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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Hmmm... And why you think me objecting to your hate is itself hate is beyond me. (Actually, I know why really.)
  2. I'm sure some do. Still more seem only too well aware of the situation. And what about sexual exploitation? You buy that? Mutual exploitation, perhaps. Certainly both partners seem to be informed and consenting.
  3. I think if two hit men want you dead, even the neighbourhood watch can't save you.
  4. I have to disagree with this one. Telling individual boys that they are trash in order to counter balance the men that are will just damage that child. You're drifting into revenge feminism then. Raise young men to believe that they are no more special than anyone else, but don't try to make them feel that they are inferior to women just because you don't like how Thai men behave generally. Male or female, children are innocent. Don't punish them for the crimes of their gender.
  5. For sure. He'll definitely face severe consequences for his actions. /s It's actually more likely he killed her just to get rid of her. Thai women seem quite tolerant of affairs as "that's just what Thai men do".
  6. Unfortunately women often don't see it as "just a bit of fun", while men are happy to deceive women to get sex from them that they otherwise would not give. Such a messed up world.
  7. I bet you rock it well. Did you have a work permit for that? Very interesting to learn this about you.
  8. But they have no issue with policies like no fail, copying/cheating is OK, etc.?
  9. Human rights don't really exist unless the state recognises and protects them.
  10. I'm always a little surprised by people who complain about a little second hand smoke but live somewhere with pollution so bad that it can burn your nose and throat and make you cough.
  11. Sure, but if he said "No problem, don't worry, yes sir" to every question and each was a lie, I would have a bit of an issue. Especially if it resulted in being sold a lemon and having zero consumer rights after the sale.
  12. Average penis and condom size is smaller in Asia than in Europe. Those are just the facts. ????‍♂️
  13. What's the logic? Find somewhere where they also have just under 10,000 cases per day and then allow quarantine-free travel? No test and go? What about new infections? If you have the same number of cases as Thailand then you don't pose a risk, but if you have a higher number of cases you do? Or is it based on nationality and good-covid vs. bad-covid?
  14. They aren't even going particularly well yet. If Omicron hadn't come along, I'm not sure how rosy the tourism outlook would be.
  15. Who says they're going to keep coming? If covid-19 hadn't been brought to Wuhan, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are now. (And that's whether you believe a wet market or lab based outbreak.)
  16. Sure, there's tons of deadly viruses out there. The point is to leave them the <deleted> alone. Don't get them into a lab and start seeing how you can mess with them. What's with Wuhan and their obsession with deadly bat viruses?
  17. In that case the woman had taken an overdose or something and she was unconscious for hours. The dog was trying to wake her and repeatedly scratched or chewed at her face to try and wake her, leaving her with most of her lips and nose missing. It was in no way an aggressive attack. So that example in no way supports your argument. Not sure if someone else has clarified. I don't have time to go through the seven pages of comments here.
  18. 1, There's no such thing with traffic accidents as there are always more that can happen. Not sure where the idea for this headline came from. 2, "Locking the stable door" suggests they are about to embark on an action that would have prevented the original incident, or "stopped the horse from bolting".
  19. Apologies. I was asking a genuine question. I'm not a doom monger, nor do I have any ill will towards anyone on any type of visa. So your volunteer visa was obtained through an agent? And it was still present in your passport when you got a visa exempt?
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