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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Women are so mercenary when it comes to relationships, I'm not sure the exact reasons matter. There's a good chance the girl would want a younger Thai guy if they could get one, but they aren't available to them so they probably tell themselves that they don't want them anyway. While the foreign guy would probably like to be with a hotter girl, but tells himself he's mature now and cares more about personality. (If you don't think people settle in most Western relationships, I've got a bridge to sell you.) As long as they're both happy, who cares? They both get something out of the relationship. Obviously if circumstances change and one leaves, they will be sad, but that could happen to anyone.
  2. Could be be loss of face to either admit you are going through it and losing your youth/fertility, or it's a case of not wanting to look stupid for not knowing about it. Also, the Thai education system doesn't rally make people inquisitive.
  3. I think we would hope for at least one thing to be poor; her taste in men! (Joke)
  4. Sure, I understand that, but there was more than that one thing on the list. Also the question was actually about whether that would be seen as buying, not whether that was possible. But i appreciate your input. It's all interesting.
  5. Hmmm... I don't think that's what you said, but I guess the truth is coming out now. Teeheehee. Did I put git on the list? Perhaps I should have done.
  6. I know. Its terrible. I am a broken man. Life could be so much simpler. ???? A life tragically wasted by this foolish drive. A worthless slave to morality. ????‍♂️
  7. Wait, do you think that a girl educated at a university in Thailand is either from a wealthy family or, due to having a degree, is going to go on to have a career where they become wealthy? I think either you have a different idea of what wealthy is or you are drastically overestimating the value of a Thai degree. Many who get a Thai degree will go on to work basic office jobs. Few will become wealthy.
  8. I'm not sure what's triggering you. If they want it, they want it. My question was whether it's seen a "buying the girl" if the circumstances are as I described. I wasn't asking if that type of girl wants to be with an older foreign guy. That was never in question. So, while I appreciate your thoughts, your negative attitude is largely wasted on this discussion.
  9. You seriously think most Thai girls can Hope to secure a young, attractive, wealthy Thai man? Have you ever even been to Thailand? Young, attractive, wealthy Thai men literally have their pick of the women and are likely to be unfaithful. Jesus And the culture and language thing is not as much of a challenge as you think. This might be a shock to you, but foreign people are allowed to learn Thai culture and the language and many Thai people even learn English now.
  10. Are you seriously suggesting that if a 65 year old guy, with a 65 year old Western wife*, meets a friend of the same age and he brings along his 30 year old Thai girlfriend, the guy with the White old lady is not going to be quite a bit jealous? Especially as both guys probably still pay for everything. (*I'm sure we can all at least admit that this woman is likely to be physically extremely unattractive.)
  11. You claim that the detail of why a 17 year old is in M3 does not matter. I'm suggesting none of what we comment on here matters and we only really do it for entertainment. We certainly don't effect any meaningful change through what we discuss here. It's a forum based on sharing news stories or other text-based post that users comment on. How or why does anything any user has written above really matter?
  12. Looks like a tree sitting in a square of earth. Maybe there was enough room on the other side of the tree, maybe not, but it had nothing to do with the poster.
  13. Probably to try and claim that the poster blocked the pavement and made the person in the wheelchair go out into the road...
  14. Also, how is it "sex for grades" if he's paying the students for the sex?
  15. "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know." - Donald Rumsfeld Not sure exactly what he was talking about. Could be Thai women. Could be something else. ????
  16. The way I see it, Westerners generally have internal face, while Thais have external face. We worry about how we feel about a situation or how we think we are being treated, while Thais worry about what other people think about them in a situation and how it makes them look. So we think about what we like in a girl, generally, while Thais are thinking about what other people think of them.
  17. What's a 17 year old doing in M3? "Times, they are a'changing..."
  18. Isn't "it's all a big misunderstanding" pretty common in Thailand? "I just took her there to give her a private lesson."
  19. So it is kind of sex for money now, then later it will become care for money?
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