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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Yes, even if in 4 years if this ridiculous coalition Government lasts that long and the MFP wins a huge landslide election you can be sure that amending the Constitution again will be fixed and meanwhile and not just the students but the "winning" party will have had their success stolen yet again. Very sad times indeed by the military and the Senators and supposed to run their "service" in 2024 and the Elite. Same same throughout theworld and frankly despise the lot of them as liars and thieves and do not serve the peope whovoted for them and so nothing has changed.
  2. Wait until someone is released from a luxery police hospital suite
  3. Who really carebut we going to get daily bulletin whether we like it or not.
  4. blackshadow and other thanks for all the tips and somework ome do not Wasplaying around this aftrnoon Sunday27th and it was confusing to start with but lol I am easily confused. Yes there was not available in your area but if yoy click the blue tab it takes you to warpfootball.com and then the various countries. I chose England and sheff United v Man city cam up but there is 3 links and clicked the top one beeduball.net and came up with yesterdays match Brighton v WestHam. Presumably nearer the ko time tonight ie sheff U v Man city go in as above and bingo right? That will be me putting the howash on it but do not tell everyone ok
  5. I tried also and yes can see the site and jut thought one clicked on the match you wanted but there was no list of matchesand I only have a home computer and also no ipad.
  6. hI And thanks for the replies and going to ask one more. Can anyone tell me that dooball66 did work on home computer a week or so go ut now can not but people who have n ipad can go straight in to the site andpick the game up. Even the sub ones seem to be difficult to get and any ideas why? Thanks again
  7. Thanks all and obviously not that technical At the momen I have a AVG Secure vpn but none of the sies mention this for football purposes or am I being stupid
  8. It does sayy email or nobile and the latter do not have and will not let me register? Thanks again
  9. Thanks homseeker and also was thinking of annual sub is a box needed for that and thanks for your help
  10. Thanks nd can get in but it does say not available in uour country and do not possess Line??/ Thnks
  11. not avaiable in your country ie Thailand?
  12. I tried it and yes so man adverts but no footie today but tried the link but nothing thanks nyway
  13. Thanks and one must have a box as well?
  14. Hi I tried to find a foum for this and keep seeing adverts for football and not sure can one viw without a box and obviously that would be an addition and any free sites Thanks
  15. The ordinary decent Thai people have serious health ailments and for a long time and guess what they in a long queue to be seen!!!
  16. And tbf at home but some subjects are very tetchy indeed and no need to mention the others, you all know!!!
  17. sandyf Brilliant post and yes it affects our wonderful Thai families though and yes mentioned this in another post look at the so-called democracies of the USA and UK and several others and there simply is no democracy at all and a very small percentage of the populations actuall vote. The best post today and not rocket science but to them it is!!!
  18. Yeah not well at 3am the next morning and airlifted by helicopter and next we shall hear he has been captured and helped to flee the country after making sure PT "won" the Election and again what a waste of Thais votes and 11 parties in the Coilition. Yes look at the so-called Democracies of USA and UK amongst several others there is no such thing, The one topic we can not talk about but just about living in exile in Euope!! That in itself amongst other things like 249 Senators brought in by the previous military Government and allowed to vote!!!
  19. Well USA and UK democracy never only so-called but frankly 11 parties in a colition Government!!!
  20. spot on!!!! and we can't really comment like the other issues so will not !!!
  21. Yes sorry not even a Thai but knew someone 15 years ago claiming a pension in her own rigt but everything aboished foreveyone in 2015 ok
  22. I sent could before 2015 ok please read my post properly.
  23. They could claim on each other ni contributions
  24. Hi This has probably been asked before but can not fiind it. I have just a home computer and prioe to last week been picking up sites to see the games on line Anyone who subscribes to say True visios and how much is the sub and belive on has to have a box insertd. Any help appreciated
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