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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. So what are you suggesting the implication of that is? Vaccines increase deaths so we shouldn't vaccinate? The lower the vaccine rate the more protected you are and the higher the vaccine rate the less protected you are?
  2. Are you telling me you, presumably a foreigner, couldn't afford to buy a couple of drinks and some snacks for your family visiting? And "cleaning and fixing your house"? That just sounds weird. I don't understand how you could have found yourself in this position. Unless it's some sort of bullsh*t parable-esque story. ???? Did you copy this from a facebook post? Are you continuing the trend of made up stories?
  3. You might be in the camp of "it's OK to lie in the press about something if it happens at other times or if it means it causes something good to happen", but I am not. Don't lie in the press and social media to try and get the outcome you believe to be the right one. It is a very, very bad precedent as many people think that their side is the "right one". Present facts and let people decide what to think.
  4. By the looks of it, the TVF Detective Force is already making inquiries...
  5. She doesn't look like someone who has eaten a fifth of a noodle meal for dinner hundreds of times. Don't be so naïve.
  6. Not great writing. According to the article they were swept about 50 metres downstream and found five metres from the bank. Very sad. It sounds like there were adults around when it happened, but they either didn't do anything to really stop the kids from going in the river, or didn't do anything when they were swept away. Possibly both. If there is a river that is capable of sweeping kids away, they should make sure that kids don't go in it, full stop.
  7. It does indeed. Especially filming before she even asks for the soup. She also doesn't look particularly dishevelled to me, nor all that malnourished. I have no doubt that there are many poor people struggling in Thailand right now, but this girls doesn't look like she is sharing one bag of noodle soup between five at each meal.
  8. I think the handling of the pandemic and the vaccine debacle plays a big part in it. They also need to maintain the antiforeigner feelings by making it difficult for foreigners to get into the kingdom. If they opened up and Thai people started accepting foreigners and no longer see them as being singularly responsible for covid in Thailand, they would lose a major tool of distraction. With only around 70% having had two doses of vaccine, around 30% at three and seemingly a reluctance to boosters, we have no idea how many Thais actually have/will have a decent level of protection against the latest variant. Presumably anyone who has only had two doses of Sinovac, not very much. Hoping for change thiough.
  9. Isn't Chomsky a famous, rich, influential public figure? He has at least a little SMV, or at least he would have done when he was younger and at the peak of his Linguistic professorial career. He probably had quite a few geeky girls lusting after him when he was younger.
  10. Someone saying what happened to them is not opinion and what does it matter why they were treated that way?
  11. If they are a guy drinking, mongering or "being an idiot", apparently yes.
  12. Isn't online gambling illegal? Maybe "give us a cut or well arrest you"? And "and well bash you and your kid" for good measure?
  13. Probably very true. Smith has attempted to put across a squeaky clean image throughout his career and his attitude towards his wife appears to be quite "feminist". And what does he get for his niceguy image and simpish pandering? An unfaithful and rapidly aging woman who has zero respect for him. Worse than that, it has all been played out very publicly. Smith's image is in tatters and this last ditch attempt to prove he was "the man" had the exact opposite effect. They say that most anger is projection, so yeah, Rock's joke at the expense of Smith's wife probably felt like he was saying "You're Will Goddam Smith. Look how low you have become. Look how old and ugly your lying cheating wife is. You're stuck with her and she hates you and treats you like dirt and everybody knows it."
  14. As he should be. Totally unacceptable behaviour.
  15. Yet on this occasion Black people appear to be trying to hush the thing up. Makes you wonder if the reason we don't hear about Black on Black violence is because White people don't care or because Black people don't want it discussed.
  16. How does he behave like an idiot, and why does that mean he deserves to have his belongings stolen?
  17. How would I be able to identify them? And why is does that prove or disprove anything? Someone that knows them might recognise them and the video might help them find them again or prove that they did it. Besides, it doesn't really matter whether we can or not, the fact is that someone recording a video of the person you are considering stealing from might make you reconsider whether to go through with it, which was my original point.
  18. Not smashing it and no longer needed so not really evidence. Another great headline. ????
  19. The lady boy goes straight for the clasp. Perhaps she does other things to distract the guy, but if someone immediately grabs your necklace you would think that you would notice. Also it's fairly clear he is recording, so it seems a little foolish to try to rob him. Not sure it's a chain worth stealing either.
  20. I think, at least in the case of cheaters, access and consequences could put them off back home. Coming to Thailand, they probably find that access to women is a lot easier, along with the ability to keep it quite. Depending on their relationship there may also be lesser consequences and their partner may even be OK with it. The attitude to cheating seems to be that it is tolerated a lot more here. And, of course, the above could specifically attract cheaters/philanderers to Thailand. ????
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