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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Thanks fotr that and i Have been using Google but very rarely use it except one person and apologise in advance if translated incorrectly and of course speaking words high or low tones of course means a totally different meaning. I as just pointing out the cultural differences and no way am I complaining and have a loving Thai family. Thank for post appreciate it
  2. No they are fine an express it in other ways and we have raised them from 2 years old and they are well looked after but it is the cultural thing and LOL do not need lectures tc now. My wife is very loving and yes of course speaks to them in Thai, as outside the school they do not use or confident to use it and why not it is not their first language. Just please and thank you on occasions but the younger one does a lot!!! When a long time ago they were cuddled and kissed and went swimming and trips but they grow up fast and like to do their own thing but can not as they have no money and no way am I complaining but many of us have not got pots of gold.
  3. Thanks thailand 49 Very thoughtful and great post and thank you no, I was not ranting it is just some things we noticed and yes, I was only stating what our Thai Daughter in Law was asking my dear wife. Yes love them dearly of course but yes bite your tongue you still need to speak up at times but lol selective hearing. It is funny but our Son-in- Law who works away a lot with the Electric company is why do his Daughters (well really our daughters as we have raised them) only speak when they want money or want some food etc etc? Yes, Thai logic but I was not in the least complaining and yes the younger one now 17 does say please and thank you and the elder sometimes. My wife is very understanding and understands a fair bit of English and I only have a few words of Thai but boy have I tried and like the girls learn English but outside the class they simply do not use and yes it is not their language. Yes, even after 16 years it is still puzzling LOL
  4. NO you never do anything wrong right cut the snide remarks and trying to block many of you who eimply very nasty go and play with your toysok
  5. Thank Jim and thought so what a site but yes many nice helpful people too tc
  6. Hi I thought one could press on someones profile and 3 boxes but confirm please nd some horrible and nasty people on this site Thanks
  9. Thought you were banned clear off ok
  10. Will B good Yes, I was trying to explain that our Daughter-in-law who is Thai asked my wife questions relating to myself and do I say these things and yes my wife does in English. I was pointing out that our Grandchildren and friends also do they say good morning or good night and it appears they do not. Also, do they say please and thank you, but the latter they do either in Thai or English which of course is not their native tongue? Yes, I often state I love you and I get a reply from my lady likewise The point I was trying to make anything could happen in a minute to any of us and God forbid anything or killed on the roads or simply ill health, That was all and ignored those who were posting and giving me their "expert" opinion Thanks for your post
  11. Well said indeed and agin thanks and have a great evening tc pal
  12. bignok I do know some Thai but few words but thanks and obviously my Daughter in law was asking in Thai to my wife in Thai and then was explaining to forum in English. Thanks for your kind words and the the others can get lost.
  13. I won't mate and yes our Daughter- in law asked my Thai wife do I say and do this thanks and I am sure you understood it. BTW those who give nasty replies just go on your merry way Thanks bignok
  15. Hi all And sorry I cannot see a site for this but hope you do not shout me down. I have often asked my Wife and I know our latest Daughter- in -law has asked her if I say the following things:_ Yes, I guess it is slightly different here as against the West 1/ Does he say I love you sometimes or whenever he can 2/ Yes anytime say good morning and good night 3/ Do the children say this at all 4/ Please or thank you and yes even in their own language or in English 5/ They don't seem to say I love you 6/ How was your day? and so on and on The reason why I state this anything can happen to all of us in a split second and we all do take things for granted. For instance God willing in a tragic accident resulting in a death and sometimes and yes often include the Thais they seem not to talk, unless they want something ie money. However, we bring them up meaning Grandparents and treat them as our own. The parents are either at work or if lucky the blood Mother mother would bring them up and I know the Thai custom on this from a personal point of view is correct. Yes, indeed sometimes and this is worldwide the children only speak if they want money or are hungry and they forget who bring them up and teach them many things and LOL when anything technical like computers it is very easy for them but when we ask it has to be the right time for them, if lucky. Not ranting at all but as I say things can happen in an instant and believe it or not many are quiet and thoughtful and nothing wrong with that either Cheers Just sometimes I think the children take their elders for granted. Thoughts LOL could also put this up on the socials but would get told off lol.
  16. Not just here but yes extended family lying through their teeth and stating a loan was a gift. Scum the lot of them and also you get ones who lace drinks with drugs and kill them for 300 Baht
  17. Hi Sorry there was a thread but can not see it but what other sites are there and got dooball66 before and dooball66.tv and could accesss from home computer. Also ufa1913.com and could get in 21 october. An other sites one can recommend Many thanks
  18. Everyone think we are stupid not too much to work out
  19. Thanks you made me laugh and got my eldest granddaughter to take a picture but she did it eventually though she seemed to be in a mood. Modern technology does my head in but see if it is accepted first. Thanks to the other posters as well and thanks so much
  20. Hi And have tried to get a solution to this problems and more and more pension providers are requiring more id and phtos of passports and driving licenses and yes it causes so many problems. Basically have a home computer but more and more companies are demanding secondry Id for verfication purposes. Yes basically my camera is all set up but after countless of time and keep getting messages that can not see your photo id and/ or a drivers license and then say too light ot too dark and change the lighting and put o the lights and still can not get the required information and in many ways proving you still alive and not to be confused with the DWP and we know that too is a hassle. Any thoughts on this and yes tried the documents in the middle of the screen and up top where the camera is. Modern technolgy and hopefully will get it through but it times you out. Anyone having the same problems with this. thanks all
  21. Anyone surprised andwe not stupid and we knew already and everything hs been set up
  22. Yes, even if in 4 years if this ridiculous coalition Government lasts that long and the MFP wins a huge landslide election you can be sure that amending the Constitution again will be fixed and meanwhile and not just the students but the "winning" party will have had their success stolen yet again. Very sad times indeed by the military and the Senators and supposed to run their "service" in 2024 and the Elite. Same same throughout theworld and frankly despise the lot of them as liars and thieves and do not serve the peope whovoted for them and so nothing has changed.
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