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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Seems to be available here: https://www.whitelotusbooks.com/books/hello-my-big-big-honey Not expensive.
  2. Go to the linked article and the name of each gallery is a link to their location on Google Maps.
  3. The Chinese are a lot more collectivist thinking than Europeans. Any types of crackdowns are going to have a much bigger effect on the tourism numbers from China. I'm not sure whose idea the "We have fewer tourists so we should make it harder for tourists to come here" policy was, but they must have known this is what would happen.
  4. I don't even have a problem with people having water fights with other people who are willing participants. I like seeing people having fun and being happy, even if I don't personally enjoy it. I'm in no way miserable about it. I just don't think people who don't want to get wet should get a bucket of water over them. Doesn't seem that controversial to me.
  5. Don't attacks on tourists appear to be becoming more common also?
  6. I'm guessing by this, and the response from police, his family is rich.
  7. Check the link. It goes into more detail. Including the response from police.
  8. I'm glad we got that straight, but you make it sound like your confusion was my fault. Which is not the case.
  9. I was saying that although foreigners choose to live in Thailand, they don't all have the choice to stay indoors during Songkran. That is what I was saying in the conversation that you jumped into and that is what I have been saying to you. I don't know what your problem is, but you're very much barking up the wrong tree here.
  10. Please read comments properly before you go on a crazy multiple comment rant for no reason.
  11. I never said that foreigners didn't have a choice to be in Thailand, so why would you say that to me?
  12. What are you talking about? I'm replying to someone who replied to my comments. I stopped checking this thread long before you did. If anyone is obsessed it's you. Lurking in the thread, reading my comments and then replying even though they aren't even addressed to you. You have no response, you have no argument, so you just sling insults and try to silence people. Get out more. Maybe get some help. Remember, you're the positive one who claims to live in harmony with nature. Why not try to act like it?
  13. Just because someone chooses to live in Thailand, it doesn't mean that they have chosen to be soaked with water during Songkran. A foreign person living in Thailand, just like a Thai person living in Thailand, doesn't always have the choice to stay at home during Songkran. A foreign person, just like a Thai person, has the right to go about their business without being soaked with water. You might not like that for some reason, but that is the truth legally and, in my opinion, morally.
  14. I didn't even bother reading when I saw this: He thinks prostitution is an average tourist thing? I mean, I know lots of people come to Thailand for prostitution, but suggesting that regular tourists - couples, families, etc. - come to Thailand and just see bars and prostitutes is kind of weird. It either shows that he has a fondness for the red-light district himself, or he is completely out of touch with what regular tourists come to Thailand for.
  15. So would this raise be for every job? Wouldn't that mean that there's a chance that businesses would simply become less likely to hire graduates?
  16. Can anyone understand from the picture whether it actually says this food is a full meal and recommends it, or is it just a picture with the text saying something different?
  17. Why do you want to pretend that someone wanting to know what actually happened is in any way minimising what happened?
  18. The comment you replied to was simply asking what really happened. I don't personally have an issue with that. You might ask yourself why you do.
  19. The truth of what actually happened matters a great deal. To most people anyway.
  20. What are you talking about? If you choose to live in Thailand you have automatically accepted that you will participate in Songkran? If you don't want to be soaked with water, don't come and live in Thailand? I disagree. Simply living in Thailand does not mean you have to be soaked with water.
  21. One of the problems with driving at a speed and in a style where the vehicle is constantly only just within your control. Not unusual to see trucks burning away whenever they get the chance and maintaining a dangerously high speed most of the time. All it takes is a loss of traction or an unexpected change of lanes...
  22. Perhaps it's easier to simply say it's religious, as less people are likely to argue. They probably just didn't want animals <deleted>ting and pissing everywhere and possibly attacking children. Seems fairly sensible.
  23. What I mean is, Thai women can enjoy spending time with older men, but it doesn't mean they will find them sexually attractive. It also doesn't mean they won't either. One thing I have noticed is that you will see incredibly beautiful women with incredibly ugly men, even in the same age group. Literally, big fat body, fat ugly face, stunning girlfriend. There's obviously a difference between men and women when it comes to sexual attraction. I think the objection to age-gaps thing is generally a kind of rationalisation of an irrational disgust/deviance response. Obviously an older man is not going to be around for long to raise children and may not have the energy to be particularly active, or someone may just have been conditioned to think that it is wrong. so there's kind of a "I feel that this is not good" automatic response which people then rationalise and verbalise. Even though their reasons given are quite illogical, especially where both parties are adults. If both parties are happy with the gap, have accepted that the older partner will become elderly and die long before the younger partner does, and feel that they are better off with that person than without them, there is no real harm in it. Some people always feel the need to criticise and try to make out that the younger partner is being exploited or coerced. Which is, again, likely just a rationalisation of a feeling they get, not based on actual facts or logic. They just aren't happy with the situation, probably because it makes them feel bad in some way. But anyway, I'm sure the age-gap thing has been done to death here many times over. Older men will always find much younger women attractive, some younger women will always want to be with older men, and some people will always have an issue with that, probably due to their own shortcomings. ????‍♂️ Doesn't really amount to much in the grand scheme of things. I think it's sad if people miss out on happiness because a few people take issue with age-gap relationships.
  24. Platonically speaking, that is in a non-sexual, non-romantic way, Thailand appears to have a culture where young people are not disgusted by older people generally. I can imagine a young Thai woman being happy to spend time with an older man who is kind, charming, funny, etc., and probably being slim, clean and nicely dressed helps. Sex might be a different issue though.
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