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Everything posted by Pouatchee

  1. Good for you. A guy I know had his car crashed into in front of my house by a motorcycle. He was parked... he ended up paying the guy. Guess it was your lucky day
  2. Funny, the only rate from a bank or exchange business that has any quotes that realistically resemble the exchange rate I have ever gotten is the Krungsri Bank and right now their rates are at least 1 bht below this advertised rate. For me, this means that I lose at least 10 000bht every time I make a transfer.
  3. Really? I am wondering what country you are in, let alone what planet. ????????????
  4. I want to live on Uranus His->anus? Really?
  5. I wouldn't. If you have nothing to reproach yourself why worry? There still is blatant racism sgainst foreigners in cases which pit foreigners against Thais and this will unfortunately never be under consideration because we are always guilty no matter wjat.
  6. Which means absolutely nothing in regards to quality treatment. Most doctors here barely manage to utter a few words in English. How good can a doctor be when most of the textbooks and latest discoveries are published in English?
  7. Poor you. Mommy didn't let you try when you were younger? So you base your opinion on something you don't know, nor understand? Maybe you think booze is better.
  8. I tried to get a Thai 'chang' to do it but he applied so much putty (see poh) that I got rid of him and ended up doing it myself. The problem here is that to cover a small bump or dent they over apply bundo and within 3-5 years your bundo --> putty ends up peeling off. Thais really have no skills in this trade. My ex-wife had her truck painted at the best shop in the province and it peeled off in less than 2 years. Good luck, your going to need it. Just make sure you tell them to go lightly with the putty no matter who you choose.
  9. If he had any. It is way worse the smell of my neighbors cooking their chilis next door. I almost choke when they do, and that is legal?
  10. What does it matter? My money doesn't buy me anywhere near what it did 2-3 years ago.
  11. Dude get a life. You obviously haven't been here long enough to understand that you are damned if you do, damned if you don't. I vent my frustrations here at times because when I try to do it with my wife she doesn't understand. Try working in a Thai school to see what is going on. You will be segregated and looked down upon by Thai admin that wouldn't be allowed to clean toilets in a school back in the west. Before asking questions like yours, live a little then express yourself. Why am I still here? Cos I have 2 cars, a cool motorcycle, a pretty wife and I can go to the beach when I want to. Life is still cheaper here, but not for long.
  12. No I don't. If the writer does not havd the skills to summarize effectively then it falls into click bait category. If you have enough time on your hands to waste on ineffectually written posts then good for you.
  13. planned ‘tourist tax’ put on ‘indefinite’ backburner This was in the headline. Where do they actually discuss this? Another misfire from TV... clickbait. I actually wanted information on this rather than read about the despot leader.
  14. People were asleep at the bed [sic] when this was posted.????
  15. M6 adolescents are already drinking booze and that worries me far much more. People forget that we are still in a pandemic and that the kids have become lethargic mostly due to online non-learning and that it will take years to repair the damage that not attending schools has caused. There are and always will be some sort of pusher around and I worry that we have taken one step forward only to take 4 steps back. By then, it will become difficult to eradicate the growing consumption of pot.
  16. Beautiful cat. I have one on my land that came perusing not too long ago... a young female. We are trying to feed her, but she has disappeared of late. Hopefully she has not become python fodder.
  17. They danced to an inch of their lives. This probably is the size of their dongle standing at attention.????
  18. There you have it. The reason why this guy is holding on with a death grip to his position.
  19. If they started with the basics, and allowed teachers to fail kids in school the example would be set at a very young age. The end result is that Thais grow up thinking that they can do anything and get away with it. My own country is going through a 'shooting rage' right now and I also know, as a teacher, that there are fewer and fewer consequences in schools for fear of being sued, being accused of being a molester etc... This is what you get when there are no consequences in a society. I just think of the accident statistics on Thai roads. Maybe if the police started doing there jobs and patrolled once in a while things would change. ... Oh, I forgot, they don't have a budget for patrol cars, but they do for patrol submarines.
  20. I thought 'buzz' was the new buzzword... since ganja got legalized.
  21. Kind of reminiscent of Rosa Park your comment is. If it ever gets to that anymore than it is I will give this country a one finger salute.
  22. Yes... I have had a driver's licence for almost 20 years ... but that is the extent of it. We cannot get the National Thai ID as required to register for paypal. I will be screwed on ebay ; (
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