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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Exactly a loan is a gift and substantial too
  2. Yeah those who have to be pay thousands of pounds in inheritance tax but still need a frozen state pension!!! Get off this site.
  3. khunBenq Thanks indeed an was not sure any more additional ones and to do with 90 day report.
  4. How could see as it is supposed to in your own name unless you gave her authority or card but if latter one would have been taking many withdrawals out!!
  5. Hi Sorry have checked the calender and google Please confirm National Holidays on 28 July and 1 and 2nd August. Are Immigration offices open 3 and 4 August Thursday and Friday Thanks and just need claification.
  6. Itwon't be for the Thai people who wasted theirvote and watch the winning party get disbanded and the ones who stated that they stand by the winners but the issue of reforms and note reforms not abolishing the ridiculous Act in operation and are they going to agree with the winners with this one issue? The outcome is known and this has been planned with the unelected 249 Senators from the last Government. Very sad times yet again for the millions of very decent Thai Citizens. However, in the so-called democracies of USA and UK look how they behave and even worse and many others and the French general population rise up and several times.
  7. ha ha ha 2 legs over
  8. All of them in every country i the world be it right wing, right left centre forward THEY EXACTLY THE SAME PURE VERMIN AND SCUM!
  9. In the Western so-called democracy only the party who forms the Government chooses the PM albeit coalition vote for the PM but yes the unelected Thai ex military Senators can control against the wishes of the vast majority of the population. How absolutely ridiculous and was not it framed and did people vote for it or did not understand or forced in to voting for it? Unfortunately, like in the war mongering USA and UK they do whatever they want but on taxpayer money who keep the Elite and military in their luxury plastic bubble world. The politicians the World over are exactly the same pure scum and vermin and some newcomers come in with good intentions and then the systems which are rigged then have 3 line whipp.
  10. Yeah, Well there are different meanings for sure and also selective hearing but they like me to try or a few of them do and yes aso selective hearing on the English but the very few I use Thiai to relly appreciate the effort ok
  11. Yeah, whatever you say but do like to try and yes often wondered and selective hearing but I find that the Thais are fine and appreciate it if you try and yes sometimes have different meanings. Also if wrong they do have a laugh about it.
  12. Well do try and yes people appreciate it too ok
  13. Celsius Thanks mate and yes I do that but it gets posted as I want in Thai and was trying and playing around with it to see if I could do it the reverse way so to speak but will have to try my Thai friend to try it, As I do just about all the posting and know one can muck around with the settings and before two weeks ago lol I used to write it all down until I saw the little box t the bottom to copy. tThanks so much all
  14. Thanks ozimoron and all Yes I found out eventually lol just by accident a couple of weeks ago and used to write down the broken Thai down before sending it. Last week I noticed a very small box with copy in it and thought would try it. Yes my Thai friend and placed the curser on the messenger and Control V and went as Thai. I know the Thai to English worked as I was using the screen and did the same process and tried to send me a message and pasted it but came out in Thai and believe have to mucjk round with the settings. Ah well it is me who would do most of the posting, if not all. Thanks so much an yes did google and sounds too technical but it worked when I pasted as above.
  15. Hi Yes I know F/B has a reactive translation converting to English and yes I know can use Google to type English and send to a facebook site but how can one trnslate Thai to English the reverse way but do not think it is that easy? Thanks all and yeah it might seem a strange question but thanks all
  16. Hi This may sound like a stupid question and I guess to get a new SCB debit card one can go to my branch in Kanchanaburi and maybe take a few days. The only problem is that my branch in our village closed down a while ago but my account got transferred I assume go in to any branch and would I need my passport and yellow book and drivers license. Thanks all
  17. gUDERIAN I can assure you many have let them know for sure ad bad enough it is frozen, unless many are giving a false UK address but also a very active member of the various pension groups of ll pension issues and over 20 years and the barbaric frozen pensio issues and yes before May 2023 my paltry pension was always credited on the due date to my Thai bank account and then blaming the banks for over weeks delay. How we despise these 650 so-called public servants and financial institutions.
  18. All over the world they are all in the main old and some of the younger ones start off with good intentions but get sucked in to the system like so-called UK (never has been united) and 3 line whipps and so on. Frankly despise them all.
  19. Many foreigners actually contribute a lot what with their very specai Thai families but it is difficult on frozen state pension and fixed income but since about 3 or 4 years ago Immigration do not come around to your house. But if not careful we are branded all the same and the case all over the world.
  20. Very lucky such a small amount wait until you and others and nieces lying through their teeth stating a huge loan was a gift 600k!!!
  21. Also in may a week late for June an yeah our pittance
  22. Since 2015 there is no widows pension as like so many other things ie frozen state pensioner an issue ONY 77 YEARS old
  23. Saving face when owefamily lots of money but lie through their teeth and state it was given as a loan. Scum and vermin all over the world and good and bad everywhere and do the wai apology and stating sorry, really!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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