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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 4 hours ago, Aussie69 said:

    I put Win 10 on an old Win8 laptop recently (may 2017) I just downloaded it from Microsoft, it installed & updated - no prompts for licenses or payment. It registered and that was it.


    I don't think they are chasing licenses/fees on home versions of Win10 so much anymore. I think their priority is to transition everyone to Win10.






    That is the right answer. :wink:

  2. 8 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Are those M&S's fine offerings?


    Unless you're a steak-a-day man, looks like you'll need to eat all those over a couple of days before next weekend.


    Actually no, LIDL's 'premium' offering.  I'm sharing. So only two for me. Already discussions as to who has the rib-eye. So I'll probably have just half of that. :smile:

  3. 3 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

    It is astonishing how virtually ALL the staff in shops where their terminal has a pin input facility to use with cards that require it simply don't know about it,let alone how to use it. You literally have to take over the process yourself....and they never remember next time you go back! On the few occasions I've had a transaction declined by the bank  it is always with outlets where the terminal has no pin input facility . If the card is subsequently blocked, my nationwide select card gets immediately unblocked as soon as I advise them by secure message that it was legitimate. They often phone or text just after the attempt ed transaction to verify. 

    I cannot understand the reason for your bank needing to send another card rather than use the process I described.


    I'm guessing because in your case it's just a suspect transaction. In GB's case it was incorrect PIN entered three times. So the PIN needs to be reset. Usually done in a UK ATM.

  4. 1 minute ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Tbh that's what I am receiving by courier. I  just had to call them myself but you would think they would do it for me . There's no charges etc for purchases abroad on this card and it is their so called elite travel credit card ?


    At least you are getting a card. A lot better service than most would receive. Having to call is a small inconvenience in comparison to having nothing at all or have to pay forex fees.

    Take a look at my listing in so that you always have a useful fallback in future.

  5. 1 hour ago, jojothai said:

    In relation to the comment from GoldenBrwn1 for the original post, If you cannot get 001-800-11-887-0663,

    you can call mastercard from abroad at +44 1268 508 018 to avoid the potential premium charges.

    I use skype which is cheap for this because of it being a landline UK number.


    For johng, it is correct that they will want a few percent and this is much more attractive than being subject to the bank spread for a currency like Thai Baht.

    Long ago It used to be that you got charged the bank spread (Horrific even now, see below). However for some time now, the EU agreed rules cushion us from this.

    You get the benefit of a middle rate of exchange without a spread, but instead have to pay the credit card fee - from experience averages about 3%,

    This saves a good amount of money varying according to different banks exchange rate.


    EG. If you currently use Thai Baht and get charged the current UK Natwest Rate, the  spread is 40.22 to 48.4 which is 20%.

    Therefore you will be lose  half of that or 10% in the conversion. Which is far more than the few percent average that the credit card companies use.


    I can tell you that I much prefer the current system. You know the approx amount you will be charged.


    Just imagine if you were in the middle east, as I was a few years ago and had one of their banks credit card - used in Thailand to draw Baht - as happened to me once or twice.

    Found after that they  have a 50% spread for Thai Baht vs their currency. Needless to say I didnt let it happen again.



    See post #22. I haven't paid forex fees in at least ten years. Possibly more, I don't remember exactly.

  6. 2 hours ago, johng said:

    What card are you using ?
    My debit/credit cards from the UK want to charge 2.5 - 3.5 percent for the privilege of using them outside the EU !


    Change your debit/credit cards. Those below will reduce your charges to 0%.


    Credit, you have the choice from;


    Halifax Clarity

    Creation Everyday

    Santander Zero

    Barclaycard Travel Platinum Visa


    All of the above are superior to the "Elite" product in the first post, as they don't levy any fees, apart from interest, for cash advances.


    Below have no fees for purchases abroad.


    Post Office Platinum

    Saga Platinum

    Nationwide Select Visa


    These two for people perhaps rebuilding their credit record;


    Aqua Reward

    Aqua Advance




    Cumberland Plus Visa






    So you have a lot of options. Never depend on just one card.






  7. 3 hours ago, BEVUP said:

    Don't know the number but you may have to go through your bank since it was issued through them

    I will wait in anticipation to see if a bank or credit facility will send you one overseas (i couldn't even get one sent to the other side of my own country

    Was originally told the credit side of my card (Visa ) had been breached even though I still had card. But was assured my savings side of it will be fine - Certainly will not be believing them again


    Depends on your institution. My UK institution, organised the sending of an emergency Gold VISA card out to me in Thailand. It was sent from Singapore by courier.

    I don't understand why a card that calls itself Elite, leaves it to the cardholder to contact Mastercard in order to receive an emergency card. I had to do nothing of the sort.

  8. 4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Have to agree.


    Riding a scooter in Thailand is entirely different to riding a scooter in the UK.


    Equally dangerous, but for different reasons - which is why I can understand why those on scooters HERE may be shocked when someone suddenly brakes in front of them as its imperative that we're constantly checking everything that is happening around us!


    Jamjar doesn't even live in Thailand, and yet is the most vociferous poster on this thread?!


    Having said this, I have no time for Glass who seems more than a little odd -  not very concerned that he was responsible for the death of his girlfriend  and preferring to post videos proclaiming his innocence and asking for money.


    I've never ridden a scooter in the UK. 

    I ride one in Thailand because it is convenient.

    I spend more time travelling the world than staying in the UK.


    Don't hitch your wagon to idiots or you end up looking like one.


    I post when I know of what I speak/write, otherwise I stay silent. You should try it.

  9. 50 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Why on earthsname would he discuss anything with you. Get real, this is an internet forum, and you're nothing more than a poster here, albeit somebody who finds himself important.


    I don't expect him to do anything of the sort. The man is a coward.

    This was after the lame threat by your bird of a feather friend Boiled Frog, about suing for defamation. I replied that he was welcome to contact me in order to discuss it.

    Since you are the one liking the ludicrous posts of Boiled Frog, you should at least remember the nonsense to which you have aligned yourself.


  10. Reading that gave me a headache.

    Have no idea as to what you are trying to do. Exchange Thai baht to Pounds to place in a UK bank account? 

    https://www.kasikornbank.com/en/rate/Pages/Foreign-Exchange.aspx  TT sell rate currently 44.35 baht for every Pound, though Kasikorn claim to use the Spot Rate, so check beforehand.



    Of course you transfer in Pounds and not Thai baht. Costs are 500 baht to K Bank and whatever your UK bank(and Correspondent Bank if there is one. Check beforehand if K Bank have a relationship with the bank to which you intend to transfer in the UK because if there is an intermediate bank, they will add their fee too)


    Alternatively, you can pay 1200 baht to cover fees on both sides. But this is for when you are paying someone abroad and you need them to receive an exact amount.


    Which broker do you use?

  11. 1 hour ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

    Who are you in the scheme of things?


    Just some random anonymous poster on an internet forum.


    If you are so incensed by the behavior of the young lad, just meet with him in person and have a chat.


    He is easily identified and located I should think.  Unlike yourself of course.




    If if I told you who I was, you still would come up with an inane reply. It's your nature.

    I would have no problem discussing it with him in person. I have posted an open invitation for him to write to me.

    Do you expect me to fly to Thailand to discuss it with him?

    I have little interest in the p*ss taking criminal, but for the fact that he is responsible for the accident, talks about responsibility and then shirks it at the first opportunity. I would have no problem with telling him that to his face.

    Why don't you identify yourself? Just another hypocrite?



  12. 4 hours ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:



    I have just read through this thread, all of these old guys are hating on this young guy, but then telling people to check out his videos (from which he makes his income).


    Hilarious? Someone dies horribly and to you it's hilarious. Perhaps you should stick to threads where you admit to using supplements to keep up with your "girlfriend.

    This is a serious matter and I for one find the man's behaviour unacceptable. 



  13. You just need to find a more intelligent way. Just like an exchange service, you pay in one country and they pay you out in another. Not rocket science. That way your money doesn't need to leave the country.

    It's the way it has worked within some communities for decades and beyond. Peer to peer networks.

    Imagine it this way. Aussie lives in Thailand but also has a bank account in Australia. You are going back to Oz. He needs baht, you need AU$. You give him your baht, he transfers AU$ to your Aussie bank account from his Aussie bank account. You decide to do this at the spot rate.

    Everyone is happy. There are peer to peer companies that do just this. They handle the deal and take their cut.


  14. 2 hours ago, anotherfarangishere said:

    Thanks RichCor. I should be back in Thailand before end of June. By the way I have bought a new phone and it's using nano card and my AIS Sim is a micro one. I have read you can ask to a nano one and keeping the same number (or maybe "cut" your micro card to reborn it as a nano one), could you confirm specifically for AIS ?


    Thanks !


    No need to cut a SIM, they can just give you a new SIM with the same number. You'll only want it cut if you have a lot of numbers  or SMS stored to the SIM


    14 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    From this I would guess you work in Thailand, have a work permit?

    In this case transferring from your Thai account would be relatively easy.

    Otherwise it can be troublesome.





    In this example, you would elect to send in Pounds which would be exchanged at BB's buying rate + 0.5% + 400 baht + plus any Correspondent Bank fees and/or Receiving Banks fees in the UK.


    Bangkok Bank offer to take 1150 baht to include the Receiving Bank and Correspondent Bank fees, but then state if the fees are more than 1150 baht they'll charge more anyway.


    jacobsladder could check to see if there will be any extra fees from his UK bank and/or a Correspondent Bank along the way. But likely he wont really know until he sees how much he gets on the other side.



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