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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. Whilst corruption remains rampant, even at low levels, nothing will change. It doesn't matter what rules are in place as a bribe is paid and a head is turned the other way. It's almost an impossible situation and if nobody in power wants it fixed then it won't be. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    There is a solution. Do not ride a motorbike in Thailand. Thailand has the highest death rate in the WORLD for motorcycle deaths.

    No matter how long you have been here , no matter how how much insurance you have, or as good a driver as you might be the stupid driver is very close by and he/she couldn't care less about you. He/she will get you in the end. Just a matter of time. 


    It may help if you have a quality selection of amulets hanging around you neck.

    Absolutely correct. I came here many years ago, having ridden motorcycles extensively back in the UK. I completed rider safety courses up the ying-yang there, including the police-certified Gold Rider Award scheme. I had one minor mishap in the UK due to black ice. Came here and bought a bike. After four accidents in a year, none of which were my fault but gaining in severity, I hung up my skid-lid and switched to public transport and now a car. That's why I'm still alive. It's just not worth it. I realise it might be one of the only forms of affordable transport, but there are cheap cars available. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    I've seen it so many times, farangs at National Parks playing the race card, they often end up sat in the car while the wife and kids go in, pretty pathetic stuff and also pretty darn funny to hear them bleating to temselves about racism over pocket change while the Thais go in for cheaper but drop 1000 baht notes in the donation box,

    Of course you have. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    In your fantasy it was because of her race that she was charged less and because of your race that you were charged more, but it is much more likely that it was your attitude that incurred your cost and your wife's attitude that got her hers.

    That's even funnier than the previous post. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    You are the one trying to dress it up as discrimination based on skin colour, the people in the ticket office have to determine whether the person is Thai or not, they do that by asking, if you can speak Thai and have citizenship then you can tell them and show your ID and you will be charged the local rate regardless of your skin colour.  My wife who is Thai also has to show her ID card despite being of the apparently correct skin colour to be given the Thai rate so why is that?  And I have been let in for the Thai rate several times recently and I am white, so how exactly does that fit into your little racism fantasy?

    What you say doesn't fit in with my "racism fantasy", but my SE Asian wife (non-Thai) gaining entry to a NP a few years ago on production of her non-Thai passport and being charged the Thai price does. I was asked for the inflated price and 100 baht (normal price 10 baht) to park my car. So even my car was deemed to be 'non-Thai'. If others have experienced otherwise, that's good, but I have never since returned to a NP here, nor will I.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, HogRidr60 said:

    Wow, some very cruel people here. Before I had to begin taking very high dosage prednisone for 2.5 years, the first time, I had a 32 inch waist at 206lbs. After 2.5 years I was at 324lbs, and the waist at 56 inches. My arms and legs did not show fat. Why because this is called Cushing’s Syndrome and regardless of what you do the fat will accumulate at stomach and abdomen along with ‘moon face’ and a ‘camel hump’ across your shoulders. The accumulated fat never disappears even with diet. The ‘moon face’ and ‘camel hump’ disappear months after getting off the prednisone. How do I know? Because I have been dealing with it for 35years. When I diet, my weight drops but it is in the rest of my body that really does not have a problem so then my legs can no longer even support my weight. Now I am tied to a wheelchair and have a 52 inch waist at 309. Yes, everytime someone looks at me they see the ‘fat guy’. This is what I have had to live with after serving in the military for 20 years and getting exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam in ‘68-‘69.

    Let’s look at reality here. Nobody would say anything about those that make uninvited comments about those of us with ‘visible issues’ that do not conform to your limited vision and understanding, or is that comprehension, or that are very ‘narrow minded’, or really ‘dumber than a box of rocks’, or have an IQ below 100 because that would be undeserved and cruel. Sure I see both men and women obviously well over the max of recommended height to weight standards and wonder, albeit, to myself, how the hell can they fit into any seat, or sofa.  

    Give some of us a break! We do not enjoy these comments!



    Sorry to hear of your condition. 

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