a Secound  class citizen.

     So a myth NO.


    So, you just turned up with your children expecting free accommodation - more fool you. I also find it interesting that a housing 'official' would share with you that she was now turning his/her attention to searching for a house for somebody else and sharing that person's status.

  4. 11 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

    As a referendum, it was never well planned or well thought out. Final count was 49-51 or similar?

     That's just too close to call, ie the losing 49%, from whatever side will feel aggrieved. And that's a helluva lot of the population.

    Should have made a 2/3rds majority rule or something prior to calling it, i don't know.

    What i do know is the vast majority of younger people voted Remain, whilst the vast majority of older people inc pensioners etc voted Leave. But they'll all be dead in 10-20 years, leaving the Remainers to sort out their mess. 

    And it is a mess.

    Me personally, i'm sitting on the fence, didn't vote, and i see negatives and positives on both sides of the argument.

    Well said.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, cooked said:

    I hardly said that. The fact that hundreds of thousands are arriving every year makes it impossible to do any planning (the government would have to build a city the size of Luton every year at present). The same thing is happening all over Europe, chaos is guaranteed.

    That's very true, planning for new housing is a shambles. I'm merely suggesting that I don't think the number of homeless is related to immigration. In fact, net migration to the UK decreased by nearly 54% in 2017 (230,000 down to 106,000) whereas homelessness went up by 15%. 

  6. 3 hours ago, cooked said:

    maybe there is a housing shortage due to the impossibility of planning for an economy that allows hundreds of thousands of immigrants in every year? 

    Dunno, that;s probably racist.

    I'm not sure it's racist, but your comment says to me that those who are homeless could afford a home if there was one available. I'm not sure that's the case. Besides, most immigrants don't suddenly turn up and automatically get 'given' a property to live in, thus denying others. That is somewhat of a myth. Just saying.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 19 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    I remember years ago in the UK the highway code booklet you had to read when learning to drive, had stopping distances on the rear cover.


    That was broken down into: 'thinking distance', 'braking distance', followed by 'total distance'.

    The point was it made you realise there was reaction time as well as the braking distance once you put your foot on the brakes.


    In fact, I've just found it online! Here's a screenshot:



    I don’t think local drivers have a thinking distance, as to have that they’d need to think. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 14 hours ago, moe666 said:

    jeez you have a chip on your shoulder about 90 day reporting. I guess you were unaware of that little requirement when you moved to Thailand

    If it actually served a purpose I wouldn't care about it, but it doesn't so, yes, I do have a chip on my shoulder about it, as I don't like being treated like I'm on probation. And, yes, I was unaware of it when I moved here, as  it wasn't a requirement 25 years ago.

    • Like 2
  9. 15 hours ago, speckio said:

    If was here on vacation he wouldn't require a visa. Americans can come and go as they please as long as they don't overstay 30 days.


    I mean its possible he is an Ex-pat but I didn't see anything about him actually making his home in Thailand.



    True. I was posting on the assumption he had obtained a visa as implied in an earlier post.

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