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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. That doesn't prove that they care, nor that they were really doing something "right". It just means they did enough to make them vote for them. It is easy enough for a politician to do something to make a group of voters temporarily "like" them, while doing something that will harm them in the long-term. In order to buy votes and enrich themselves, the money had to come from somewhere, and it would likely run out eventually.
  2. I'm not sure how he resists the urge to type something like "Good. I hate other foreigners." I guess that's a little too explicit.
  3. I wonder where the degree symbol went. It seemed to be present in the original article.
  4. I think it's more "we won't be enforcing this law on tourists so please come/cum".
  5. They're also suggesting that overstayers and people without up-to-date TM30s are responsible for all the crime in Phuket...
  6. The problem is that people rarely ever "pass" for the gender they wish to represent. This is fine in terms of people being able to see which gender they want to be and making accommodations based on politeness. It becomes a real issue though, when they expect to be considered absolutely a biological version of the gender they wish to be, and treated as such in every way. People can say "A trans woman is a real woman" all they want, but if they are still visibly male, there are going to be issues when they want to access the private spaces of biological women or are accidentally referred to as their biological sex.
  7. The above are not acronyms. They are initialisms. An acronym is an abbreviation where the first letters of a group of words are used to make another word. If you don't say the abbreviation as a word, and instead pronounce each letter, they are not acronyms. These are acronyms.
  8. Is this not the case? If he is your senior manager, surely you cannot tell him what to do? Do you have any authority over him? Why would you ask repeatedly if he obviously isn't interested? I'm not surprise that he is annoyed with you continually telling him what to do if he is senior to you. Repeatedly telling your boss what to do, then making it very obvious that you are moving off into another office because of him seems incredibly likely to make him "lose face", and that's a big no-no in Thailand. I don't wish for anyone to lose their job, but if you do, the reason would seem pretty clear and also, more importantly, quite avoidable. Perhaps you can apolgise and find another way of solving the issue.
  9. By the new meaning, yes (as pointed out in my comment). But the word originated literally as "being executed with electricity". created to define the state putting convicts to death through the use of the electric chair. I'm sure you can see that it is a combination of execute and electricity. Hence "electrocuted to death" will always sound like "killed to death" to those that don't really embrace the newer definition. Particularly as some people seem to think that it can mean both, then fail to clarify, as in the original article.
  10. I see. Well, the comment I was replying to was suggesting that it wasn't just Pit Bulls that attack people. My reply was claiming that the aggression and physical strength of Pit Bulls (and other dangerous dogs) means that they are unique in terms of damage they do when they do attack, and possibly the rate at which they attack. Meaning it is "just Pit Bulls" that do the damage they do.
  11. From the Cambridge dictionary: While his mental illness means that he is probably not in control of the screams, and therefore couldn't really be called a liar, you could probably consider his screams as being an involuntary cry for help which people grew to ignore. It certainly sounds like it had the same affect as "crying wolf".
  12. Are you asking a question? There are no question marks, so I am unsure. Or are you enthusiastically agreeing with me?
  13. It is just Pit Bulls (or other dangerous dog breeds) that have the aggression and the physiology that leads to these things though.
  14. So, does electrocution here mean the traditional meaning and he died? Or is it the modern alternative meaning and he lived? You can't have it both ways. Edit: I see it is clarified later. It's still so funny to effectively see "killed to death" in a news article... Also curious as to whether he was actually technically "electrocuted to death" (new meaning) if he died from his injuries later. "X to death" seems to suggest that someone died directly from whatever X was at the time that it was happening.
  15. I wonder how she froze to death in a temperature that was above freezing... ???? Foul play, perhaps?
  16. They may have been suspicious from the start. Either way, if he started to act suspiciously, it's reasonable for them to react. Being a parent doesnt protect you from the law in relation to acting suspiciously with your own child. The school may have also known about the history between the parents. They can likely rescind his invitation, making him a trespasser. I don't think there is anything that has happened to him that he could have anyone charged with.
  17. Yes. Christianity and divining lottery numbers from a banana tree are pretty much two sides of the same coin. /s
  18. Depends on what the struggle looked like. If it looked like he kicked about a bit but wasn't able to get out of the fire, that's different to "signs of a struggle", which generally means evidence of people fighting. I would hope they don't mean that there are two sets of footprints and it looks like someone pushed and held him in the fire. But, TiT...
  19. Were there Thai people on the bus that were also not wearing face masks?
  20. Why do they need to be pathetic? Maybe they are happy and fulfilled. Is that so bad?
  21. I'm pretty sure these types of people simply like to see bad things happening to others. They probably then massage the severity of the crime to ease their conscience and not have to face up to the kind of person they are. Not unusual for individuals to learn of something bad happening to someone, only to desperately try to find an angle where they can say "Good, they deserved it", when really they just want to say "Good".
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