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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Exactly what I thought. You could probably live comfortably on 70k and bank the rest. That kind of pension has to be from a very well paid job for a long time.
  2. In your opinion. I find it very interesting. Other people seem interested in commenting. It appears to be generating agreement, disagreement and the sharing of experience, knowledge and opinions. You have also made several comments and now reached a conclusion which you felt that you wanted to share. This all has value as far as I am concerned. ????‍♂️
  3. That's one of the things that floored me when I first went to Thailand. Absolutely stunning women sweeping the streets or cleaning hotels, and with pleasant personalities! It just wouldn't happen back home. I understand that I might like dark girls and they aren't considered the most beautiful here, but still. The only women I see back home in these menial roles are very unattractive or old.
  4. Precisely. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who are ignorant and don't want to learn. These people view things ideologically and ignore facts that they don't like. Exactly, yes. I don't agree with everything he says, but he is clearly a smart guy with a pretty large depth of knowledge in his field. The trick is sticking to facts and spotting opinions when they are given. I've watched many of his lectures also. I know he became famous due to his political stance, but I try to view him like any academic figure, they are human too. Very interesting guy though.
  5. So the Thai guy marries a woman of similar age and status to have the official marriage and children with to maintain face, then has a Mia Noi who is younger, hotter, but lower class; while the foreigner doesn't worry about class or need a high status woman to marry, have kids with or maintain face, so just marries the lower class woman half his age and is generally exclusive? Is that it?
  6. I think it depends on the agreement and both parties should discuss it before they enter into a relationship. If the guy says "service me and take care of me until I die and you'll never have to worry about money again, you'll get everything I have", he does have a responsibility. If she's paid for the "work" at the time, then he doesn't have this responsibility.
  7. It was. I'm reluctant to mention these people by name as often some online people react negatively to them because they discuss subjects that are surprisingly controversial. It's not uncommon for people to flip out if you start talking about evolutionary psychology and dating.
  8. I was watching a YouTube video recently and someone mentioned they had a female friend who went to an academic event and found the guy organising/running the event to be incredibly attractive. She later met him again at another event, but this time he was not organising it. The second time she viewed him as being nothing special at all. Weird.
  9. What other options do we have? Accept that we got caught doing something we knew was wrong and face the consequences?
  10. I obviously can't rule out that any young girl I see with an older guy is a Mia Noi. I wonder if women factor this in to decision making. Marry an older guy, then he won't run off with a younger girl (or employ one wasting money that could be hers) when she gets older?
  11. Certainly the female to male attraction works differently to male to female attraction. It's more about some form of provision for women, while for men it's more about fertility. Hence we don't see so many age-gap relationships where the man is much younger than the woman. Just not sure if it works as far as 50 & 70.
  12. But what if you'd had a relationship for 30 years at that point and had a family together? Presumably they might then think differently?
  13. Is that purely for money, or does the way they will be treated come into it also? Although I understand that most Thai girls prefer Thai men, I'm often surprised by this given how some Thai men behave. In other countries with similar conditions, foreign men, even a bit older, are seen as preferable not just due to money but also the way they will treat the girl. I think some Thai women are waking up to this fact, although it often seems to take some personal experience.
  14. Without the age gap, if it was 70 and 75 rather than 55 and 75, would you be any better taken care of? Or would it, in either scenario, be your money and your kids that are really the only ones looking out for you? Although I believe that part of the deal with a much older guy and a very young girl from the North East, is that she provides sex and companionship until he becomes very old, then would care for him until death and gets everything. The main difference is possibly not the care, so much as once you become decrepit, will your younger wife run off with a 50 something Thai man? I suppose if she's waiting for a payout, perhaps not.
  15. It is what it is, I guess. I didn't really specify. (Although my rundown did start with 20-40.) I just wanted to get some answers re. age-gaps. I thought around 20ish years was a common one. I didn't think it mattered if it was retired with an age-gap or working in Thailand and an age-gap. Does it? What is the difference if the age-gap is 20ish years?
  16. Who said retired? How would someone twenty years older than a twenty year old be retired? I guess he could be if he was super successful, but that would be a plus, I would imagine. ????
  17. I feel like you didn't read the comment you are replying to at all. That isn't the type of girl I am talking about. Also we were talking about Thai and Thai in that exchange.
  18. I'm curious what you consider to be "buying". Suppose a twenty something university educated girl is willing to marry a man twenty years older than her, so not a bar-girl, massive dowry, fee paid to the parents every month, type of deal. Perhaps she wants a boost in social status, a half-White baby, a husband with a higher paying job, perhaps she has heard that foreign guys are more supportive, like brown or fat girls ("ugly"), less likely to cheat, etc.. Is that still "buying a girl"? I realise we're a little off topic, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
  19. The same for anyone really. She's not attractive to guys her own age. Money, power and status at a level that she otherwise could not get. She has a thing for older guys. Or she doesn't care about age and likes the older guy for whatever reason. ????‍♂️ The thing is, a single guy of any age will mostly look for someone in their twenties. And if they can find one, then they will attempt a relationship. If the woman is willing, Bob's your Uncle. I feel like it is more acceptable in Thailand than in the West, even with Thai and Thai. And, generally speaking, the guy always buys the girl, maybe the older guys just pay a little more. You must know that money is a very big factor in relationships in Thailand, right?
  20. More uncommon than the West? Generally, sure, but I feel like it's more common and acceptable in Thailand. Possibly more acceptable in most of Asia. But isn't that more acceptable in Thailand that in the West?
  21. I'm just spit balling about a 20 year age-gap. If you have a different idea of what might happen, could you explain?
  22. Sad but true. Also, people generally don't feel the need to post about positive experiences, unless their ego is attached to the image Thailand has, then you get the "Thailand is great, what are you Thai bashers moaning about, go home if you don't like it." However, if something bad happens to someone, they generally want some validation and to be told they are in the right and the offending party is the bad guy. This is simply human nature. A typical positive Thai thing that happens to me is some random act of kindness or good manners, managing to have a conversation in broken English/Thai and Google translate, a pleasant interaction in a café or 7/11. Things I would hardly write a post about but still brighten my day.
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