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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 32 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    The dashcam driver was trying to be kind, despite the illegal U-turner. However, that's the very reason I never stop on zebra-crossings for that same reason.

    I've heard accounts from a few people who were rear-ended when they stopped at a zebra-crossing.


    I'm one of them. I actually think it's safer not to stop, as crazy as that may sound.

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  2. 2 hours ago, johng said:
    3 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:
    I'm sure the criminals would be just as happy to sell their cars at higher prices to avoid suspicion.  It's a lot of hassle to go to a DLT for verification--why not make such a service publicly available online?  People could enter a VIN and check that the owner listed matched the title.  This could then be accomplished on the spot.

    Yes the whole vehicle registration process needs a total overhaul and brought into the modern age...right now its stuck in the steam age.

    The steam age? It must've been updated since I last used it then.

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  3. My wife works at a 'prestigious' international school. For what they charge I can't see it being very good value for money, although that is just my opinion. That said, they do stick pretty closely to a western curriculum and many of the school leavers end up at good universities abroad, so there must be something in it. But if you look at the state system the competition isn't exactly stiff. 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    How many of those that die are on 'bikes - and how many in 4 wheeled vehicles?


    Perhaps the answer is to ban 4 wheeled vehicles!


    Obviously this will never happen, but it would be nice if posters accepted that a large reason for the fatalities is the mix of a large number of 'bikes, and an increasing number of 4 wheeled vehicles.

    I accept your point, and it's a good one. But if you took more people out of cars and onto bikes (by banning 4-wheeled vehicles) I'm pretty sure the death toll would rise, as fewer people would be protected, as I can't see how the number of accidents would reduce as a result. It's all about statistics really; in truck v car accidents, statistically more car drivers die, so it is with cars v bikes. That doesn't mean we should ban trucks.


    I reckon if you took the ratio of bikes to cars there is here and had the same ratio in the UK there would still be a lower death toll due to driver education, which is almost non-existent here. 


    I think a massive problem in Thailand is window tint film. I've lost count of how many times I cannot see anything through the car windows in front in daylight. How does this work at night or dawn/dusk. It must be like permanently driving with sunglasses on. But, again, it's not enforced. 

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