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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 11 hours ago, balo said:

    Lumpini Ville offer sizes from 26sqm to 45 sqm , The bigger ones rent out at around 13000 baht , not bad 



    Though not quite Central Pattaya, unless he consider Naklua part of Central Pattaya.


    I haven't seen any 45sq. m. one bed apartments there. Is 13k for 45 sq. m. short term or long term?


    Do you have a link? I didn't find one.



  2. 16 hours ago, gmac said:

    Clearly you have an issue with size, what the OP actually wanted was a 1 bedroom apartment with good internet, no mention of size at all.  His main concern is quality of internet not what sort of view he has or how big the place is.

    It's not the first post from the OP.



    As the title states, I'm looking to rent an apartment next month in pattaya/jomtein for about 3 months. My budget is approx. 15000 a month.

    Obviously I'd prefer a pool, but that's not a deal breaker. 1 bedroom if possible, if not, then at least a larger studio with couch etc.


    Previously he looked at Centre Condo. So looked at apartments of probably around 50 sq. m. for a one bedroom.


    Yes, I have an issue with over-priced shoe boxes in the sky. Barely fit for habitation.


    He can use 4G for Internet in necessary.


    He is free to choose,. So give balanced and honest info.


    Rooms are small and some called one bed apartments are nothing of the sort. That's the truth.

  3. 3 hours ago, newnative said:

    I think any normal person without an agenda reading my post would understand that the meaning was that condos of at least 34 sqm are available at the 3 projects that I mentioned.  But bigger or smaller might also be available--most condo projects offer a variety of condo sizes and a renter or buyer can select the size that fits his or her needs and budget.  It is not my duty to post links--the OP can investigate for himself if he is interested in any of the condo projects that I mentioned.   Perhaps instead of criticizing my suggestions you might come up with some specific condo projects that you think would meet the needs of the OP--that's the actual purpose of this particular discussion, not a debate on how big a 1 bedroom condo should be.


    A normal person understands at least 34 square metres to mean at least 34 square metres. 

    The you expect them to track these down, only to find there are many well below 34 square metres within the projects you recommend.

    Not that 34 sq. m is any kind of benchmark.

    You also failed to mention the policy of at least one of the projects to describe studios with a sliding partition, as a one bedroom apartment.


    So if I have an agenda, perhaps it is to expose those who glibly recommend over priced shoe boxes. 

    Glibly being the operative word. At least be honest. A friend lives in a 33 sq. m. new apartment with a separate bedroom.. I won't even visit her, as two in an apartment that size is a crowd.

    No mention of the six rooftop sunbeds for over 1000 units in one of the projects.


    If you want to help, help. But be honest about the pros and cons. Rather than writing about parking and two pools etc as if they are something special. Two pools for a building with 1000 units is hardly a selling point.


    It may be that one of the places turns out to be perfect for the OP. But let's give a balanced view to people who ask for help.



  4. 2 hours ago, newnative said:

    I think you are the one who is mistaken.  All the 1 bedrooms at Unixx with balconies are at least 34sqm.  They have studios that are smaller.   The 1 bedrooms at Centric with balconies range from 32sqm to around 41sqm.  Average is around 35sqm. The Base 1 bedrooms are 29sqm and 35sqm.  You are right that there are more 29sqm units but the OP can certainly find a 35sqm seaview condo at The Base--I used to own one so I know they exist.   Whether a 35sqm condo is too small for a 2 month visit, only the OP can decide.  I could certainly  live comfortably in one and enjoy all the nice amenities these 3 new condo projects have. 



    Remember what you write;



    The 3 projects I mentioned all have 1 bedroom rentals available of at least 34sqm 



    Do you know the meaning of "at least". It is short for "at the very least".


    That, clearly, was not true and you have admitted as such.


    Is Centric Sea the one that uses sliding doors and then calls it a one bedroom?


    You still haven't linked to even a single 35 sq.m seaview apartment within budget. Considering you stated that is is so easy, why not?


    Not that 35 sq. m. including balcony is ample for a one bedroom apartment. It is barely acceptable for a studio.


    Found one for you; http://unixxpattaya.com/for-sale-rent/posts/f8/t52/32nd-fl-35sqm-1br-sunset-view-for-rent


    Unixx perhaps being the best of your suggestions.


    But in my opinion they are just pokey with way too many units. Reminiscent of a council tower block in the UK.







  5. 7 hours ago, newnative said:

    The 3 projects I mentioned all have 1 bedroom rentals available of at least 34sqm with good floor plans. Yes, they are small but I think the good locations and the great amenities help to make up for the small size.  The OP mentioned he will be working from his condo; if he wants a break from his work each of these projects offer nice pools, gyms, lounges, etc. for him to use without having to go far.   I'm sure the OP would welcome other condo project suggestions for central Pattaya that are in his price range.


    Naah..... most of them are less than 34 sq.m.




    Even a 34 sq.m  space is not much better than a shoe box. Some projects, instead of a separate bedroom,  use a transparent sliding door to separate the bed from the living/kitchen area and then deem to call it a one bedroom apartment. A joke. Some won't even have any outside space in the form of a balcony. Others will have wonderful views of your neighbours opposite


    Often a claimed 34 sq.m. apartment shrinks to a 30sq.m apartment with a balcony.


    For me those are not places to live, but perhaps a place that a businessman would use whilst working away from home or a holiday apartment.


    That's why I suggested links within budget, as your suggestion that he will find  a 34 sq.m. seaview apartment at The Base, a little glib.


    So perhaps you can point him to one or two as it is so easy.


    I too like the facilities, but not at the expense of the accommodation.



    A typical review about the Base.



    Horrible rules and experience here. Over 1000 units and only 6 loungers at the rooftop pool. And the loungers are only in the sun and bolted to the floor. Also, 2,000 baht fine if caught with any food or drink at the pool or lounge areas??? So can't even have a bottle of water there. - No wifi in most of the rooms. So you have to go to public areas for wifi. - wifi in public areas not working most the time.



    They love the rooftop, but 1112 units and six sunbeds??

    Many concurring about the small rooms and I'm sure that these are short term stays. Staying there for months probably akin to living in a prison.


  6. 4 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Yes you are right for The Base, but in theory only...

    In practice there are many owners who rents for 1 week or less!

    And some other owners who now complain because of these groups of Chinese tourists who are regularly staying there for just a few days.




    He is not right at all, even in theory. One swallow does not make a summer.


    Another ad for the base shows that much shorter periods are offered; http://www.renthub.in.th/en/condo-listings/the-base-for-rent


    In reality, owners can scant afford to insist on three/six/twelve monthly minimum contracts. The reality is that they simply ask for  more money for a shorter period.







  7. 11 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    OP, most condo's and internet contracts are a minimum 3 mouth contract, so for a 2 month stay you will be limited to a hotel or serviced apartment and whatever internet is included. Depending on location you may be able to use telco wifi from the street or hotspot cellular internet.


    Of course this is not true. I don't have any idea as to why you would post such inaccurate info.


    There are many options for monthly rentals for when it comes to apartments. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, newnative said:

    There are 3 new highrise condo complexes on Pattaya Second Road you might consider:  The Base, Unixx South Pattaya, and Centric Sea.  All 3 have very nice amenities--at least 2 big pools each, gyms, nice lobbies, garage parking, sauna, etc. The Base and Centric Sea also have sky lounges and sky pools.  Baht buses right out the front door and Unixx also has its own shuttle bus.  Should easily be able to rent a 1 bedroom seaview condo within your budget.  Good luck.



    Why not link to a few?


    You should point out that while they might have good amenities, the apartments themselves may be tiny.


    A 29 sq. m room claiming to be a one bed apartment is surely a joke. Some as small as 22 sq. m., so beware.







  9. Make sure that you have a MiFi/unit that can create a HotSpot in so that you will have something on which to fall back.

    You can purchase a monthly unlimited up to 4Mbps package for 650 baht + VAT or less with any of the networks.


    You have varied options for apartments. 19k  for 54 sq. m. on Walking Street. 20k for 78 sq. m. a bit further back....




  10. Do yourself a favour, Flustered.


    Just have a quick run-through of the posts on this single page of the Grenfell Action Group before making futher comment.




    and then this;





    Then perhaps you will understand why the anger against the council and why the people want an independent inquest and not a public inquiry.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    One statement by a neighbour on what a man told her.


    How do we know what caused it? It could have been a cooker fire after all it is Ramadan and at this time of night, people are busy cooking meals. It could have been a cigarette on a settee or it could have been the fridge. We do not know and too many people have been pilloried in the past by knee jerk reactions when they were entirely innocent.


    I seem to be in a minority when it comes to innocent until proven guilty. Today's world is string everyone up and hope we got the guilty one.





    Are you really missing the simple point that a fire in one apartment, should not have engulfed the whole building.

    That is the issue here. 


    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    I will stick to one point.


    The people who are the wrong ones to blame are the new Labour councillors who would have been ripped to pieces by that agitated lynch mob. They had only just been elected so how could they be responsible.


    Oh it's the councils fault, no it's the Governments fault, no it's Teresa May's fault. You do not know yet who is to blame and that will come out in the inquiry, not a kangaroo court.


    The person responsible is the one who caused the fire in the first place and if the cladding is found to be responsible for the growth of the fire, then the person who specified it is responsible. Not some poor council office worker who had nothing to do with this.


    No one is blaming the ordinary council workers and no one here has suggesting such a thing, but here you are arguing with people posting facts.


    I have not even once posted about the actions of protesters.So if your comments are concerning the actions of the protesters, you should have made that clear in the first place. Otherwise it looks as if you are back-pedalling.


    My posts are aimed at keeping the people responsible for the disaster in the public eye.

    Therese May's response was woeful. Like a mother who has no time for her children, so buys them sweets and toys instead...too little and too late.


    It's not just one person responsible. There were many decisions taken and not taken that led to the disaster.

    Why on earth would we want any of the people involved in public office? They have proved incompetent and they need to go. No ifs or buts.








  13. 5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    This post expemplifies how its vecome  a political issue.....


    Is that even English?


    It is a political issue. I don't know why you would imagine that it is not.

    The government who kicked the review into the long grass and left it there is the government in power. Why should we trust them, especially as the man currently responsible became the PM's Chief of Staff.

    The Conservative government would like to hold a public enquiry. Now to the uninitiated, that sounds like a transparent process...but it is not.


    Read about the differences between a Public Enquiry and an Inquest.




    So there is good reason as to why the government would prefer a public enquiry. They want to cover their backsides and to stay in power whatever the cost.


    Whereas we need the best possible representatives, regardless of persuasion. 


    So, it is political and the quicker we all understand that, the better.

  14. 2 hours ago, Flustered said:

    Give it a break.


    Knee jerking leads to the wrong people being blamed and lives ruined. It also leads to the sort of mob rule we saw yesterday.


    But it seems what a certain section of society wants, anarchy and mob rule rather than law and order and the truth.



    Who do you think are the wrong people?

    The people that supplied and fitted the cladding? We can see that they are paragons of virtue with their tax dodges and putting themselves into administration in order to avoid paying their creditors....only to purchase the assets of the old company and carry on like nothing happened.

    The government who kicked the ball into the long grass and left it there for four years?

    The council who ignored the concerns of the residents and even threatened to sue them for libel? The same people who claim that they didn't bother to fit sprinklers costing less than £250,000 because they didn't want to disrupt the residents, but worded it to sound as if the residents did not want it.

    Shall I go on?


    What you don't seem to understand, mainly because you do seem to know anything, is that all of this is already known.

    The problem is that the powers that be have to put it together for themselves. It's not that we don't know what happened.

    The whole thing is a shambles.


    While some some to claim that political capital is being made out of this...that is because it is political. 

    Those are the people who are making decisions on our behalf and they appear almost entirely inept. It's actually scary.





  15. 2 hours ago, Flustered said:

    So you are one of the knee jerk people who just want to blame someone.


    Do you know how long it takes to carry out an investigation into a tragedy like this...of course you don't You just want to point a finger at anyone.


    The cause of the fire and the reason it spread so fast be be properly investigated and by someone who knows what they are doing, not a desktop jockey.


    Looking at your posts, it is plain for all to see that you are just trying to stir up the flames and start arguments with FMs. Only a matter of time before the Mods read your posts.



    Sometimes you need to engage brain before your knee jerk response.

    Once again, I will tell you that much of this was known before the disaster. The powers that be just kicked it down the road.

    Why do you think that people like myself were able to post relevant info so quickly?


    I was the first to post the companies involved and how quickly they took pages down in order to hide their involvement.

    Because of the work of people like myself, some of them saw the action as futile and self incriminating and put them back up.

    I was also the first here to highlight the dodgy practices of the Baileys, which has now been picked up by the newspapers;  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4611268/Grenfell-cladding-bosses-2-5m-tax-avoidance.html


    I could go on. But no need. I post facts, not conjecture.


    Whereas I have no idea as to why you are posting at all. Do you have any knowledge with regard to this situation?

    I'm guessing that you do not....but here you are posting away. Trolling in my opinion. But it is a discussion forum and I am confident that my posting of relevant information will sweep away your meaningless opinion.




  16. 4 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


    WOW, what a rant to just deny a simple fact I stated.


    You should get out more, as you must be bored to the teeth, or at least that's what you make others with your apologism loaded drivel.




    Helps if you can read Norwegian. Then one can more easily do their due diligence. 

    An example: https://www.h-avis.no/haugesund/naringsliv/nyheter/taper-en-halv-million/s/2-2.921-1.5671794

    • Like 2
  17. 4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Some OK, very general and generic advice there, not much of it directly relevant to operating in Thailand. Once you get past reading the lengthy advertisements inserted into the article for Chase's high annual fee credit card.


    Contrary to the article's impression, there actually these days are quite a few U.S. credit card choices that have absolutely NO foreign currency fee, and likewise a fair number of debit card choices with no foreign currency fee, and some debit cards that also even reimburse the Thai banks' current 220 baht ATM withdrawal fee.


    Also, while exchange booths in some places and countries can be dodgy ventures, here in Thailand, AFAIK, you can normally expect to get pretty good exchange rates for home country cash if you use either of the two primary private exchangers, being SuperRich or VASU.



    There is SuperRich Thailand and SuperRich 1965. Not same.

  18. 9 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Some of the comments here make me realise a) how boring it must be to live in  Thailand full time B) how the place attracts an unhealthy coterie of undesirable , bigoted malcontents and c) I should spend less time here and more in the real world with healthy , functioning adults and finally d)  my anticipated 3 month overwintering will be more than enough - thankyou.


    Do you imagine that everyone posting here is in Thailand?

    When I heard about the London Bridge incident, I went straight out to look for perpetrators. Only later did I learn they were already dead.

    Some of us act when we can, rather than just to sit in our chairs and talk about it.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Here It Is said:

    I'm not going to put you on my ignore list as I quite enjoy your posts.


    But, in this instance, I won't be responding any further.



    I think that you should respond and stand by what you write.

    You could be making a perfectly valid point. But we'll never know if you hit and run.

    It could be that we are discussing at cross purposes.

    When I write of people not waiting, I am certainly not referring to any kind of violent or aggressive behaviour. 

    I am writing or immediate action to prevent this from ever happening again.

    So if you have a point, stand up like a man and make it without fear.


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