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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Very sad but completely avoidable. Many cultures would view riding the wrong way on a road as making an accident inevitable, but in Thailand it is normal. Many probably feel it's the fault of the driver for not seeing him. A very difficult issue to address as a result.
  2. Very unlikely that she plunged three stories straight down with no injuries. Perhaps there were awnings etc. that broke her fall.
  3. I think they mean "a person who owns it", rather than "someone who wants to own it". It's a wild boar, not a pet.
  4. Exciting Songkran activities: Spend the next seven days pretending there's been a global apocalypse and stay indoors as much as possible; with any trip outside being planned with military precision to avoid drunk drivers and knobheads with water.
  5. I was going to say the same. Probably they want to wait and see if there is a way that they don't have to do anything first. It might all be a misunderstanding.
  6. The problem is that it is a lot easier to have a peasant's revolt when it is the case that the middle/upper class are exploiting the working class. What you have in Thailand is everyone at it at all levels. Thai people would essentially have to revolt against themselves. Many Thai people complain, but the change that would need to be brought about to address these problems would be change that many Thais would not want to see, as it would make things more difficult for them as well. Possibly things might change as the current youth matures, but it seems that cheating, copying, no-fail, and no consequences are still pretty popular in schools.
  7. Surely if demand is simply going back to what it was, then the price should go back to what it was? What is the other factor? Greed?
  8. Now your signature finally makes sense... ???? "If you find yourself at the end of your tether, tie a knot and hang on."
  9. I guess that's one positive thing. At least in Thailand the "toxic boy" is quite popular. He could still be an absolute mess in his head though. Lots of absolute lunatics are still a hit with the ladies (possibly even because they're lunatics), and "popular kids" are often screwed up inside. And what seems like a "cool kid" to his peers, might be a person heading towards complete disaster. The mess, the lying and stealing, the lack of success at school, could all do with being turned around. I suppose it all depends on how much effort you want to make. But don't forget, he might be in the younger one's life for a very long time, so it might be worth doing just to help him.
  10. Part of being in the military was security. As the Security NCO of many a unit, it was my enjoyment to find people like you that did not do the job and hang them. As to insurance I take it that you do not come here very often nor have noticed the number of Brits that are crying the blues because their insurance does not cover what they THOUGHT it did. As to a will, the fact that your lawyer is doing what you are paying him to do should make you happy. I am sure while you don't GAFF the people that you leave things to will be very thankful. You seem to have either quoted me by mistake or confused me with the OP.
  11. By chance, this appeared on my YouTube this morning, from Alain De Botton's The School of Life Channel (worth checking out his videos): I think you're probably right with the "feral child" angle. Although he still has some mental development to go through, and his brain will still have some plasticity, he's gone past some pretty significant developmental stages already. You might not be able to completely reverse the damage, but you will likely be able to reduce it somewhat and prevent any further damage from occurring. His friends might prove a bit of a challenge also. I don't think there's any reason to give up on him. It's just going to be challenging to win him over and he will probably push you away and be slow to warm to you. I'm sure if you are kind to him, show him that you are there to stay, be consistent, try to include him, he will come round eventually. Even adults appreciate having an older person provide that positive male role-model.
  12. I doubt it. Even younger people who are more open to foreign ideas, tend to only like the ideas that give "me" more rights. They aren't really interested in the rights that help others.
  13. I meant him share a screen grab. I don't think you need to prove anything. Rather, if he has found the picture on google, he can show a screengrab. Don't worry about people like that.
  14. But you're not married, so you could still clear out. Perhaps she didn't plan to trick you, she just felt relaxed enough to be herself, or something else changed. Well, the younger it starts, the easier it is to turn someone's life around. Is it possible that you can try to love the place, find helping others rewarding, be a positive influence, etc.? Not necessarily money, although a little might help, but just thinking "what can I do to help these people?". I feel like, perhaps, if you're able to recalibrate your thinking, rather than seeing them as stupid or backward, seeing them as simple, humble people, you might have a better time.
  15. The room is so bare and miserable to begin with though. I can imagine simply having to stay in that room giving someone mental problems. I'd be tempted to give it a clean, spend a few thousand Baht on some furniture, and see what affect that has.
  16. You couldn't say to someone "you are pedantic"?
  17. This is how I would be and if I had to employ security I would want them to do this. ????‍♂️
  18. I'm not sure how serious your relationship is, or how much you care about morals or values, but it seems like the woman is not exactly top drawer in the parenting department. Perhaps you just want to have sex with her and don't care about anything else. I assume you don't want to have children with her. Three choices, as I see it. 1, Leave. 2, Tolerate it. 3, Clean it yourself, maybe even buy him some furniture, try to befriend the boy and see if you can become a positive influence in his life. In terms of punishment, it's likely that neither the mother nor the son will allow that. You only really have kindness and reward in your motivational toolbox. What are your feelings about your relationship in terms of being a father figure to the boy? Do you feel like you have any responsibility to help him in any way? Or are you just "shaggin' his mum"? He's probably not in a great mental state. I guess an absent father and a busy mother? Now some foreign guy has moved in. Some might look at a room like that and think it's a sign of depression.
  19. I believe it's not the amount so much as the racism. It's not really any different to a local taking a few hundred Baht out of your pocket because you are Western so they're entitled to your money.
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