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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. I would imagine a check up, perhaps three weeks after the fitting of the abutment. Then a fitting of a temporary tooth at some point.

    You should really ask her, as it may also depend on the tooth you intend to replace, your age, your general health, whether or not you smoke.....


    So, organise a consultation. :)


    To be honest, I was horrified at the thought of an implant. But it was just a bit of pressure and I am so glad that I went through with it.

    Can't say enough good things about the practitioner. Conscientious and kind.

  2. 3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    I know she comes well recommended. Any idea whether it would be feasible for someone from BKK to go down there for her to do an implant? I mean in terms of, how many different separate visits would be required start to finish...  and would any of those require any overnight stays, or is there any arrangement for that there (I don't mean inpatient in the hospital, I mean nearby) if one wanted to stay overnight?



    I cannot foresee a need for an overnight stay.  The usual method is to fit the abutment and then six months later to fit the crown with perhaps a couple of check-ups in between, to make sure that the implant has taken and there is no infection.


    Personally I would arrange with Gavin to have a five minute consultation with her by telephone. That way you can ask all of the questions that you have in mind.


    I did the same, though without Gavin and she answered all of the questions I had at the time. 

  3. 14 hours ago, teddog said:

    Implantologist you think will be permanently there,?think again


       Maybe one/twice a month he rolls into dental sugery,yes Im thinking,  get a few patients together,forx ray  then travelling bag comes out  


    Yes, the Implantologist at Phyathai Sri Racha is the Head Dentist there and has held that position for at least ten years.




    You shouldn't just make things up. It makes you look ridiculous. 

  4. 2 hours ago, teddog said:

    Travelling implantology, not stuck at one dental surgery


    What kind of nonsense post is that?


    Apart from the fact that it is of no assistance whatsoever, as it is totally lacking in detail, it is horrible advice anyway.


    Not unlike advising that it is better to buy from a travelling salesman, than an established shop that has their own equipment, does their work in-house and guarantees their work.


    What happens when you need to have a check up or remedial work at a time to suit you? You either have to travel to where that implantologist is working or wait until they are down your way again. Even then, you are at the mercy of whatever equipment is available at that particular dental practice. Some of them don't even have 3D scanners necessary for dental implants and send you off to a hospital to get that done..

    Terrible suggestion in every way.



  5. 5 hours ago, PAV123 said:

    Thank you for your reply. Does she speak English well? She can handle all kinds of implants?


    Actually she doesn't need Gavin to communicate with you in English. Gavin is useful if you have a problem communicating over the phone with the girls on the reception. But really you can just call them to fix an appointment directly with Ms Suwangatte.

    Then you can direct all of your questions to her directly. I researched thoroughly before choosing and I, years later, am happy with my choice.

    I can't say that I have found any of their other charges high. 



  6. Until then you can simply change your 3G/4G package to a truly unlimited one. Currently you utilise packages that give an allowance and then allow you to continue with a reduced bandwidth.


    You can change to a package that offers unlimited Internet at 4Mbps. All of the networks offer this package on PAYG and Postpaid. PAYG from 450 baht to 650 baht + VAT per month.


    Which network are you utilising at the moment?

  7. Opera no longer has a Turbo Mode. You must be using an old version. Nevertheless, click on the Menu Tab in the top left hand corner, You should see Turbo Mode in the list and be able to toggle on and off from there.



  8. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Sorry to other BMs for this silliness.


    He needs to look up non-sequitur. I shall put the little argumentive boy on ignore .....


    I should add that non-sequitur. describes perfectly most of your posts in this thread.

    All of my posts are clearly explained with the facts and figures to back them up. Almost of yours contain erroneous claims and emotional outbursts. 


    There is no such word as argumentive.


    Yours is a perfect example of what happens when someone drops in a literary device such as "non-sequitur." in order to look a 'cut above', but then immediately falls flat on their face when they fail to spell the word "argumentative" correctly.





  9. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Sorry to other BMs for this silliness.


    He needs to look up non-sequitur. I shall put the little argumentive boy on ignore .....


    So it all comes down to your ego. You should apologise to the BMs for your derailing the thread with your misleading advice.

    Putting me on ignore only increases the chance that your head will stay stuck firmly in the sand. Be my guest. 


    It's seems to be true that old people get more childish as the years go by.


    Admit when you are wrong and move on. People won't think the less of you.

    But when you throw your toys out of your perambulator after being proved wrong time and time again, you compound your already lowly reputation.

  10. 10 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Public inquiries always take years....  Not sure why, other than realising that public anger will have died down by then?


    They also end up largely exonerating 'important' people - or at least not providing enough evidence for them to be prosecuted.


    But perhaps I'm wrong and there are examples of public inquires carrying out their investigations within a reasonable time frame - and 'important/wealthy' people being prosecuted?


    Edit - In short, they're a 'sop' to the public IMO.


    Doesn't quite live up to her initial statement on the 15th of June;





    Theresa May today announced a judge-led public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy.

    The Prime Minister visited the scene this morning where she met firefighter chiefs who explained the scale of the inferno and how it had swept through the tower block.

    Speaking after her return to No10, she said: “Rightly, people want answers. That is why I am today ordering a full public inquiry into this disaster. We need to know what happened.

    “We owe that to the families, to the people who have lost loved ones, friends and the homes in which they lived.”


    They are just trying it on at every stage, to see with what they can get away. They only do something when their hand is forced. Really quite disgusting.

  11. 31 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Current rate at Superrich Bangkok is 44.30 , at the airport it is 44.25 . It is therefore more expensive to change money at the airport.  So the statement is not erroneous....


    It certainly can be, I would be charged at both ends with my current UK  cards.... so the statement is correct.


    Halifax is an ex-building society and not a clearing bank.  I used to have an account with them until they cheated me of a good chunk of money when they went public. The Clarity card sounds useful for tourists though.


    I like to learn of better ways, but your sanctimonious  ageism and quick to be rude approach needs to be worked on.









    Come on old man, don't try to move the goalposts. What you actually wrote was;



    As to original question. Away from the airport cash can be exchanged at a very slightly better rate, than a transfer will give you, 





    Exchange rates at the airport are lower. If you are 'penny-wise'  why not use a Bangkok Bank ATM at the airport. Personally I always arrive with baht cash. (I live here).



    Since the SuperRich International rate at the airport is superior to any transfer, what exactly was your point?


    Is there any indication that the OP is going to Bangkok? If they are not going to Bangkok, where better should they exchange their cash.


    Seriously, better for you to be quiet. You've been wrong more times than anyone else on this thread and now you try to attack me for having to correct all of your misleading information. You go too far.


    As to your other nonsense, the Halifax is actually Bank of Scotland. Halifax is simply a trading name.



  12. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Yes I am old, thanks for bringing that up, I am not INSISTING I am correct, simply stating what I do for comparison.


    The airport offices of Superrich appear to be near the Novotel and rail link. Rather out of my way with suitcases.


    You use a credit card for cash withdrawals? Unusual, I always expected to be charged interest from the moment I withdraw it. How do you avoid that. Also what is your limit on these withdrawals? (My transfer limit exceeds my needs).


    As I do not live in UK, alternative UK cards and accounts are near impossible for me.


    Surely my methods are reasonable for someone who wishes to send a larger amount while the rate is beneficial.... why does that make it wrong? Your method requires walking all over the airport carrying large amounts of cash or to various banks carrying passport and cards. Mine I do from my home at the computer.


    Now you suggest also using an ATM,  but the smaller withdrawal limit of 20k baht will require multiple payments of 220, which make your advice wrong and your rate comparison invalid. Naïve mathematics I would expect in a young mind.


    Message to you, not everybody in the world has a Halifax Clarity card! The interest rate is 18.5% p,a, only usable where you see the Mastercard Logo,  you are limited to your credit limit, be a UK resident, have a regular income.


    Your response did not address the OPs question..... mine did. You chose to pick an argument with my answer irrespective of the OP.  Go play with your mobile phone.


    Excuse me while I send some cash to my Thai bank account while the rate is better............. done, never left my chair!






    Why has it become all about you? No one asked what you do for comparison, since your circumstances do not relate to this case. He will not be sending £20,000 via a Jersey bank for holiday money.


    The original question thus;



    Hi everyone,


    Just wanted to ask some quick advice here as I’ve left it till the last minute to sort out holiday money.


    I’m heading over to Thailand with the wife and kids next week and I was planning on just using TransferWise to send GBP into my Bangkok bank account, but then I thought I might ask on here if it would be better to take GBP cash and exchange it in Thailand?


    With the exchange rate pretty dismal these days I wondered what are people’s thoughts?


    This my reply;



    Taking pounds in cash is a good option but of course you can lose it. Exchange some or all at the SuperRich Thailand counter at the Airport Link at Suvarnabhumi. Then you can take it directly to a branch of your Thai bank in order to deposit it. But of course walking around with all your money until you get to deposit it is a bit of a risk.


    But that is the best value option for you., as currently you'll get 43.07 baht for £50 notes at their airport location. £20 notes; 42.92. But that is still better than what you would receive with Transferwise or a Bank Transfer.


    Through further discussion, a mix of cash and Transferwise was chosen.


    But of course, had he sent all via Transferwise, he would already be 3% down, as the rate now is something like 1.4 baht more than he would have got with a transfer on the day of posting.


    So that is the original question sorted.




    Now we can get back to general advice


    You erroneously asserted that it was expensive to change cash at the airport. That was wrong. So now you complain about having to lug your suitcases to the Airport Link.


    You erroneously suggested that using plastic had charges on both sides and was expensive. That was wrong, so now you complain about having to take a card and passport to a bank.


    You argued that one would be sent to the ATM on trying to obtain cash over the counter. Wrong again, as you assumed debit card and not credit card.


    You argued that Halifax was not a bank.



    As to transferring "when the rate was  advantageous", your "advantageous rate" would not have been advantageous in this case..



    Once again, mattk1, asked what he should go to get the best value for money, not what was the most convenient.






    As to your question about avoiding interest on the Clarity, I can cover any withdrawal with a payment via on-line banking. Tap, tap, tap on my phone. Done.


    Old isn't meant as an insult. Just can be that older people are resistant to change. 


    No criticism of your way. It suits you. My issue with you was with your giving of erroneous advice.


    Anyway, all done now.


    As an aside, there are two branches of Bangkok Bank at the airport. One close to the Airport Link in the Free Zone and the other in the Transportation Centre.

  13. 13 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    The right plastic often involves specific acounts that have some other disadvantage. For example Halifax, a bank I prefer not to use.  A UK bank I am with used to charge a fixed (foreign use) fee plus a percentage charge, then of course there is a charge at the Thailand end. I do not believe you can avoid the Thailand end charge, and expensive at 200+ baht for only 20,000 baht withdrawals. Perhaps you can go through the effort of claiming it back?


    The exchange rate at the airport is poorer at the bank exchanges and TT, I have never seen the Superrich places when I arrive.


    Mastercard rate in the past, for me, was subjected to a % charge, but if I still have to pay fixed charges at both ends above this, it is irrelevant.


    My Jersey bank does not use any corresponent bank, I send 20,000, 20,000 arrives, no charge seen. At BB, 20,000 arives in  24 hours (sometimes less), and yes they convert at TT and apply a 500 baht charge. I have had this Jersey account about 30 years, and they now permit me to use a Thailand address.

    Some banks in Thailand will not readily let you withdraw over the counter using your foreign debit card, but insist you use the ATM.  You were told by Arandora 

    but are still peddling the concept.


    I prefer not to pay the Thai surcharge. Perhaps I focus too much on this, and as a Thailand resident have different needs.





    Are you old? It seems that you are a bit stuck in your ways and insist that you are right, when quite clearly you are wrong. Worse still you insist on giving advice based on outdated and erroneous data.


    Just because you don't see the SuperRich booths, does not mean that they do not exist. If you are confused about this, ask other members here.

    Current rate at SuperRich International  44 baht to the Pound. 



    Click on the link and scroll down to the airport location.


    Kasikorn TT rate 43.63

    Current Mastercard rate 43.95


    https://www.halifax.co.uk/creditcards/clarity-card/Default.asp  is a credit card. I never suggested trying to use a debit card over the counter.


    I do this on a regular basis and obtain the full Mastercard rate. I don't need to depend on hearsay. No other fees whatsoever.


    If you don't like the Halifax, there are a few other credit cards with similar conditions, but a smaller daily withdrawal limit.



    I am right and you are wrong. It is as simple as that. You can take it on board or you can continue to keep your head firmly in the sand.


    If you are sending £20,000 at a time to your Thailand bank account, you probably have no need to avail yourself of other methods and that is perhaps why your advice is outdated and often quite wrong.


    Apologies for appearing to be blunt, but I must insist, since you continue to suggest that you know better.


    As an aside, if you could take the max out an ATM with the Halifax Clarity, even taking the 220 baht charge into account, you would receive a rate of 43.50.  Not terribly different from the Kasikorn TT rate.

    So for the average person sending from a UK bank, they would suffer from a UK bank charge, a below par TT rate and the Thailand bank receiving charge.


    So please be mindful of the advice that you are dispensing to others, especially if you insist on not updating your knowledge.


    Once again, apologies for the bluntness of the delivery.







  14. 6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    My bank in Jersey does not make charges when I use internet banking. I do not claim it, it is a fact. Yes, I will get the BB TT rate and they charge up to 500 baht to receive. The same as using a foreign ATM to  get say only 40,000 baht.The only better rate I see is cash at some of the exchange houses, this is only very slightly better. I would not advise people to bring large amounts of cash, but up to them.  You appear to not know what you are talking about and should go and get annoyed somewhere else. Excuse my nervousness at not wanting to involve another 3rd party, clearing agency.


    Where is the spot rate available to you?



    Ok, where do I begin?


    First you suggested that there are charges on both sides when withdrawing via an ATM. I illustrated that was wrong, when using the right plastic.


    Then you suggested that the exchange rate at the airport was poor and that it would be better to withdraw from a Bangkok Bank ATM. I think SuperRich 1965 and SuperRich International at the Airport Link would beg to differ.


    Now you write that the BB TT rate is the same as the rate you would get when utilising plastic. Again wrong. BB's TT rate yesterday was 42.83250. Yesterday's Mastercard rate was 43.19


    Earlier you stated that it would be better to do a transfer than utilising plastic, but it seems that you based that on a Jersey based bank that doesn't charge for sending money. Hardly universal advice then and even there there could still be a Correspondent bank.


    So perhaps you can understand why I am somewhat circumspect with regard to your advice on this thread.


    Apart from all of that, withdrawing over the counter using the right plastic is still better value overall.








  15. 3 hours ago, boike said:


    That is my statement and absolutely correct. I've used them since they came on the scene. Again no charges if you send well over the £2000 and in my case €15000 and you select zero in pay as you go. Subsequent transfers within 12 months will be charged. You get the exact same amount of money as shown with no cost from your Thailand bank. And in the US also no bank charges as they use ACH with your routing number.

    Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk




    Actually I was probably the first or one of the first to link to them here. But I have never used them, as my current method offers better value. 

    But interesting to know that that you can go over the £2k limit in a single transfer. May turn out to be useful for some.

  16. 2 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    If you are purchasing property,  you must have the funds wired from abroad in order to get the specific form, from the receiving bank, that will enable you to repatriate the funds in case of a future sale..


    If not, I found the best option with the inherent risks of course, was to carry cash with me. Depending on your currency, look out for which bills give you the best rates, as a 50,-- bill wont give as good a rate as a 100 bill (either un US$ or €uros).


    Having cash can also avoid issues of being refused entry, if Immigration challenges you to show your cash and means of living during your sojourn in Thailand.  (as read on a previous thread here today),


    I never use the exchange counters at Suvar airport, if so only a bit of cash to pay the driver. I found the best rates at MBK Shopping Mall - Bangkok money exchange booths. Last but not least, remember to always have your passport with you when you want to change foreign exchange in Thailand.


    Currency upto US$ 19'000,-- /per entry, does not need to be declared at customs, unless the rules have changed!


    If you bring more, declare it, or take the risk of extra hassle or even confiscation. A few of the boys with uniforms and parachute wings, seem to be on the hunt on how to harass or ripoff expats or tourists, so play fully by the book and all will go smooth......have a nice trip, stay safe when crossing the road or driving and most of all.....have lot's of fun!!!!!!!:partytime2:


    You are missing a trick not exchanging at the Airport, as you'll find some of the best rates there, at the Airport Link. 



  17. 2 hours ago, Arandora said:

    I have a Kasikorn Bank Account and when I transfer to it using a UK Exchange Service, I am charged by Kasikorn under their Terms & Conditions. How do Xendpay get around these? 
    Assuming Kasikorn do charge, the difference between the amount transferred for £1000 in THB would, at the moment, be about £10, which is the suggested charge. So by electing to pay no charge, I would save the equivalent of £10. If I transferred £5000 which I normally do, I would save the equivalent of £35, if I did not pay the £50 suggested charge.

    If I were to take over in cash and change at SuperRich in Phuket Airport (nearest branch to where we stay in Khao Lak) then pay into my Kasikorn Account I would get about 1640 baht more than with Xendpay or 3140 more than with my Exchange Service. 



    He stated that they have a local partner. So it would be a local transfer and therefore no receiving fee.

    So a useful alternative for relatively large transfers.


    For everyday spending, fee free card over the correct counter is still the best, behind running around with £50 notes and heading to a SuperRich. Mastercard currently 43.18348.  SuperRich 43.35

    TT rates are all under 43, as is XendPay and TransferWise(after fees).



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