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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I love the way many people who claim to be the good guys, and claim to support the moral and good choice of candidate, also gently threaten those who support the "bad guys" or question/doubt the "good guys" with consequences once the "good guys" win. If your team or your candidate is planning any kind of revenge or punishment for anyone who supported the opposing team, you are not the good guys.
  2. Would any of this actually happen under Thaksin, or would it simply be a regime change and business as usual?
  3. Thai apologists have to always believe that Thailand/Thais are the best, always right, and superior to other countries. This leads to some interesting rationalisations. My favourite one recently was that Thais can sense whether a foreigner is good or bad instantly through appearance and body language. So if a Thai is ever unpleasant to you, it is your fault as you are a bad person and the Thai has sensed this with their ESP. It can be amusing, but, as you point out, also sad when topics like this come up.
  4. Seems to be happening a lot lately. Did covid break some cultural taboos in Thailand?
  5. Chances are they are simply not interested in fixing it. Not worth the time or not worth the money so just lie. ????‍♂️ Not uncommon in Thailand, unfortunately.
  6. Apparently all the conversations are recorded and can later be analysed so that it can "learn". Perhaps that might happen then, or later real people review the conversations (although that seems unlikely).
  7. There appears to have been a bit of a problem with AI being labelled as racist as they don't know the things that you need to avoided saying about race to avoid being labelled a racist. I guess with this AI, they're chosen to simply block access to any answers that could be represented as being racist (i.e. anything negative about non-White, non-straight, or non-Christian).
  8. To be fair, when you come to power by the bought vote, you also listen to no one.
  9. Thailand: Hub of doing things that carry risks that people are better off not doing...
  10. No, but most foreigners involved in late night bar/restaurant brawls are.
  11. I don't think anyone hears the term "Artificial Intelligence" and believes that an actual conscious, self-aware sentient being has been created artificially. It is merely programmed to appear that way in some cases. The artificial part means it is something that has been created rather than naturally occurring and the intelligence part means it can create things and make decisions (albeit within whatever it is programmed to do). The self-driving car or the chat that appears close to being human suggests some form of intelligence as it carries out tasks or responds verbally without a human being directly involved, but it is just the programming.
  12. Are you sure this is "supply and demand"? Do you have a source on that? What I'm seeing says that price decides demand.
  13. If the 76 year old can't afford an agent, I doubt he's going to be able to get £50,000 together. Likely they'd just be taking him on until he dies and then paying for a funeral.
  14. That or maybe not carry 75,000 baht worth of jewellery for no real reason.
  15. Simply more racist rhetoric in the anti-foreigner campaign that has been underway since tourism returned to Thailand.
  16. So, if the prices are going up, then we have to conclude that there is more demand than there is supply?
  17. Is that different to back home, in your experience?
  18. Surely if all sellers put the prices up, and don't really care if they don't sell, then it is price fixing without competition and therefore not "market rates"?
  19. If it's a problem, then simply don't put the prices up. The issue lies with the sellers' greed. No need to blame foreigners.
  20. "Watcharaphol said that now that he has experienced discrimination based on race, he is going to do all that he can to fight racism against foreigners in Thailand. He said he's planning to take aim at dual pricing on services and attractions and old women tutting as foreigners walk past them, as soon as he returns to Belgium."
  21. You should have shown print-outs of this forum to help her understand your situation.
  22. I'd wager his blood was boiling from the moment he saw the non-Thai getting on the flight and entering the same zone as him. He started to sweat when he saw the farang was much taller than him. His veins started to pulsate when he noticed his shirt was more expensive than his. When the stewardess went to the farang before him, it was too much. He had a Patrick Bateman moment.
  23. One of the downsides of nationalism (or Thai Supremacy), people have a meltdown when they're treated just like everyone else.
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