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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. You also hear women say "Oh I like a bad boy me" and "But he makes me feel so safe". Women can very often like men that treat them very badly. Then there's the fear. The bad-boy she chose threatens to kill her if she leaves (even more likely in Thailand). Also there's the fact that men often earn more than women, and they have a kid together, so they're pretty reliant on him. I think they just find a way to tolerate it or even don't mind it in some situations. Don't abusers normally apologise and act nicely for a while after an assault?
  2. Would you tell your friends if your wife was beating you and you were scared to leave her?
  3. She isn't bad looking. I wonder why she chose a gambling wife-beater 15 years her senior. Unless the bad-boy type of thing drew her to him. No other way out in Thailand. If the circumstances are as she says, I can't say I blame her. What a mess.
  4. And the visa was enough to make you want to come to Thailand? You wouldn't have come if it wasn't offered?
  5. No. Those that want to can't and those that can don't want to.
  6. I would have thought that cleaners would be a little more resilient when it came to "strange odours".
  7. Also, surgeons are breathing over their patient's open body. It's more about protecting the patient from any possible contamination, no matter how miniscule. Open wounds are incredibly vulnerable.
  8. Unlikely to make a difference. Unless they have solid proof like some CCTV, it's unlikely that they will get a fair trial.
  9. Odd that they chose to use a still where it appears that the "foreigner" is the one who is being touched by someone else. No stills of the actual assault?
  10. So the Thai was morally right to shoot him? A fair and proportional response? "You sound your horn and bang on my car [if he even did that]. I shoot you dead. We'll call it square and draw a line under the whole thing." - Something like that?
  11. I wonder if it was simply two men going into the house that triggered him? Crazy to think that is all it takes to kill.
  12. Sounds pretty unlikely. Possible, but you're behind someone and they're taking a long time to turn so you honk then hit their car? Much more likely that he honked his horn and this made the Thai flip out.
  13. Unfortunately quite possible. Probably a few will think that it is the foreigner's fault for being in Thailand and making the Thai angry, so the killer should not be punished. Not everyone, but some probably will.
  14. It boggles the mind how anyone can think that a foreigner would get preferential treatment in Thailand. I guess only foreigners really know how they can be treated.
  15. Obviously with a responsible adult who would care for her basic needs and keep her safe. That's pretty much the minimum anyone under 18 should expect. The fact that she was allowed to live in a way other than this is evidence of multiple people letting her down.
  16. Off topic? How? Someone said the monk is solely to blame. I said other people could have helped the girl in the article at some point. How is that off topic? How is what I said Thai bashing? Is Thai bashing simply saying something negative about some aspect of Thailand? She's not even homeless! And how would that change anything? If a 14 year old girl is living alone, something has gone wrong somewhere.
  17. I think the slight difference with Thailand is that the monks often have a known long history of law breaking. I'm not saying churches never covered anything up, but it isn't like career criminals head there for a bit of R&R.
  18. In "Down and out in Paris and London" (1933) George Orwell explains that in very poor households, mothers would share beds with daughters, while fathers would share beds with sons. The reason for this was that if male and female siblings shared a bed, they believed it would lead to incest. Not sure how true that is. ????‍♂️
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