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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I often found that Western culture in general relies on putting others down or making other people feel bad. It always seems/seemed that success wasn't enough, you have to show that you are better than another. And I feel that permeates every area of society, with a strong focus on consumerism and not just keeping up with the Jones but desperately showing that you are better than them.
  2. I'm not even sure what this guy's main point is. It's bad because the illegality (on this occasion) isn't benefiting Thai people enough?
  3. I've seen dozens of attractive young women lining up to be picked up for night shifts in factories. I have no doubt many of these women could sell their body for sex if they wanted to, but they choose to work a night shift in a factory. Make of that what you will.
  4. Certain genres found on YouTube collate videos of women in their 30s and 40s lamenting the fact that "dating has changed", so even when they become partially aware of the problem, it is still blamed on men changing, rather than facing the actual cause.
  5. Now? I thought this had been the case for a long time? Quite normal for immigration to want degree, tefl and criminal record check. Same in Vietnam.
  6. Is there actually any clear evidence that links DNA to intelligence? The thing is, often people with low IQs are poor, whether in a developing country or a racial minority in a developed country, so nutrition, education and parental involvement is probably a lot higher of a factor. I'm sure you can appreciate the damage that mislabelling the terminally poor as being genetically predisposed to low intelligence.
  7. But wouldn't that make it cost less to come to Thailand? That's not the look that TAT is after. Perhaps they should increase the fees for visas! That way people will think that Thailand is an in demand, upmarket place and rich people will want to visit more.
  8. Probably until covid becomes as mild as a cold. Probably years, possibly forever.
  9. Also the workers were probably siting in the back of the truck. (It probably has a name that I don't know. The truck bed?)
  10. That's the point. It's amount that people would say "Screw it, just pay it, it's not worth the trouble", as they have in this thread. There higher the amount, the more chance of resistance. If the amount is higher than the cost of getting out of the situation, then people will be more likely to resist. Also it might make it trickier for the police officer to assist in the scam. Because you could get arrested or killed, rather than just collecting your free 6K Baht.
  11. Not only that but it's way too likely that people might turn on you. There's little we can actually do as foreigners and we could easily make things worse or get ourselves in trouble.
  12. I'm guessing they're in on the scam like the tourist cop in the jetski scam?
  13. How did the police find out about it? Presumably the businesses contacted some other cops and told them there was some double-dip extortion going on. We have to assume that the standard "tea money" that allows businesses to function properly go all the way up the chain.
  14. I don't mind using the self-service at McDonald's, but that's at McDonalds and even then I would like eye contact, smile and a thank you from the person bringing the food over. If I went to a proper restaurant, I think I would want a decent bit of human interaction. Being waited on is a part of the experience. It's what's you miss out on eating at home, the décor, the food, the service, should all be something a little bit special. Even street food or a café, I won't go back somewhere where the people aren't polite and I will purposefully return to places where the people are friendly. It seems so rare these days. I'm very polite and friendly, so I feel it reasonable to expect the same in return.
  15. 2022 and Russia is fighting pointless wars and suffering from food shortages. You would think they might have learnt by now.
  16. Because it doesn't tell you before clicking that it was written by "Rooster" so you end up clicking and then skimming it before quickly becoming bored and moving on?
  17. Would be great if these could be posted by the author, rather than "webfact". That way we would not have to click the link to find out (before hastily clicking the back button) and give the impression that the author is more popular than they are.
  18. So were they "necklaced", or was their body just burnt in tyres after they had been murdered?
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