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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It's a very nice idea to look after the elderly, but they should probably also be looking at raising the retirement age to something more practical and forcing employers and employees to pay into some kind of pension.
  2. What's the deal with the yellow taxis then, do they lease?
  3. It's your money, spend it how you want. Some people would rather spend more time and effort to save a few Baht, others would rather save time and go for the most convenient option. I don't agree with the "you're a farang, you can afford it" thing. If that was the case then it would be fine for dual pricing everywhere. If you're being exploited or discriminated against because you are foreign, it's fine to take issue with it and avoid that good or service. Try not to let what other people do bother you so much. You will be more happy as a result.
  4. "Prevent and suppress crime" or "distract and divert attention"?
  5. Current Price: ฿2,241,388 THB Why try to buy gold at around the normal price? Avoiding tax?
  6. So water wars didn't turn nasty, there was a fight over a parking space.
  7. Hopefully no one will fall for that. We don't have visa agents in the UK. Only the uber-wealthy are allowed to be corrupt in the UK.
  8. Couldn't agree more. If people go to a water fight area to have a water fight; go for it. People simply trying to go about their business; leave them the hell alone.
  9. I don't think so if they are dating. It can be seen as a sign of affection. It depends on the person and the circumstances.
  10. I suppose we cannot begrudge his success too much. Thailand is the hub of weird White guys finding some modicum of success which they might not be able to achieve back home, after all.
  11. It really sucks for the sort of stragglers of the older generation. Family came first for them, but now those families they helped are forgetting about them and doing their own thing. Part of the "me generation". I'm sure there will be a rude awaking for them when they get older and they need someone.
  12. My guess would be because it's a foreign guy who can speak Thai. It makes it kind of interesting because it generates intrigue. Who is the foreign guy? Why is he in Thailand? How come he can speak Thai? What is his connection to the Thai man? Do they know each other, or are they strangers? Did the Thai man do anything bad to the foreign man, or is this completely unprovoked? Is that foreign man a danger to the Thai man, or is the Thai man a danger to the foreign man? How will the situation resolve itself?
  13. Their response should be interesting. Perhaps their response will be similar to Boris Johnson and his lies about 350 million pounds a week going to the EU. "We meant that in would be a nice idea if we could give you 10,000 Baht each."
  14. You think Thaksin would have simply stepped aside? He has never been particularly democratic.
  15. Not that anyone is doing that, but while human's are individuals, they still basically follow the same patterns of development (unless they have some developmental problem). To suggest otherwise would be absurd.
  16. The "many" has nothing to do with the "people", they are separate. If you had said something specific like "people who generalise need to stop", then that would not have been a generalisation. But you didn't, you said "if people would stop generalising", which is a generalisation. You don't say which people need to stop generalising, therefore it is a generalisation.
  17. You said "if people stopped generalising". Not everyone generalises. To say "people" is a generalisation.
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